Is the CDC Using Science or Social Justice Ideology for Vaccine Prioritization?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is the CDC Using Science or Social Justice Ideology for Vaccine Prioritization?

Is the CDC Using Science or Social Justice Ideology for Vaccine Prioritization? (
18 Dec 2020 ~~ By Katie Pavlich

he Center’s for Disease Control, the federal government entity responsible for evaluating the most efficient way to combat Wuhan coronavirus, could be making future vaccine recipient and prioritization determinations on “diversity” instead of age.
According to the CDC and listed in the science section of the presentation, the elderly are the most at risk of death due to Wuhan coronavirus. The CDC also confirms "older adults in congregate settings are disproportionately affected by COVID-19."
Regardless, the CDC is weighing whether the government should prioritize vaccination for other risk groups instead, essentially because they are more racially diverse.
In a piece published in the New York Times on Thursday, this concept and vaccine strategy was echoed and endorsed by a professor on a committee that advises the CDC on these decisions. (Bolding is mine)
An independent committee of medical experts that advises the C.D.C. on immunization practices will soon vote on whom to recommend for the second phase of vaccination — “Phase 1b.” In a meeting last month, all voting members of the committee indicated support for putting essential workers ahead of people 65 and older and those with high-risk health conditions.​
Historically, the committee relied on scientific evidence to inform its decisions. But now the members are weighing social justice concerns as well, noted Lisa A. Prosser, a professor of health policy and decision sciences at the University of Michigan.​
“To me the issue of ethics is very significant, very important for this country,” Dr. Peter Szilagyi, a committee member and a pediatrics professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said at the time, “and clearly favors the essential worker group because of the high proportion of minority, low-income and low-education workers among essential workers.”​
That position runs counter to frameworks proposed by the World Health Organization, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and many countries, which say that reducing deaths should be the unequivocal priority and that older and sicker people should thus go before the workers, a view shared by many in public health and medicine.
The CDC is using dangerous social justice ideology to make public health decisions, driven by radical university professors.

Why aren't we surprised that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists are truly in fact the "non-science" party - or rather - that "science" is always "Trumped" by "social justice".
It appears that the CDC is inundated with young white, SJW trained physicians who have been indoctrinated for deacdes in and by Marxists to hate themselves and America. Now they are at the helm and instead of following the Hippocratic Oath of "First Do No Harm" ('Primum non nocere') they are just following their marching orders.
The question is, when are we as a nation going push back against this kind of racism? Applying a simple concept of justice should rule that All Lives Are Equal. It is bad enough to factor in one's residual productivity in making healthcare decisions, let alone depriving whites based on their presumed past white privilege. Some may call this sophistication, but I call it pure lunacy.
I don't like the idea that homeless and street people should be vaccinated early on -- I just saw that today, don't know where, but it's this kind of thinking. Or rather, not thinking, just doing "woke." I'm okay with nursing home residents getting it early because that whole vulnerability has been very shocking for the whole country. Let's clean it up.

Otherwise, I'd like to see "essential" people getting it early on. (Clue: that wouldn't be politicians!! But of course they are going to take it anyway.) Obviously doctors and nurses. Arguments are being made for firefighters and police. Defense Dept. will take it whether we will or nil: probably already have. The Teachers Union is demanding early access --- I don't agree that they are essential, except in that they are refusing to open schools without vaccination, and without schools being open, parents, especially women, cannot work and so the economy continues tanked. So okay, teachers, because they've got us over a barrel.
The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party
I have no idea why you Trumpets give a god damn who gets it since you people claim you will refuse it because the virus is fake according to you people...
Can't read it and neither can you since it is a subscription based publication. The Nashville story is no indication of any policy making the minorities or homeless next in line it is a request by humanitarian groups which is not in the distribution network....

Again, Pence is in charge of the distribution of the vaccines..Then the states have determined how they will use the vaccines. There is not any single edict to the priority of the vaccine by a highly centralized operation.
The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party

I agree and the next group should be those with comorbid diseases and those above 65 years of age, color being irrelevant.
Your politicization of this issue only shows how much you enjoy lying and misinformation and evidently you want the vaccine ahead of some people. Why? I guess your tough guy persona is really just a little kitty...

