Is Hillary the Last White Presidential Nominee of Democratic Party?


May 23, 2014
Now that working class whites have left the Democratic Party and Black Lives Matter dominated the DNC Convention in Philadelphia, can a white person be the nominee of the Donkeys?
Now that working class whites have left the Democratic Party and Black Lives Matter dominated the DNC Convention in Philadelphia, can a white person be the nominee of the Donkeys?
It seems pretty clear the tolerant democrats are no longer interested in tolerating whites.....
Why is it still about race? The DNC is in chaos. Trusted adviser Donna Brazile has been fired by a news network, heir apparent to the presidency, V.P. Joe Biden is viewed as the lovable old crazy uncle, Hillary is done and facing indictment for a dozen felonies and the president's agenda is criticized by both sides of the isle. What's left for the democrat party that has been drifting so far to the left that it is off the charts?
It is really amusing to witness the meltdowns and the finger pointing. Consider that a couple of months ago all of the smug Democrat pundits were chuckling about the demise of the GOP and the possibility of a clean sweep in the election.

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