CDZ Is it Time to Break Up the FBI and CIA?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Since Trumps taking the oath of office, we have had three leaks of Presidential phone conversation between Trump and the heads of state of Australia, Mexico, and now a conversation with the President of the Ukraine, a critical ally along the border with Russia.

This is treason, to betray this confidence and it is coming out of the CIA. Period.

The CIA is privy to the Presidents phone calls and the heads of the CIA know that some of their staffers are hostile to this President and they assign them to the WH to get them to betray the US President for the purposes of getting 'actionable' dirt on him.

The CIA and the FBI for similar reasons, have become a modern version of the old Roman Empire's Praetorian Guard.

Many have called for the dismantling of the CIA, from JFK, to Truman, to former Reagan staffers, and even Bernie Sanders who one would think would one day plan to use it, lol.

There are many problems with running career elite central government 'protectors'. Like the Roman Praetorians, after a while you have to figure out who protects you from your protectors.

Now, I do not think that the functions of the CIA are to be completely abolished, I just think they should be broken up into about 12 different agencies. They should cover one different agency for each continent, one for space, one for economic interests, one for satellite analysis, one for corporate entanglements, one for human rights, and one to give briefings to the President and report back to an umbrella group that pools data, and the last one being a group who oversees intelligence related to Presidential foreign trips to provide security, logistics, etc. Not that exact number is necessary, but just the general idea of breaking the CIA into multiple rival agencies that wont be so cooperative or as dominant as the CIA is today.

We don't need an intel agency that a Senate Majority Leader would feel a need to warn his political rivals about 'being careful around'.

The CIA is too Big to Let Run Loose.
So basically you're pissed because the FBI and CIA didn't protect tRump from himself?

People are people, they all.have their limits. If you see enough wrongdoing eventually you're gonna spill it.
No. Breaking up the FBI and CIA because an idiot President was elected that thinks he is infallible is the dumbest thing ever. They would need to be replaced by other entities immediately, and those entities would hire all the old employees back as they're the best for the job. Huge waste of money. Then again, Trump does love to spend and waste.
No. Breaking up the FBI and CIA because an idiot President was elected that thinks he is infallible is the dumbest thing ever. They would need to be replaced by other entities immediately, and those entities would hire all the old employees back as they're the best for the job. Huge waste of money. Then again, Trump does love to spend and waste.
You like being governed by unelected people that hide in the shadows making rules for you to follow?....
No. Breaking up the FBI and CIA because an idiot President was elected that thinks he is infallible is the dumbest thing ever.
Do you know what a Straw man argument is?

No, I didn't think so.

They would need to be replaced by other entities immediately, and those entities would hire all the old employees back as they're the best for the job. Huge waste of money. Then again, Trump does love to spend and waste.

If you break the agencies up, no one is getting fired and rehired. The top brass loses their jobs, but that is a good thing as they are either corrupt or incompetent.
NYTimes 'Outs' Ukraine-Call "Whistleblower" As CIA Officer

as one former CIA officer noted very specifically:

The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?

My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Where outside groups opposed to the president involved?

This complaint will further damage IC relations with the White House for many years to come because IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls with foreign officials and their access to the president and his activities in the White House.

Worst of all, this IC officer -- and probably others -- have blatantly crossed the line into policy.

And sure enough, if The New York Times is to be believed, the complainant is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to work at the White House at one point, according to three people familiar with his identity.

The man has since returned to the C.I.A., the people said.​
Hmm finding more info online. Don't know if this is true, but the source is reliable in the past.

The deep state whistle spy is Michael Barry, former senior NSC director for intelligence programs.
He left the National Security Council in July after John Bolton fired him and returned to the CIA.
He has probably been the source of many of the White House leaks.

He worked with about 5 other CIA people to manufacture this complaint. He once worked with Eric Prince supervising a Terrorist Assassination Squad.

A read of the complaint shows it is nothing more than a disagreement over foreign policy.

It names Trump, Rudy and Barr, because its purpose is to block investigation into Crowdstrike and Ukraine 2016 election interference that the CIA was involved in

They did try to charge Trump with receiving an illegal campaign donation via the complaint but the DOJ tossed that ridiculous argument.