To help guide these decisions, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) released an interim recommendation on December 1 for the highest priority group (“Phase 1a”) to include health care workers (HCWs) and long-term care (LTC) residents; we estimate that this populations together represents about 17.6 million people. ACIP also provided further guidance regarding sub-prioritization within these groups. While ACIP has yet to finalize recommendations on subsequent prioritization (expected soon), according to presentations and materials provided in recent ACIP meetings, the committee is likely to recommend that (non-health care) essential workers be the next priority group (“Phase 1b”), followed by persons age 65 and older and those with conditions that place them at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (“Phase 1c”). These groups are much larger, which will likely make the next stages of prioritization much more difficult given that supply will still be limited (according to ACIP, there are an estimated 87 million essential workers, 53+ million seniors and more than 100 million individuals with high-risk medical conditions).

Again, the CDC is under the control of the president I can't understand why you bitch about Trump being the president?
The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party

I agree and the next group should be those with comorbid diseases and those above 65 years of age, color being irrelevant.
They already are in line to get it in the first phase, but don't take my word for it you can give me a thumbs down again for proving you wrong, yet again...
Can't read it and neither can you since it is a subscription based publication. The Nashville story is no indication of any policy making the minorities or homeless next in line it is a request by humanitarian groups which is not in the distribution network....

Again, Pence is in charge of the distribution of the vaccines..Then the states have determined how they will use the vaccines. There is not any single edict to the priority of the vaccine by a highly centralized operation.

Hmm.... obviously you're lazy and didn't even try to read it

Covid-19 is devastating communities of color. Can vaccines counter racial inequity?
As states wrestle with whether to prioritize essential workers or the elderly, Tennessee is setting aside shots for especially vulnerable areas

By Isaac Stanley-Becker and Lena H. Sun
Dec. 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST
Haywood County, a majority-Black community not far from Memphis, has one health department, one nursing home and no hospitals. The fatality rate of covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is 50 percent higher than the state average.
But a supply of vaccines based strictly on its population would leave the county in the Tennessee Delta, site of the first known slaying of an NAACP member for civil rights activities, woefully short. There would be too few doses to make a dent in the disease’s burden on residents of color, who have been “devastated, both young and old,” said Gloria Jean Sweet-Love, who lives in Brownsville, the county seat, and serves as president of the NAACP’s state conference.
“Can you believe it?” she asked. “In the richest country in the world.”
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory group has signaled it will recommend prioritization of certain essential workers, in part to address racial disparities exposed by the pandemic. People of color are overrepresented in industries such as food processing and transit, in jobs impossible to do from home. Some of these workers could gain access to the shots early in the new year, after health-care workers and residents and staffers at long-term care facilities.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is scheduled to vote Sunday on recommendations for the next priority groups, heightening the pressure on state officials to refine their plans. The focus on essential workers as a way to advance equity has gained support from all 14 members of the independent panel of experts. Beth Bell, a clinical professor of global health at the University of Washington who chairs the panel’s vaccine working group, bluntly expressed the calculus: “If we’re serious about valuing equity, we need to have that baked in early in the vaccination process.”
The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party

I agree and the next group should be those with comorbid diseases and those above 65 years of age, color being irrelevant.
They already are in line to get it in the first phase, but don't take my word for it you can give me a thumbs down again for proving you wrong, yet again...

In theory. However hospital administrators are placing themselves in line before the people who are actually treating illness.

The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party

I agree and the next group should be those with comorbid diseases and those above 65 years of age, color being irrelevant.
They already are in line to get it in the first phase, but don't take my word for it you can give me a thumbs down again for proving you wrong, yet again...

In theory. However hospital administrators are placing themselves in line before the people who are actually treating illness.

The leaders of our govt are jumping the line all in the name of promoting everyone get the shot.
The racial disparities in Covid infections and death could largely be answered simply by making sure that front-line medical facility workers recieve the vaccine before anyone else.

There certainly could be no objection to such a prioritization either, except among fascist elitists of whatever party

I agree and the next group should be those with comorbid diseases and those above 65 years of age, color being irrelevant.
They already are in line to get it in the first phase, but don't take my word for it you can give me a thumbs down again for proving you wrong, yet again...

In theory. However hospital administrators are placing themselves in line before the people who are actually treating illness.

The leaders of our govt are jumping the line all in the name of promoting everyone get the shot.

Yeah. The rich are too, but just because they have antisocial personality disorder:


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