Is America Facing Its Worst Danger in 238 Years ??


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013
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Yes, we face new threats but then it seems in our history we're always facing new threats.

The Civil War, the Great Depression, WWII, Korean war, Cold War, 9/11, Afghanistan, now Iran and Pakistan, add to that our own internal battle of the budget trying to fund all the government hand out programs. But we always survived and prospered.

However, things are different this time our national government is fractionated and generally corrupt. The population is split with no unity in sight, no messiah to bring us together. Civic responsibility is low. Maybe we won't survive till 2021. I probably won't live that long but I'm pulling for you America. I'll be watching from above (rhetorically speaking)..
Yes, we face new threats but then it seems in our history we're always facing new threats.

The Civil War, the Great Depression, WWII, Korean war, Cold War, 9/11, Afghanistan, now Iran and Pakistan, add to that our own internal battle of the budget trying to fund all the government hand out programs. But we always survived and prospered.

However, things are different this time our national government is fractionated and generally corrupt. The population is split with no unity in sight, no messiah to bring us together. Civic responsibility is low. Maybe we won't survive till 2021. I probably won't live that long but I'm pulling for you America. I'll be watching from above (rhetorically speaking)..

I'll be happy if we get through 2016, and not be one huge pile of ashes.
The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Protected By 8,000 Trainees, Military Says

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013

Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ?

Since nuclear weapons orign is traceable, and has been for decades, any used will be traced back to whoever made it. Thus no nuclear power can afford to "loose" one to a terrorist ally for use. And no nation can use them for the same reason. Retaliation in kind would be swift and devastating.

A terrorist entity though, given to killing themselves with no concern over their own death is an ongoing concern. A possible solution is like depicted in the movie "Crimson Tide" where a nuclear strike against imminent launched terrorist seized nukes is used. If Pakistan knows this will be our response plan, they work extra hard to secure their arsenal. Man-portable weapons will always be a worry, but compared to loosing a city, a sub-kiloton man-portable weapon's infinitely preferable.

Pakistan unfortunately has tested and is believed to have 'mini-nukes' banned by most of the major nuclear powers. These are devices below 5 kilotons (Hiroshima was about 15kt.) and are the so-called 'suitcase' bombs. These are easy for a person to move around undetected. That a mushroom cloud hasn't appeared in anger since WW2 is testament to the capabilities of global intelligence services. And why I don't have a problem with the NSA 'listening in' and say listen more. :)

Bad though that'd be, it's not the worst-case scenario. Worst-case is someone nukes Israel or the US. Remember the Patriot Act after 9/11? That was just a few buildings and 3,000 dead. Imagine 30,000 or 300,000 and the entire Bill of Rights getting suspended as martial law is declared. Movie "Unthinkable" expressed the outcome of this well, an FBI agent is complaining to her superior about a terrorist being tortured threatening to detonate 3 nukes in the US citing Constitutional rights...

"If a nuke goes off in the US there will be no fucking Constitution!"
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Yes, we face new threats but then it seems in our history we're always facing new threats.

The Civil War, the Great Depression, WWII, Korean war, Cold War, 9/11, Afghanistan, now Iran and Pakistan, add to that our own internal battle of the budget trying to fund all the government hand out programs. But we always survived and prospered.

However, things are different this time our national government is fractionated and generally corrupt. The population is split with no unity in sight, no messiah to bring us together. Civic responsibility is low. Maybe we won't survive till 2021. I probably won't live that long but I'm pulling for you America. I'll be watching from above (rhetorically speaking)..

I'll be happy if we get through 2016, and not be one huge pile of ashes.

I'm not even worried about it. You can, though ... you might want to hide in Saddam Husain's hole in the ground along with the rest of your rag-tag band of unhappy campers.

Please bump this thread in 2017 after the fall of America and help advise us stupid people on how to survive in the end times.
I'm not worried about President Obama. He's a proven commodity readily assassinating those that needed killing. I'm more concerned about who's next? The ones being talked about so far don't inspire much confidence. Woule love to see McCain give it another go.
If one means danger to the nation internally, then yes, the last few years we have seen a rise in a crazy far right and libertarian wing allied to tearing down America.

That wing was rebuked by RNC a few days and the campaign rules set up to hamper their political influence in the party.

They don't have the numbers, and they can't force their way with violence.

So sane Americans keep them well infiltrated, notified LEO when necessary, and carry on with their lives.
Yes, we face new threats but then it seems in our history we're always facing new threats.

