Is it discrimination not to serve people on foot, or bicycles at fast food drive-throughs?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Every link I've read mentions insurance concerns and how they wont serve pedestrians or bicyclists since then cars might run you over in line. That seems sensible, but isn't accepting such customers and simply getting insurance to cover them what ya should be legally compelled to do? They presumedly have to buy insurance for the cars in line afterall.

And if banks, cafes, and other restaurants can accomodate bicyclists at least, shouldn't every fast food restaurant as well?

"How's this for customer service? The Pueblo Bank & Trust in Boulder, Colorado has been providing bicycle customers a bike drive-thru window for some time now, complete with a bike rack and H2O for thirsty travelers!

Although this is the first bank I've heard about, in Portland, Oregon there are a number of cafes and restaurants that have been providing bicycle customers with window services."
Streetfilms Bike-Thru Window Banking Boulder Colorado
Of all the problems in the world this is what you bring up for discussion?

NO, the business can conduct itself in any way it so pleases. Those with bikes are not denied their fast food only denied getting in line with cars. I am not even sure why a person walking would want to go to a drive through window, the key word here is drive.
Of all the problems in the world this is what you bring up for discussion?

NO, the business can conduct itself in any way it so pleases. Those with bikes are not denied their fast food only denied getting in line with cars. I am not even sure why a person walking would want to go to a drive through window, the key word here is drive.

If I focused on Big Problems 24/7 I'd have blown my brains out long ago.
No constitutional right exists for you to be able to walk or bike ore skate board or whatever through a fast serve line.
Probably a safety issue. They don't want to get sued because some dumbass on foot got their ass run over coming or going from their drive up window?
Set up the Juice maker, the rice steamer and eat at home. It's cheaper. If you're driving a bike you should appreciate that advise.
Sometimes it's late enough at night for the walk-in customer area to be closed, so the only option is the drive-through. I guess one could ask someone in line to order for you, and then hope he/she is honest.:bye1:
Sometimes it's late enough at night for the walk-in customer area to be closed, so the only option is the drive-through. I guess one could ask someone in line to order for you, and then hope he/she is honest.:bye1:

How is it here, 3 restaurants but their dining areas close a few hours before their drive-throughs. Have sometimes wondered if I could walk through the drive-through :)
How is it here, 3 restaurants but their dining areas close a few hours before their drive-throughs. Have sometimes wondered if I could walk through the drive-through :)

:) My late husband tried that once, and came back to the hotel empty-handed. It was okay for us, because we did have our car and could drive there. I suppose one could call a cab, but...
How is it here, 3 restaurants but their dining areas close a few hours before their drive-throughs. Have sometimes wondered if I could walk through the drive-through :)

:) My late husband tried that once, and came back to the hotel empty-handed. It was okay for us, because we did have our car and could drive there. I suppose one could call a cab, but...

Or wait for a car to come through and ask if you can sit on their hood. :)
How is it here, 3 restaurants but their dining areas close a few hours before their drive-throughs. Have sometimes wondered if I could walk through the drive-through :)

:) My late husband tried that once, and came back to the hotel empty-handed. It was okay for us, because we did have our car and could drive there. I suppose one could call a cab, but...

Or wait for a car to come through and ask if you can sit on their hood. :)
Hey wasn't someone in another thread asking how he can meet women someplace besides church? There you go, just jump on or in their car at the drive-thru. Voila.

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