Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?

Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?
So were they caucasian? Are people like dog breeds?

No. They were Seminoles. Adam means "ruddy" or "red". He was apparently made from red clay.
Adamah means reddish brown like the earth or dried blood. Also like the color of many Africans and African americans.

The Black
Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?
So were they caucasian? Are people like dog breeds?

No. They were Seminoles. Adam means "ruddy" or "red". He was apparently made from red clay.
Adamah means reddish brown like the earth or dried blood. Also like the color of many Africans and African americans.


The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
The Black
Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?
So were they caucasian? Are people like dog breeds?

No. They were Seminoles. Adam means "ruddy" or "red". He was apparently made from red clay.
Adamah means reddish brown like the earth or dried blood. Also like the color of many Africans and African americans.


The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
The Blacks were everywhere. There were no white people around at the time.
The Black
Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?
So were they caucasian? Are people like dog breeds?

No. They were Seminoles. Adam means "ruddy" or "red". He was apparently made from red clay.
Adamah means reddish brown like the earth or dried blood. Also like the color of many Africans and African americans.


The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
The Blacks were everywhere. There were no white people around at the time.

They were before Adam and Even but they were little more than ignorant brute beasts. Cain pretty much enslaved them and used them to create some great cities. Cain became known as Sargon the Magnificent while he was king over the Blacks.
Adam and Eve are are fictional characters in one of humanity's worst ever inventions: the concept of a male dominator god religion.
The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
So Adam and Eve weren't the first people. Sounds reasonable.
The Black
Is Adam And Eve's Ethnicity White?
So were they caucasian? Are people like dog breeds?

No. They were Seminoles. Adam means "ruddy" or "red". He was apparently made from red clay.
Adamah means reddish brown like the earth or dried blood. Also like the color of many Africans and African americans.


The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
The Blacks were everywhere. There were no white people around at the time.

They were before Adam and Even but they were little more than ignorant brute beasts. Cain pretty much enslaved them and used them to create some great cities. Cain became known as Sargon the Magnificent while he was king over the Blacks.
Youve been watching too many white legends like lord of the rings. Whites were a mutation that developed relatively recently. Whites would have died in what we now call the ME and Africa without suntan lotion.

The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
So Adam and Eve weren't the first people. Sounds reasonable.

Well actually, it's right out in the open for everyone to see. The Blacks haven't actually progress since Cain went into Nod and enslaved them. They remain backward and ignorant to this very day.
Adamah mean dirt.
Adam and Chava spoke Hebrew, otherwise the explanation for Adam's and Chava's names would make no sense.
In fact, the explanation for every given name in the Book of Genesis only makes sense in Hebrew.
Adam and Eve are are fictional characters in one of humanity's worst ever inventions: the concept of a male dominator god religion.

It didnt start out that way. Its just a bad remix of the original.


Agreed, the Roman Catholic Church, the world's first multinational corporation, and then others as well, leveraged it into an authoritarian system and then rolled that concept out across the planet via horrid, brutal, genocidal colonialism. Clearly, weren't no white folk around, period, couldn'tna been, as in that last image on the right.

But to think about this further than just christianity, all three of the male dominator god religions that arose in the middle east all have this problem. Once human beings began to think of the creator in human form, who in turn gave the human being, only the "chosen ones" mind you, dominion over the planet, everything on and in it, and over nonbelievers and other human beings, then you have a belief system that can give rise to racism, sexism, classism, and all the rest of it. There is no longer a connection to the earth, to your ancestors, your descendants, your past, your future, in essence it is a conceptual attack on the unity of humanity, on community.

Then as is the case for christianity, we come to the concept of original sin, so you’re now fucked just for getting here, and you must submit to a male dominator god who reigns through guilt, sin, and blame, and clearly there’s something wrong with you, the human being. You must fear your god, you must fear your Lucifer, and you must constantly fear and doubt yourself. And of course, others more so, especially if they don’t submit to your god.

So when it came time to go “discover” the rest of the world which was already inhabited by developed societies, in order to conquer those lands, actual wars were waged for the “souls of the ‘savages’”, that’s how it was envisioned and spoken of. Now the male dominator god sanctions the notion of other human beings as property or as in need of eradication, burning at the stake, or what have you. This is not to say enslavement was never established as a means of “entrepreneurs” escaping labor costs before on the planet, but certainly now there’s no barrier to your heavenly afterlife for murder, enslavement, or maltreatment of fellow human beings since we now have a way in which not to see them as human beings, praise Jesus.

And look, this whole dominator god thing rolled out over the tribes of Europe first, disconnecting those people from their lands. It was very brutal stuff, the Inquisition and all that, this “civilization”. Another great lie, there was nothing civil about it. And it went on for hundreds of years there before it was rolled out across the planet in the “age of discovery”, another lie. Nothing was undiscovered, nothing got discovered, the tribes of Europe just no longer recalled who they were as human beings and now viewed the planet and everything on it or in it as theirs for the plundering; they'd lost their lands in the same manner so long before, they'd forgotten.

They no longer recognized themselves as human beings. They said to the first people they encoutered in the americas, "who are you?". And the response was "we're the people, we are the human beings." And Columbus said "ah, Indians". And he was so hopelessly lost he didn't even have that right

Spirituality is about responsibility, religion is about guilt, sin, and blame; nothing at all to do with love. It is an authoritarian system. Those oppressed by and in any eurocentric based societal construction must invariably be programmed, indoctrinated and socialized to envision those with less as defective hominids and devoid of humanity, our version “capitalism” depends upon it. Western expansionism has always been predicated upon it.
The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
So Adam and Eve weren't the first people. Sounds reasonable.

Well actually, it's right out in the open for everyone to see. The Blacks haven't actually progress since Cain went into Nod and enslaved them. They remain backward and ignorant to this very day.

That's what the power structure wants us to believe and you've been successfully imprinted, but alas, you missed your time period, too bad.
The Blacks were in the Land of Nod. When Cain was kicked out after murdering his brother, he went into the Land of Nod and was so much more intelligent than the Blacks there, they made him king over them.
So Adam and Eve weren't the first people. Sounds reasonable.

Well actually, it's right out in the open for everyone to see. The Blacks haven't actually progress since Cain went into Nod and enslaved them. They remain backward and ignorant to this very day.

That's what the power structure wants us to believe and you've been successfully imprinted, but alas, you missed your time period, too bad.

Yes, whomever that power structure you are conjuring up in your mind is totally manipulated the stastitics.

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