Is bringing them here really the best way to help refugees?


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
This counting of the costs does not include the cost of the cultural clashes we have imported, forcing us to take expensive anti-terrorism measures, for instance. Note that the last three terror attacks on our soil were all conducted by refugees. Three Australians are now dead, and also don’t figure in the costs in today’s report.

Now to the moral issue this raises.

How can we best spend that $100 million a year to give the most help to the most refugees? Is it by bringing in 14,000 refugees a year and spending it on welfare for the workless, or by spending $1000 a person on 100,000 people in refugee camps overseas while they wait to go back home?

And another question: are we creating a new underclass here that will nurse resentments about our “racism” in keeping them in “disadvantage”?
Why is it our problem at all? Are we obligated to feed and house every refugee in the world? Let it be somebody ELSE'S problem for a change.

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