Iran: Donald Trump is stymied as Middle East tensions ramp up


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
The attack on Saudi oil facilities demonstrates how exposed US allies are in the Middle East, that's if it wasn't indeed a false flag attack by Israel which has recently carried out drone attacks in Iraq.

Trump used the stick on Iran when the Middle East was relatively peaceful and he hasn't got anything more than military attacks now.

Trump's offers of discussions have no credibility because Trump trashed previous agreements with Iran.

Trump didn't respond to Iran's downing of a US drone because the UAE and Bahrain imposed on him not to attack because it would have destroyed their economy and made the Middle East a no-go zone for civilian aircraft. There would have been a mad chaotic scramble by expats to leave the Middle East if the US had attacked Iran. All the flights would have been in danger of missile strikes.
Did the Trump administration use these drones to start a conflict with a Iran?

You know Trump is a liar and a thief. I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like this.

Who’s got more drones than the US? Or, who HAD more drones than the US?

Oh my God! That motherfucker just put out this damn tweet and he’s asking Saudi Arabia who did it and what should WE do?
As if we work for Saudi Arabia. I thought Russia was bad enough.
Maybe he should be asking our intelligence community? Oh, I don’t know, that’s just a thought.
more fascist threats

for more FUNNY----read the propaganda disseminated in the USA during the 1930s
Which, that from America First?

was there an organization at that time called "America first"? I was
referring to the islamo-Nazi propaganda-----it was so ubiquitous
in my town that when I was a kid reading superman comics----old stuff from
the 1930s was still fluttering around town.----there was lots of newer stuff
too. For me it was FREE COMIC-BOOKS

Oh my God! That motherfucker just put out this damn tweet and he’s asking Saudi Arabia who did it and what should WE do?
As if we work for Saudi Arabia. I thought Russia was bad enough.
Maybe he should be asking our intelligence community? Oh, I don’t know, that’s just a thought.

try reading it again----at no time did Trump suggest that he wants SAUDI ARABIA to tell him what to do-----he wants Saudi Arabia to INVESTIGATE and help
determine WHO DONE IT

Oh my God! That motherfucker just put out this damn tweet and he’s asking Saudi Arabia who did it and what should WE do?
As if we work for Saudi Arabia. I thought Russia was bad enough.
Maybe he should be asking our intelligence community? Oh, I don’t know, that’s just a thought.

try reading it again----at no time did Trump suggest that he wants SAUDI ARABIA to tell him what to do-----he wants Saudi Arabia to INVESTIGATE and help
determine WHO DONE IT
And under what terms we should proceed. Sounds like a request for instruction and permission to me .

Trump said again and again that there would be no conditions to speak with Iran. So does the secretary of state and his entire administration again and again said they needed no conditions to meet with Iran.

And then he lied.
If you were a former ally of America, would you believe anything Donald Trump said?

Oh my God! That motherfucker just put out this damn tweet and he’s asking Saudi Arabia who did it and what should WE do?
As if we work for Saudi Arabia. I thought Russia was bad enough.
Maybe he should be asking our intelligence community? Oh, I don’t know, that’s just a thought.

try reading it again----at no time did Trump suggest that he wants SAUDI ARABIA to tell him what to do-----he wants Saudi Arabia to INVESTIGATE and help
determine WHO DONE IT
And under what terms we should proceed. Sounds like a request for instruction and permission to me .

"terms" means "permission" ? in what language?

Oh my God! That motherfucker just put out this damn tweet and he’s asking Saudi Arabia who did it and what should WE do?
As if we work for Saudi Arabia. I thought Russia was bad enough.
Maybe he should be asking our intelligence community? Oh, I don’t know, that’s just a thought.

try reading it again----at no time did Trump suggest that he wants SAUDI ARABIA to tell him what to do-----he wants Saudi Arabia to INVESTIGATE and help
determine WHO DONE IT
And under what terms we should proceed. Sounds like a request for instruction and permission to me .
Fake news from real liar.

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