Is the Democratic Party the New National Socialism?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They are beginning to resemble the Nazis more with each passing day.

The racialism, Big Lie tactics, control of the media and corporate cronyism combined with nationalism (of sorts) and a commitment to the idea that the government has all right to do whatever the government wants and tht the government ultimately owns everything, it is all right out of Mein Kamph.

They have been engaging in the most violent riots, calling for the assassination of Trump, a democratically elected President, and calling for the murder of Trump supporters.

Have these people not one shred of common decency any more?

OF course some mod will put this thread buried deep in some dungeon of cob web infested nothingness, lol.

Guess Truth hurts, lol.


1. Economic Fascism – Like the National Socialists, Democrats want to maintain the façade of private ownership while putting control in the hands of the state. Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull – how close industrialists were to the Nazi leadership. Similarly, the Obama administration has come more and more to resemble the “crony capitalism” it denounced in 2008. Companies whose executives made lavish contributions to the Obama campaign ended up with contracts worth hundreds of millions for products that couldn’t possibly be manufactured with private financing. Solyndra is the most glaring example. The private/government partnership typical of fascism is taken a step further. In January 2011, Obama appointed General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt head of his jobs council. Need you ask which candidate GE’s executives will invest in next year to keep their jobs?

2. Cult of personality – Hitler, Stalin and Mao were its most prominent practitioners. Obama is no slouch. It started at the 2008 Democratic nominating convention in Denver. Mere mortals accept their party’s nomination at the convention site. Not Barack Obama, whose campaign packed 80,000 delirious followers into the Denver Bronco’s stadium to hear Glorious Leader-in-waiting deliver his coronation speech amidst fake Greek pillars. (It was all reminiscent of the elaborately-staged events in Nuremberg, where the masses worshipped another man-God). At Obama’s $150-million inauguration, celebrity cretins like Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and Cameron Diaz, pledged to their leader to “be the change” (his change). In a recent “60 Minutes” interview, the man whose hubris is in perpetual overdrive obliquely declared himself the 4th best president in American history. Why only 4th? Can the divine image on stamps, coins and statues be far off?

3. Penchant for thuggery – The Nazis used their S.A. street fighters to intimidate opponents. In 1972, during the McGovern campaign, the national Democratic Party was taken over by the New Left, whose hallmark was violent confrontations with the police during the ‘60s anti-war movement. (Obama has never disavowed ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers, who still boasts of blowing things up in the 1960s.) In answer to Tea Party activism and Republican victories in 2010, Democrats have become increasingly unhinged. In February, Massachusetts Congressman Mike Capuano told a gang of labor goons in Boston, “Every once and awhile, you need to get out in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” (The goons proceeded to rough-up counter-protestors.) On Labor Day, Obama appeared at a rally with AFL-CIO Capo Richard Trumka, who had earlier told Illinois UMW members to get out and “kick the sh-t out of every last” worker who crossed picket lines. Lately, we had the Occupy Wall Street Movement (the Obama Jugend) battling cops who came to evict the squatters. Totalitarians of all stripes believe adherence to their vision justifies violence.

4. They’ve come for your guns –The National Socialists inherited a firearms registration law from the Weimar Republic and preceded to make it progressively harsher. In 1938, gun ownership was limited to Nazi party members. Earlier, the Weimar registration lists were used to confiscate guns from “undesirables.” The German socialists feared guns in the hands of their opponents. Starting with the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968, every major piece of anti-Second Amendment legislation has been passed by Democrats. Fast and Furious, through which the ATF ran guns to Mexican drug cartels, was intended to discredit firearms dealers. Democrats call their gun-grabbing mania crime-prevention. Can they really be that stupid? The states with the least restrictive gun laws have the lowest crime rates. In a recent speech to the NRA, Newt Gingrich unmasked Obama’s stealth strategy – rather than push anti-gun legislation, he appoints anti-gun judges and signs anti-firearms treaties. The result is the same.

