Is anyone here a Jehovah's Witness or ever been one?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I've never been a member but I attended several of their services at their Kingdom Hall. An "elder" then met with me several times in an attempt to "convert" me. Ultimately, I declined because I didn't share some of their beliefs.

My cousin and his crazy wife were JW for a few years. They too tried to convert me but to no avail. This was back in the early 90's. They divorced a couple of years later and he was excommunicated for some offense.

Overall, I enjoyed being in the presence of JW, even if I didn't necessarily share their core beliefs.

How about you?
How about you?
FBI agent (?) who was a JW "investigated" me from my hometown.

And that church // religious organization also has its own investigative and intelligence departments quite independent of the U.S. law enforcement "community."

Ladies from that church are into LGBT/BDSM, lot of queer stuff "in the closet" or "undercover" etc. — witch with a broomstick stuff.

They're into "eyeballing" and there are strange beliefs about "witnessing" things — ancient beliefs that "the eye cannot commit a trespass" etc.

I am certain that I know some of these people, not their names or faces — but there are certain associations "too close" to core beliefs and dogma of their hierarchy, only to be betrayed on some detail or other.
I've never been a member but I attended several of their services at their Kingdom Hall. An "elder" then met with me several times in an attempt to "convert" me. Ultimately, I declined because I didn't share some of their beliefs.

My cousin and his crazy wife were JW for a few years. They too tried to convert me but to no avail. This was back in the early 90's. They divorced a couple of years later and he was excommunicated for some offense.

Overall, I enjoyed being in the presence of JW, even if I didn't necessarily share their core beliefs.

How about you?

I think they're nuts but I have a lot of respect for them and their history of refusing to bow down to murderous dictators and governments and recant their faith. They come around here every couple of years doing their missionary thing, and are always polite and warm, and they take rejection well too, unlike faggots and Democrats; we offer them shade, some cold water, and something to eat when they knock on our door.
They asked me once to be a Jehovah's Witness, but I told them I didn't see the accident.


Okay, serious answer time. I worked with a lady who was a JW, and frankly, she was nuts.
I've never been a member but I attended several of their services at their Kingdom Hall. An "elder" then met with me several times in an attempt to "convert" me. Ultimately, I declined because I didn't share some of their beliefs.

My cousin and his crazy wife were JW for a few years. They too tried to convert me but to no avail. This was back in the early 90's. They divorced a couple of years later and he was excommunicated for some offense.

Overall, I enjoyed being in the presence of JW, even if I didn't necessarily share their core beliefs.

How about you?
The Witnesses used to come around doing supposed missionary work.........I would usually just make some excuse of being busy..etc., not wanting to be rude. One day.......I had enough of these inconvenient interruptions. I invited them in and allowed them to proceed with the information they had been given down at Kingdom Hall......on some type of flyer.

They were no more than children perhaps in their early 20s. Every time they would show me some point in the flyer that was specific to their faith........I would open up the family bible and read from the scriptures on this particular subject. After several minutes.....I had them looking at their arms like they were looking at a watch declaring......."We have a heavy schedule we must be going...". The strange thing neither of them was wearing a timepiece. ;) A Joke.

Beware of anyone that attempts to teach you that Jesus is not God incarnate. Get familiar with the term "Anti Christ".

The only one in scripture to address the term antichrist was John.....and he never used the term in the book of revelation. In his letters he refers to the antichrist 4 times. "Little children, IT IS the last hour (when was the last hour? then, the present while John was writing this letter); and ye heard that antichrist cometh, even now there have risen MANY ANTICHRISTS (many....not one, but many); whereby we know that it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18)

Especially for those who declare that Jesus was not deity and never worshiped as the Son of God. "WHO IS A LIAR BUT HE THAT DENIETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST? THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST, even he that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22)

"And every spirit that confesses not Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist; whereof you have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already." -- 1 John 4:3 (When did the spirit of the antichrist first some imagined date in the distant future as a single powerful foe? No, John stated with no ambiguity that there are many antichrist (anyone that does not confess that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God) ALREADY IN THE WORLD IN THE 1ST CENTURY.

John mentions the antichrist again in his 2nd letter. "FOR MANY DECIEVERS HAVE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD, even they that confess not that Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh. THIS IS THE DECIEVER AND THE ANTICHRIST." -- 2 John 1:7

Beware of false doctrines.

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