Irish Cereal: TrumpUSA Parodies [Calls to Democrats*]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA politics/imagination make you daydream or chuckle?

Will Trumponomics be considered more 'pedestrian' than Reaganomics and what will TrumpUSA patriotism be considered (compared to Reagan-USA patriotism)?

What do you think?


"A festive young girl was dressed in an authentic Irish costume for St. Patrick's Day and caught the attention of U.S. President Donald Trump who was attending a parade on the Irish occasion in Pittsburgh with First Lady Melania Trump. The young girl, Natasha, wanted to know if President Trump sided with Irish Catholics or British Protestants in Northern Ireland (since the two communities had historically been rifted for generations!). Trump told Natasha that peaceful trade/merchants would solve all the problems of the modern world. Natasha smiled!"


"Trump had already negotiated a nuclear-test crisis treaty with North Korea during Labor Day weekend 2017 and seen the alliance between the Koreas during the PyeongChang Olympics and seemed to sincerely believe what he told Natasha (about relations/commerce promoting modern global peace!). However, the rift between Irish Catholics and British Protestants in Northern Ireland had much to do with generations of ingrained sociocultural and lifestyle (and even linguistic!) differences that seemed to be 'irreconcilable.' Trump remembered how U.S. President Bill Clinton (himself of Irish descendancy/heritage) worked with Sinn Fein during his presidency, and Trump wondered if he should take a more active/publicized role."


"Meanwhile, the Irish St. Patrick's Day parade in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) went smoothly and without a hitch(!). First Lady Melania Trump remarked how smalltown values promoted this colorful heritage-festive 'aesthetic' in modern-day America and how Irish folklore/traditions were being honored in the streets and by everyday people/citizens. However, Trump wondered, after talking with young Natasha, if the Democratic Party was historically more 'active' in addressing Irish politics in the United Kingdom than the Republican Party. He decided to consult with his advisors when he got back to the White House(!)."


TRUMP: Countless Notre Dame Fightin' Irish football fans cheer on TV!
CARTER: Yes, Mr. President; Irish-heritage is strong in America.
TRUMP: The Irish Catholic community wants to know our stance on Belfast.
CARTER: British Protestants comprise the population-majority in Northern Ireland.
TRUMP: Yes, Carter, I know that, but Irish Catholics want unity with Dublin (Ireland)!
CARTER: Unification of Ireland has been a hot-issue and problem since Independence.
TRUMP: Well, millions of Irish Catholics buy Lucky Charms breakfast cereal in the USA!
CARTER: Yes, the Republican Party cares about the Irish Catholic vote, sir.
TRUMP: If I want to get re-elected in 2020, people must think I care about Belfast!
CARTER: They want to be assured that the Republicans are invested in Irish politics.
TRUMP: Well, are we, Carter?
CARTER: Well, Republicans are no strangers to Notre Dame or Lucky Charms cereal!
TRUMP: The voters need to know that Republicans eat Irish cereal and like Catholics.
CARTER: Yes, we must keep pace with our 'liberal counterparts' the Democrats.
TRUMP: That's the idea in this new age of 'network politics.'


"Trump began tweeting that day about how many Irish Catholic kids and British-descended Protestant kids (living in the USA) were purchasing (or had purchased!) toy water-guns for that St. Patrick's Day to play in the streets and celebrate the fun of the occasion. Trump encouraged Americans to think about consumerism could be linked to modern geopolitical consciousness and how Lucky Charms cereal was enjoyed by so many Irish-Americans proud of their heritage/traditions being boasted in the general marketplace (in fashions and goods!). Trump wanted voters to suddenly understand/appreciate the notion that Republicans cared about what everyday people thought about toys, bazaars, culture festivals, and ornaments."


"Well, many who read Trump's tweets were familiar with how everyday Americans and more radical political activists alike were involved in various 'sectors' of progressive democracy. There were radical eco-activists now who blogged about recycling water-bottles in capitalism-hypnotized America while dressing up as 'pro-labor vigilantes.' There were luminous movie-stars/celebrities who endorsed special eco-activism groups such as the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation(!). In other words, there was plenty of 'space' in American politics (and culture!) for all kinds of 'ornamenting chatter'."


"Trump began tweeting about how many Americans were thinking about terrorism-conscious patriotism-themed comics in the USA such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel/Hasbro) and whether or not 9/11 reminded everyday consumers of the general/social value of praising modern commerce (and networking!). Trump wondered if that young costumed/festive Irish girl Natasha (in Pittsburgh) would wake the next day and enjoy a hearty bowl of Lucky Charms (Irish-avatar ornamented!) breakfast cereal (found in virtually every American supermarket!) and think fondly about TrumpUSA policies towards the political/military defense of capitalism around the world. He wondered if Natasha liked G.I. Joe female-patriot warrior-avatars such as Scarlett and Lady Jaye who would echo Natasha's special 'love/admiration' of Irish-Catholic discourse in Belfast (Northern Ireland)."


"Trump wrote Natasha a letter the following week in which he urged the patriotic young Irish girl from Pittsburgh to ask her parents to order special soccer-sports network/packages (cable-TV) this Spring season so she could enjoy English Premier League football/soccer games of iconic club-teams in England including Manchester United, Arsenal, and of course, Chelsea(!). Natasha wrote back that she had a pen-pal in Belfast who shared her fanfare towards the colorful soccer-football club Chelsea. Trump decided to start tweeting about the media-value of the international sports-competition promoting club Chelsea."


"As your American President, I believe it is my special opportunity to talk about why everyday citizens/consumers who embrace this new 'capitalism-imaginative geopolitical aesthetic' (e.g., Wall Street, NASDAQ, European Union, World Bank, OPEC, etc.) and want to appreciate why nationally televised games of Notre Dame Fightin' Irish college football (NBC), Lucky Charms (breakfast cereal), and Chelsea (English Premier League) football/soccer all promote new age networking-oriented geopolitical peace (and trade!). This is the Age of Good Feelings, as long as we investigate how/why commerce can promote inter-cultural understanding. We don't want modern capitalism to be seen as a game but rather as a 'vehicle' that quells the furious/anxious voices of anti-commerce dischord. God bless America...and Lucky Charms cereal!" -President Trump




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