5. Undermine traditional religion while seeking to exploit it – But didn’t Hitler say he was a Christian. So does Obama. The religion mongered in the temple of Jeremiah Wright (anti-America, anti-Israel) bears the same relationship to normative Christianity that Obama-nomics does to the free market. Hitler idolized philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and composer Richard Wagner – both militant atheists. In public, Hitler would try to use Christianity. Privately, he was contemptuous of the faith as a conspiracy of the Jews to foist their morality on happy pagans. In 1942, his deputy, Martin Bormann, flatly stated, “National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible.” The Democrats never miss a chance to undermine traditional religion, especially by placing Church-State fetishists on the bench. Until it was exposed by a Republican Congressman and hastily rescinded, Obama’s New PC Army tried to ban gifts of Bibles to wounded warriors at Walter Reed Army Hospital. The National Christmas Tree on the Capitol grounds has a number of ornaments with references to Obama, but nothing about Christmas or the Nativity or a crèche at the base. The Capitol police threatened to arrest Rev. Patrick Mahoney if he carried out plans to read the Christmas story or sing carols at the lighting ceremony. Totalitarians don’t like competition for the people’s loyalty. One god at a time, please. ....
Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Lol, I am serious.

Libtards are claiming that Trump is a Nazi, but the Truth is of the two parties, the Democrats have the ideology most similar to the Nazis, not Trump.

As has been said, the Democrats have not been this mad since the Republicans ended slavery.
Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Lol, I am serious.

Libtards are claiming that Trump is a Nazi, but the Truth is of the two parties, the Democrats have the ideology most similar to the Nazis, not Trump.

As has been said, the Democrats have not been this mad since the Republicans ended slavery.

Aren't you a little old to jump the shark? lol
Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Lol, I am serious.

Libtards are claiming that Trump is a Nazi, but the Truth is of the two parties, the Democrats have the ideology most similar to the Nazis, not Trump.

As has been said, the Democrats have not been this mad since the Republicans ended slavery.

Aren't you a little old to jump the shark? lol
Oh, I see how it is; a little AGEISM here, eh?

Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Lol, I am serious.

Libtards are claiming that Trump is a Nazi, but the Truth is of the two parties, the Democrats have the ideology most similar to the Nazis, not Trump.

As has been said, the Democrats have not been this mad since the Republicans ended slavery.

Aren't you a little old to jump the shark? lol
Oh, I see how it is; a little AGEISM here, eh?


The Fonz made it look easy. :lol:

Good lord, don't fall into the same idiotic hole, Jim.
Lol, I am serious.

Libtards are claiming that Trump is a Nazi, but the Truth is of the two parties, the Democrats have the ideology most similar to the Nazis, not Trump.

As has been said, the Democrats have not been this mad since the Republicans ended slavery.

Aren't you a little old to jump the shark? lol
Oh, I see how it is; a little AGEISM here, eh?


The Fonz made it look easy. :lol:


All things are possible through the magic of TV, lol.
They are beginning to resemble the Nazis more with each passing day.

The racialism, Big Lie tactics, control of the media and corporate cronyism combined with nationalism (of sorts) and a commitment to the idea that the government has all right to do whatever the government wants and tht the government ultimately owns everything, it is all right out of Mein Kamph.

They have been engaging in the most violent riots, calling for the assassination of Trump, a democratically elected President, and calling for the murder of Trump supporters.

Have these people not one shred of common decency any more?

OF course some mod will put this thread buried deep in some dungeon of cob web infested nothingness, lol.

Guess Truth hurts, lol.


1. Economic Fascism – Like the National Socialists, Democrats want to maintain the façade of private ownership while putting control in the hands of the state. Whether a business prospered or failed in the Third Reich depended on political pull – how close industrialists were to the Nazi leadership. Similarly, the Obama administration has come more and more to resemble the “crony capitalism” it denounced in 2008. Companies whose executives made lavish contributions to the Obama campaign ended up with contracts worth hundreds of millions for products that couldn’t possibly be manufactured with private financing. Solyndra is the most glaring example. The private/government partnership typical of fascism is taken a step further. In January 2011, Obama appointed General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt head of his jobs council. Need you ask which candidate GE’s executives will invest in next year to keep their jobs?