No president has ever been removed by impeachment. And Trump won't be removed when there is no crime.

The Democrats and CIA etc. for some reason think that anyone who disagrees with them on foreign policy is a criminal. They started the Russia Investigation on that basis, and now this.​
In all fairness, these agencies have legitimate roles in governance. They could be rebranded, or purged of the incompetent, but the roles will not go away.
In all fairness, these agencies have legitimate roles in governance. They could be rebranded, or purged of the incompetent, but the roles will not go away.
Yes, break them up into separate agencies based ont he function, b ut splinter this IC behemoth so it can no longer threaten our Republic with its skullduggery.
Time to move the entire DOJ out from under the Executive Branch. Trump has demonstrated what a corrupt President could and can do when the investigators are under the thumb of the person they are investigating.
Since Trumps taking the oath of office, we have had three leaks of Presidential phone conversation between Trump and the heads of state of Australia, Mexico, and now a conversation with the President of the Ukraine, a critical ally along the border with Russia.

This is treason, to betray this confidence and it is coming out of the CIA. Period.

The CIA is privy to the Presidents phone calls and the heads of the CIA know that some of their staffers are hostile to this President and they assign them to the WH to get them to betray the US President for the purposes of getting 'actionable' dirt on him.

The CIA and the FBI for similar reasons, have become a modern version of the old Roman Empire's Praetorian Guard.

Many have called for the dismantling of the CIA, from JFK, to Truman, to former Reagan staffers, and even Bernie Sanders who one would think would one day plan to use it, lol.

There are many problems with running career elite central government 'protectors'. Like the Roman Praetorians, after a while you have to figure out who protects you from your protectors.

Now, I do not think that the functions of the CIA are to be completely abolished, I just think they should be broken up into about 12 different agencies. They should cover one different agency for each continent, one for space, one for economic interests, one for satellite analysis, one for corporate entanglements, one for human rights, and one to give briefings to the President and report back to an umbrella group that pools data, and the last one being a group who oversees intelligence related to Presidential foreign trips to provide security, logistics, etc. Not that exact number is necessary, but just the general idea of breaking the CIA into multiple rival agencies that wont be so cooperative or as dominant as the CIA is today.

We don't need an intel agency that a Senate Majority Leader would feel a need to warn his political rivals about 'being careful around'.

The CIA is too Big to Let Run Loose.

You need to look up the definition of treason in the Constitution.

As to the rest.... no.
You need to look up the definition of treason in the Constitution.
I am using treason in the vernacular, not in the context of constitutional law.

These Deep State Praetorians need to be dismantled and made unable to influence our political process in any way, shape or form.
You need to look up the definition of treason in the Constitution.
I am using treason in the vernacular, not in the context of constitutional law.

These Deep State Praetorians need to be dismantled and made unable to influence our political process in any way, shape or form.

That word is tossed around far too often. There is a reason the founding fathers considered that crime, above any other, required a specific definition to prevent its misuse. To suggest an affront to the president constitutes treason is to suggest the president embodies the state. That is a real danger to our freedoms. We don't have kings here.

What these folks need is to be supported in a very difficult job and listened to. Not automatically attacked because they are saying something we don't want to hear.
Time to move the entire DOJ out from under the Executive Branch. Trump has demonstrated what a corrupt President could and can do when the investigators are under the thumb of the person they are investigating.

And place it where?
Time to move the entire DOJ out from under the Executive Branch. Trump has demonstrated what a corrupt President could and can do when the investigators are under the thumb of the person they are investigating.

And place it where?
Independent federal office. We elect congressmen every 2 years. Why not put the AG and DOJ under their purview on the same short leash. If we do that, the President can’t reward the AG with favorable treatment.
Time to move the entire DOJ out from under the Executive Branch. Trump has demonstrated what a corrupt President could and can do when the investigators are under the thumb of the person they are investigating.

And place it where?
Independent federal office. We elect congressmen every 2 years. Why not put the AG and DOJ under their purview on the same short leash. If we do that, the President can’t reward the AG with favorable treatment.

So you want a DOJ outside of control of elected officials? Based upon the theory that you can't have a corrupt AG?

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