The Civil War, the Great Depression, WWII, Korean war, Cold War, 9/11, Afghanistan, now Iran and Pakistan, add to that our own internal battle of the budget trying to fund all the government hand out programs. But we always survived and prospered.

However, things are different this time our national government is fractionated and generally corrupt. The population is split with no unity in sight, no messiah to bring us together. Civic responsibility is low. Maybe we won't survive till 2021. I probably won't live that long but I'm pulling for you America. I'll be watching from above (rhetorically speaking)..

I'll be happy if we get through 2016, and not be one huge pile of ashes.

I'm not even worried about it. You can, though ... you might want to hide in Saddam Husain's hole in the ground along with the rest of your rag-tag band of unhappy campers.

Please bump this thread in 2017 after the fall of America and help advise us stupid people on how to survive in the end times.

I don't think America will fall, I just think life will suck.

The president is trying to put us all in the poor house by driving up the costs of everything and stagnating wages.

He acts like he could care less if he sells our national security down the river. Maybe in the next year or so he may scrap our nuke arsenal and the Russians just launch a bunch of nukes hitting many of our major cities. Cities that are chasing away Conservatives with ever increasing taxes and cramming their anti-gun and homosexual agendas down their throats. That would mean a bunch of Democrats would bite the dust.

Come to think of it, that's not so bad.
With how big the US is and how decentralized the federal government is, any armed uprising would be a futile gesture. Ever since the Cold War contingency plans have been made for a nuclear attack and the continuity of government plans ensure the federal governmewnt would continue even minus DC. Against that, what chance do a few rednecks with ARs have?
I'll be happy if we get through 2016, and not be one huge pile of ashes.

I'm not even worried about it. You can, though ... you might want to hide in Saddam Husain's hole in the ground along with the rest of your rag-tag band of unhappy campers.

Please bump this thread in 2017 after the fall of America and help advise us stupid people on how to survive in the end times.

I don't think America will fall, I just think life will suck.

The president is trying to put us all in the poor house by driving up the costs of everything and stagnating wages.

He acts like he could care less if he sells our national security down the river. Maybe in the next year or so he may scrap our nuke arsenal and the Russians just launch a bunch of nukes hitting many of our major cities. Cities that are chasing away Conservatives with ever increasing taxes and cramming their anti-gun and homosexual agendas down their throats. That would mean a bunch of Democrats would bite the dust.

Come to think of it, that's not so bad.

I'm forbidden by Torah to put another Jew to shame so will just say, wow.
I don't know, Mud, that "life will suck."

Almost everybody has decent food; warm, dry shelter; good clothing; access to transportation; social media; air conditioning; and so forth so on.

Those of us who grew up poor and lower working class sixty to fifty years ago would have thought the average life style today would be marvelous.
Life is so hard that two years ago I was homeless and today I own a very profitable company. How are things really that bad? You need money - go out and earn it. How many US citizens swim across the Rio Grande every year to invade Mexico? Unless they are on the lamb, that would be zero.

I give away leads left and right because I can't possibly run all the calls - I don't pay one cent in advertising.

Oh the horror.
The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Protected By 8,000 Trainees, Military Says

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013

Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ?

There are a couple of problems with this "sky is falling" alarmist story.

First, these warheads are not easy to handle. Even if they are stolen, if not stored correctly they run a good chance of killing the people that stole them.

Second, if you are going to use them against someone, you need a delivery system.

Third, we have several agencies that track these things. And if there is a danger they are prepared to act and swiftly.
Before the president could be trusted to do what was best for the country.

Now we have a president that only does what is politically expedient or fits his radical leftist agenda.

We are in serious trouble folks.


[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]
The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Protected By 8,000 Trainees, Military Says

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013

Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ?

There are a couple of problems with this "sky is falling" alarmist story.

First, these warheads are not easy to handle. Even if they are stolen, if not stored correctly they run a good chance of killing the people that stole them.

Second, if you are going to use them against someone, you need a delivery system.

Third, we have several agencies that track these things. And if there is a danger they are prepared to act and swiftly.

I think this Administration thinks it's people are a greater threat than foreigners. They spy on us more than they do anyone who might be an actual threat.

Obama keeps reminding us that he considers Rush Limbaugh and Fox News a greater threat than Iran.
Fox News and Rush are threats to American freedoms, albeit lesser ones than Iran.

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