2. Cult of personality – Hitler, Stalin and Mao were its most prominent practitioners. Obama is no slouch. It started at the 2008 Democratic nominating convention in Denver. Mere mortals accept their party’s nomination at the convention site. Not Barack Obama, whose campaign packed 80,000 delirious followers into the Denver Bronco’s stadium to hear Glorious Leader-in-waiting deliver his coronation speech amidst fake Greek pillars. (It was all reminiscent of the elaborately-staged events in Nuremberg, where the masses worshipped another man-God). At Obama’s $150-million inauguration, celebrity cretins like Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and Cameron Diaz, pledged to their leader to “be the change” (his change). In a recent “60 Minutes” interview, the man whose hubris is in perpetual overdrive obliquely declared himself the 4th best president in American history. Why only 4th? Can the divine image on stamps, coins and statues be far off?

3. Penchant for thuggery – The Nazis used their S.A. street fighters to intimidate opponents. In 1972, during the McGovern campaign, the national Democratic Party was taken over by the New Left, whose hallmark was violent confrontations with the police during the ‘60s anti-war movement. (Obama has never disavowed ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers, who still boasts of blowing things up in the 1960s.) In answer to Tea Party activism and Republican victories in 2010, Democrats have become increasingly unhinged. In February, Massachusetts Congressman Mike Capuano told a gang of labor goons in Boston, “Every once and awhile, you need to get out in the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.” (The goons proceeded to rough-up counter-protestors.) On Labor Day, Obama appeared at a rally with AFL-CIO Capo Richard Trumka, who had earlier told Illinois UMW members to get out and “kick the sh-t out of every last” worker who crossed picket lines. Lately, we had the Occupy Wall Street Movement (the Obama Jugend) battling cops who came to evict the squatters. Totalitarians of all stripes believe adherence to their vision justifies violence.

4. They’ve come for your guns –The National Socialists inherited a firearms registration law from the Weimar Republic and preceded to make it progressively harsher. In 1938, gun ownership was limited to Nazi party members. Earlier, the Weimar registration lists were used to confiscate guns from “undesirables.” The German socialists feared guns in the hands of their opponents. Starting with the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968, every major piece of anti-Second Amendment legislation has been passed by Democrats. Fast and Furious, through which the ATF ran guns to Mexican drug cartels, was intended to discredit firearms dealers. Democrats call their gun-grabbing mania crime-prevention. Can they really be that stupid? The states with the least restrictive gun laws have the lowest crime rates. In a recent speech to the NRA, Newt Gingrich unmasked Obama’s stealth strategy – rather than push anti-gun legislation, he appoints anti-gun judges and signs anti-firearms treaties. The result is the same.

5. Undermine traditional religion while seeking to exploit it – But didn’t Hitler say he was a Christian. So does Obama. The religion mongered in the temple of Jeremiah Wright (anti-America, anti-Israel) bears the same relationship to normative Christianity that Obama-nomics does to the free market. Hitler idolized philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and composer Richard Wagner – both militant atheists. In public, Hitler would try to use Christianity. Privately, he was contemptuous of the faith as a conspiracy of the Jews to foist their morality on happy pagans. In 1942, his deputy, Martin Bormann, flatly stated, “National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible.” The Democrats never miss a chance to undermine traditional religion, especially by placing Church-State fetishists on the bench. Until it was exposed by a Republican Congressman and hastily rescinded, Obama’s New PC Army tried to ban gifts of Bibles to wounded warriors at Walter Reed Army Hospital. The National Christmas Tree on the Capitol grounds has a number of ornaments with references to Obama, but nothing about Christmas or the Nativity or a crèche at the base. The Capitol police threatened to arrest Rev. Patrick Mahoney if he carried out plans to read the Christmas story or sing carols at the lighting ceremony. Totalitarians don’t like competition for the people’s loyalty. One god at a time, please. ....
Who cares? The fate of America is on you lunatics for the next 2 - 4 years. Are you trying to come up with excuses before you even get your supermajority?

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