Ironically, it's coming out that Trump supporters are the ones who committed fraud in 2020


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.
ironically you are full of shit
..I see you listed NUMEROUS links for evidence
While my contention is not that just members of the GOP have tried to cheat so have some on the Democrats side, yet, there is NO massive fraud like Trump and his band of naysayers claim that was perpetrated in the 2020 election.

I can make up fairytales with no supportive links, too.
It is not that hard. The Heritage Foundation has a searchable database.

Interestingly enough, the database does not mention which party benefits from the voter fraud, nor is party affiliation a means of search. But I played around a bit, did some searches on the individual's identified, and found two out of three were affiliated with the Republican party. Pretty safe bet that is why the Heritage Foundation leaves out that information.
While my contention is not that just members of the GOP have tried to cheat so have some on the Democrats side, yet, there is NO massive fraud like Trump and his band of naysayers claim that was perpetrated in the 2020 election.

1,285 cases out of over 150 million votes cast. That comes to .00085667%.

This hard core Neo-GOPer lied and blamed it on the Democrats. The MAGA Crowd ate it up. The Trumpyberra campaign and the Neo-GOP used it to lie to the American people saying it was an example of widespread fraud. These lying fascist must be stopped before they subjugate America with their planned agenda of lies.
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.
Ironic? yes… surprising? no
1,285 cases out of over 150 million votes cast. That comes to .00085667%.
Yet, these Trump plants on USMB claim they know of millions of fraudulent voters and acts to make their darling Trump a loser. They just can't get any proof except the act of pulling it out of their ass.
It is not that hard. The Heritage Foundation has a searchable database.

Interestingly enough, the database does not mention which party benefits from the voter fraud, nor is party affiliation a means of search. But I played around a bit, did some searches on the individual's identified, and found two out of three were affiliated with the Republican party. Pretty safe bet that is why the Heritage Foundation leaves out that information.
Isn’t it the responsibility of the OP to provide a source?
If you really believe trump benefitted from voter fraud in the face of an election outright stolen by fraudulent democrat mail-in votes then you think OJ is innocent.
Isn’t it the responsibility of the OP to provide a source?
If you really believe trump benefitted from voter fraud in the face of an election outright stolen by fraudulent democrat mail-in votes then you think OJ is innocent.
There are two cases of people voting for dead people for Trump and proof has been given where is your proof their is massive widespread fraud like you have claimed?

republican claim voter fraud and it turns out it was a republican who took advantage of his dead wife right to vote and used it to vote for Trump. That can of worms is getting pretty slippery.

How about:
There are all sorts of stories coming out of people being charged with voter fraud, though it's not the fraud that Trump was hoping for. A numnber of mail in and absentee balots were forged by Trump supporters in their spouse's names. The issue is their spouses died well before 2020.

Add in the number of Trump supporters who attempted to double vote, in person and by mail, and you see that its Republicans an Trump supporters who commited the vast majority of proven fraud in the 2020 election.

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