Is God warning the Congress?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It's stated in the Bible (OT) that when God became angry with the Jewish people, He allowed the Temple to be destroyed.

Fast forward to recent times, when many preachers have tried time and time again to tell us that God was upset with the US, which is why we've had floods, tornados, etc.

Considering that today there was an earthquake in DC, as well as the fact that the National Chapel took serious damage, and then factor in a hurricane named Irene heading for there as well...............

It brings forth the question............Is God angry with Congress for all their partisan bickering and claiming to be people who follow Him, yet do nothing for their fellow man?
No. It doesn't work that way. No matter how many times Jerry Fuckwad said so.
Well, I'm not so sure about that.

For every unborn American baby somebody aborts, a person from another nation crosses the border and takes away another American's job.

And it keeps on keeping on.

Earthquakes in Virginia and drought inTexas.

God is angry that we elected Bob McDonnell and Rick Perry.
Earthquakes in Virginia and drought inTexas.

God is angry that we elected Bob McDonnell and Rick Perry.

You're a fucking waste of skin.

You're a load that should have been spit....

the poster child for abortion.
Well, I'm not so sure about that.

For every unborn American baby somebody aborts, a person from another nation crosses the border and takes away another American's job.

And it keeps on keeping on.


And for every hungry kid in the US and the rest of the world, you have a Conservative saying they deserve their fate, that they should just get off their asses....and it keeps on keeping on.:rolleyes:
Well, if the hurricane hits and devastates DC, heard it here first.


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