Iran Rejects Obama's Demand

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Latest news on Iran. We should never have attempted to negotiate with this country in the first place. There is no negotiating with Terrorists. We should not be having talks with these people.

Iran calls Obama s 10-year nuclear demand unacceptable - Yahoo News

MONTREUX, Switzerland (Reuters) - Iran rejected on Tuesday as "unacceptable" U.S. President Barack Obama's demand that it freeze sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years but said it would continue talks on a deal, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported.
MONTREUX, Switzerland (Reuters) - Iran rejected on Tuesday as "unacceptable" U.S. President Barack Obama's demand that it freeze sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years but said it would continue talks on a deal, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported.
Iran only rejected the 10 year demand.

Iran said that they would continue the talks in good faith.

Looks like Obama has the situation under control. ...... :cool:
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Latest news on Iran. We should never have attempted to negotiate with this country in the first place. There is no negotiating with Terrorists. We should not be having talks with these people.

Iran calls Obama s 10-year nuclear demand unacceptable - Yahoo News

MONTREUX, Switzerland (Reuters) - Iran rejected on Tuesday as "unacceptable" U.S. President Barack Obama's demand that it freeze sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years but said it would continue talks on a deal, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported.
Iran only rejected the 10 year demand.

Iran said that they would continue the talks in good faith.

Looks like Obama has the situation under control. ...... :cool:
Yes, he surely does. That's what makes a great community organizer.
I can see that the right wingers (neocons) are out in force ont hsi thread, trashing Obama and beating the drums of war (as directed by the Israeli lobby)......Let me ask you this, Obama-haters.......Had Iran FULLY accepted the 10-year deal, wouldn't you be out here calling it a sell-out because it wasn't a 20-year one???? Come on, be honest (at least to yourselves.)
I think that letting the energy market destroy Iran is a better idea than either negotiation or war.
I can see that the right wingers (neocons) are out in force ont hsi thread, trashing Obama and beating the drums of war (as directed by the Israeli lobby)......Let me ask you this, Obama-haters.......Had Iran FULLY accepted the 10-year deal, wouldn't you be out here calling it a sell-out because it wasn't a 20-year one???? Come on, be honest (at least to yourselves.)

You got a link to your assertion that "the Israeli lobby" is demanding war?
To whom are you referring when you say "Obama haters"?.
I don't even know what the "ten year deal" entails I am confident
that the Iranian people will, eventurally, toss their Ayatoilets into the sewers
and things will settle down------when their ONGOING WAR ends. Iran
will become weary of the filth and stink of Hezbollah and the filth and stink of
the agenda of the Ayatoilets. I hope that the US does not get drawn into
the SUNNI SHIITE SHIT being fomented by Irano. When and where do
you think the Hezbollah pigs and dogs will strike next? the ball is in the court
of the SHIIITE scum right now------the sunni scum are busy with isis
Among neocons, the knee-jerk reaction seems to always prefer wars, rather than negotiations......Perhaps reinstating the draft would bring some sanity back....Of course, a bit less hatred of Obama and all he attempts may also be a big step forward.
Among neocons, the knee-jerk reaction seems to always prefer wars, rather than negotiations......Perhaps reinstating the draft would bring some sanity back....Of course, a bit less hatred of Obama and all he attempts may also be a big step forward.

so far you have not been able to provide a link to the simple question "who are the neocons"-----now you insist that the same "neocons" want war. I would assume
that the USA might reinstintitute the draft if it is necessary-----does that fact scare you?-----I have no doubt that persons who seek war understand that fact. There is
always some negativity addressed to a president. People hated LINCOLN---probably people like you. A big step forward would be------you falling into a hole
Among neocons, the knee-jerk reaction seems to always prefer wars, rather than negotiations......Perhaps reinstating the draft would bring some sanity back....Of course, a bit less hatred of Obama and all he attempts may also be a big step forward.

so far you have not been able to provide a link to the simple question "who are the neocons"-----now you insist that the same "neocons" want war. I would assume
that the USA might reinstintitute the draft if it is necessary-----does that fact scare you?-----I have no doubt that persons who seek war understand that fact. There is
always some negativity addressed to a president. People hated LINCOLN---probably people like you. A big step forward would be------you falling into a hole

Tell the you go around humming, "...bomb, bomb, Iram..."?

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