IRS Union Gives 100% of PAC Spending to Democrats


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

IRS Union Gives 100% of PAC Spending to Democrats​

Dems will increase size of their campaign war chests with vote to double the size of the IRS

The IRS employee union is a major funder of the Democratic party. Senate Democrats will vote for a bill today to hire and deploy 87,000 new agents — a doubling of the size of the agency which will further swell Democrats’ political campaign war chests.

In the past decade, the IRS union has given $601,759 in PAC funding to Democrat party committees.

All data is pulled from OpenSecrets:

The IRS employee union gives 100% of its PAC funding to Democrats in the 2022 cycle, including:

$30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

$30,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

$30,000 to the DNC Services Corporation, an entity tasked with “coordinating party organizational activities.”

The IRS employee union prioritized political donations to Democrats who happen to be in 2022 battleground races:

$5,000 to Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)

$10,000 to Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.)

$5,000 to Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.)

$1,000 to Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.)

The IRS employee union gives 98.79% of its federal candidate spending to Democrats, including:

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

Joaquin Castro (D-Texas)

Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.)

Over the next decade, doubling the size of the IRS will prove lucrative for the Democrat party.

IRS Union Gives 100% of PAC Spending to Democrats - Americans for Tax Reform



IRS Union Gives 100% of PAC Spending to Democrats​

Dems will increase size of their campaign war chests with vote to double the size of the IRS

The IRS employee union is a major funder of the Democratic party. Senate Democrats will vote for a bill today to hire and deploy 87,000 new agents — a doubling of the size of the agency which will further swell Democrats’ political campaign war chests.

In the past decade, the IRS union has given $601,759 in PAC funding to Democrat party committees.

All data is pulled from OpenSecrets:

The IRS employee union gives 100% of its PAC funding to Democrats in the 2022 cycle, including:

$30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

$30,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

$30,000 to the DNC Services Corporation, an entity tasked with “coordinating party organizational activities.”

The IRS employee union prioritized political donations to Democrats who happen to be in 2022 battleground races:

$5,000 to Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.)

$10,000 to Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.)

$5,000 to Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.)

$1,000 to Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.)

The IRS employee union gives 98.79% of its federal candidate spending to Democrats, including:

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

Joaquin Castro (D-Texas)

Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.)

Over the next decade, doubling the size of the IRS will prove lucrative for the Democrat party.

IRS Union Gives 100% of PAC Spending to Democrats - Americans for Tax Reform


You weren't supposed to notice that.
81,000 new dues paying armed IRS agents- the union knows where its bread is buttered.
This is what happens when union and management are the same team, and is why government unions are generally frowned upon.
The new armed IRS agents will all be looking to hassle Middle Class taxpayers, that's the intent.

If Sleepy Joe were hiring them to go after Drug Pushers, Hit Men and others who don't pay the taxes they owe on their unreported gangsta income, I could somehow see it.

But the idea here is to punish the Middle Class for their failure to vote for his reign of error.
The IRS loves Demafascsit.....more taxes, less accountability....the IRS dream
Why would they support Republicans who call them Nazis?
People who work for the IRS are exactly what Hillary called Trump supporters.

Why would they support Republicans who call them Nazis?
"They"? You make it sound like 100% of all IRS union members are democrats. They are not. No, in this case, it is the union leadership that is deciding for the entire union who they will support. Thus the union is not serving all its members, as in any random population of Americans, you're going to have roughly 40% Republicans, 40% democrats and 20% neither. As I stated elsewhere, this is what happens when union and management are the same team.

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