Is Hillary Rodham Clinton Having a Nervous Breakdown?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.

Now there are reports that Hillary has reverted into her old foul mouthed, everyone is against here meltdown.

Clinton’s camp says she ‘could have a serious meltdown’ | New York Post

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”
In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.
Hillary’s anger may be stoked by fear: Her poll numbers have slipped by 10 points in one week on the eve of the Democratic debate....

If she isn't, she should.

All her supporters thought she was a shoe in and Sanders wouldn't get anywhere.

Guess who's having the last laugh?? Sure ain't Hildebeast with her coin toss wins.

WTF a Coin Toss?? Color me shocked.
even if Clinton won that Miracle Six — and there were no other coin tosses — it would make little difference in the outcome.

Iowa Caucus Coin Toss

Update: The initial 6-for-6 report, from the Des Moines Register missed a few Sanders coin-toss wins. (There were a lot of coin tosses!) The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50, which is what we'd expect.

Here’s just how unlikely Hillary Clinton’s 6-for-6 coin-toss victories were

In fact, there were at least a dozen tiebreakers — and "Sen. Sanders won at least a handful," an Iowa Democratic Party official told NPR.

Coin-Toss Fact Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton

Gone unmentioned so far is that even if Clinton won that Miracle Six — and there were no other coin tosses — it would make little difference in the outcome. That is, in part, because of the complicated way Iowa Democrats allocate their delegates — and what was being reported on election night and what wasn't.

Given the closeness of the race and the complexity of the caucus system, you'd be forgiven for assuming that Clinton earned her four-delegate statewide margin with six delegates earned via coin toss. But she didn't. The Iowa caucus process is thoroughly complicated, from start to finish. What matters here is that the delegates that were won with the coin toss were not actual convention delegates but county delegates. The tally that Clinton won by four delegates was "state delegate equivalents," a calculation that estimates how many delegates to the state Democratic convention will result from each side's winning enough county delegates.
A NY Post tabloid Ed Klein.

Ed Klein. :lol:

For those that don't know, Klein has made a cottage of industry of HateClinton material -- that even cons say is so over the top, it's ridiculous.

Not surprising the OP would fall for an Ed Klein piece.

Just a taste --
"Klein has been criticized for his biography of Hillary Clinton, titled, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, which was released on June 21, 2005. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."

The book was attacked not only by liberals, but by a neoconservative as well. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."

In National Review James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level.”

Edward Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that piece was written in october 2015 and the 'aide' was an infiltrator with a smear agenda.

IF the unidentified 'campaign aide' wasn't completely fabricated by the author, that is...
If she isn't, she should.

All her supporters thought she was a shoe in and Sanders wouldn't get anywhere.

Guess who's having the last laugh?? Sure ain't Hildebeast with her coin toss wins.

WTF a Coin Toss?? Color me shocked.
How else would you resolve a tie?
Easy.....Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Spiderman Batman Wizard Glock

If she isn't, she should.

All her supporters thought she was a shoe in and Sanders wouldn't get anywhere.

Guess who's having the last laugh?? Sure ain't Hildebeast with her coin toss wins.

WTF a Coin Toss?? Color me shocked.
How else would you resolve a tie?
How about counting it as a tie then splitting the difference in paired up tied precincts?
For those that don't know, Klein has made a cottage of industry of HateClinton material -- that even cons say is so over the top, it's ridiculous.
That Professional Political Establishment journalist STOOGES would object to.

If it is the TRUTH then go with it, no matter how 'nasty' it may seem, but then professional standards are so last century for journalists these days.
that piece was written in october 2015 and the 'aide' was an infiltrator with a smear agenda.

IF the unidentified 'campaign aide' wasn't completely fabricated by the author, that is...

The point of the article is that Hillary is so wound so tight that it is a valid question whether she can handle ANY reversals whatsoever.

And Iowa was definitely a reversal that apparently the Clinton Machine had to 'fix' for her.
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.

FACT: "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." -- Progressive Founding Father, "Uncle" Joe Stalin
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.

If what you say is true, that is good news.

Got a link to back up your claims here?
FACT: "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." -- Progressive Founding Father, "Uncle" Joe Stalin

Great quote except that Stalin was not a founder of PRogressivism. Jesus Christ was when He sent 'the Holy Ghost to continue to guide to all Truth.'

John 16:13
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.

If what you say is true, that is good news.

Got a link to back up your claims here?
Coin-Toss Fact Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.

If what you say is true, that is good news.

Got a link to back up your claims here?
Coin-Toss Fact Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton

Thanks for that article. Glad to hear that out of FORTY SEVEN coin tosses Sanders won at least 'a handful'.

And I understand how caucuses work. Once a faction has a majority and elects the chair, it can ram through a pre-selected slate of delegates that dont even have to be in attendance. Each faction's pre-selected delegates is 100% for their faction and has no one else on it. The chair can recognize a member who then proposes the election of the delegate slate, two others second the motion and the chair then says in rapid succession, 'All in favor say 'Aye' all in favor say 'No', the 'Ayes' have it.' BOOM! it is done.

Caucuses are designed specifically to allow the party machine to keep control and block out/discourage organized opposition, which is why these bastards still run both parties.
Now if we look at her five delegate victory and remember she gained six of those delegates via coin tosses that she won every single one, had the Democrats simply split the six delegates evenly, three each, Clinton would have lost by one delegate.
No. You are talking about a handful of delegates out of 11,065 that were decided by a coin toss.

Here's some FACTS for you to chew on:

There were more than a dozen coin tosses.

FACT: The ratio of Clinton to Sanders wins was closer to 50-50

FACT: Even *if* Clinton won what was initially reported - 6 out of 6 - which she didn't - it would make little difference in the outcome. The effect of these coin tosses is negligible.

FACT: There are 1,681 precincts in Iowa

FACT: A tie could have happened at any one of these 1,681 caucus locations, and the rules call for a coin toss in case of a tie.

FACT: The awarding of delegates at these precincts is for county delegates, not actual final convention delegates

FACT: There are 99 counties in Iowa.

FACT: 11,065 delegates from precinct caucuses go to the county conventions.

FACT: Those 11,065 delegates is narrowed down to 1,406 who will attend congressional district conventions and later, state conventions.

FACT: Complicated, isn't it? But to get us to the awarding of actual national delegates (Iowa gets 44) ... have these FACTS given you an indication of just how silly the premise of this newest con-spearOh!see? theory is?
"Now there are reports that Hillary..."

Yeah, "reports" by the fabricating Hillary-hating Ed Klein -- from October of last year.

If what you say is true, that is good news.

Got a link to back up your claims here?
Coin-Toss Fact Check: No, Coin Flips Did Not Win Iowa For Hillary Clinton

Thanks for that article. Glad to hear that out of FORTY SEVEN coin tosses Sanders won at least 'a handful'.

Glad to hear that out of FORTY SEVEN coin tosses Sanders won at least 'a handful'

Re- read the article. There were not FORTY SEVEN coin tosses.

"That means, for Clinton to have picked up the four delegates, she would have had to have won not six in a row, but more like 47."

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