Iran Destroys Left's / Democrats False Narrative About Iran NOT Supporting Terrorist Hamas' Recent Attacks On Israel


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Iran has taken further responsibility for the Gaza War via their state-run propaganda-like media Monday.

“Yes, we were the victors,” representative of Hamas in Tehran Khaled al-Qaddoumi said on Iran’s state-owned news network Press TV.

“Much of the credit for the potency of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza today belongs to Iran, which for some years now has been training Palestinian fighters in weapons and tactics, and has aided them in amassing a vast arsenal of missiles”

"The network continued, “A Hamas official has said the Palestinians won the latest war against Israel thanks to the support provided by Iran.”

Hamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian supportHamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian support
— Press TV (@PressTV) May 24, 2021

The Iranian network contradicted the appeasement narrative America’s political left has taken, defending Palestinian terrorists from Israel’s counteroffensive due to humanitarianism."

AOC and the Squad has been engaging in anti-Semitism and arguing that Hamas, who initiated the latest conflict and fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel, indiscriminately targeting civilians versus military targets, are the 'victims' while Israel who successfully defended itself were the 'villains' because they so successfully defended their nation and its people from the terrorists infesting Gaza.

"By posing the lawbreakers, Hamas and illegal aliens who are breaking nations’ laws, as victims, Ocasio-Cortez furthers a post-modern philosophical theory of “slave morality” which condemns success, individualism, wealth, and purpose as bad. Therefore, according to the theory, western institution are oppressive because they are successful, individualistic, wealthy, and purposeful."

In AOC's mind, Israel is the 'villain' because it is bigger, more powerful than Hamas, and successfully defended itself from the terrorist Hamas' attacks. Israel inflicted more damage on Hamas, who uses Palestinians in Gaza as Human Shields. (It is worth noting that Hamas' rocket attacks killed both Jews and Palestinian citizens of Israel.)

There is one significant rule of combat both AOC / The Squad and Hamas needs to learn: 'Don't WANT none? Don't START none!'

Hamas, however, has vowed to continue until they affect the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.

And as far as AOC, the Squad, and the Anti-Semite Democrats are concerned, they agree with Iran and Hamas..and with Hitler, for that matter, which is why they continue to lie / deny Iran has any part in Hamas' continued attack on Israel.

So, according to "Christian Republicans," Biden is not a zionist jew, except he was on board for all of W's treasonous fraud motivated terror war, including locking up 300 completely innocent afghanis at Gitmo forever.

And, of course, to show just how anti Israel the Jewish community thinks Joe REALLY is, we have this jewel...

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.

Translation = had the Mossad offed the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief, Low IQ Joe would've lied about that and started a US war with Iran

But the Jews know nothing about who is Jewish, or who is and is not a Zionist.

Heck, Jews know nothing about Jesus too. They think Jesus was a TOTAL FRAUD, because they were there, and Jesus was one of them. But Christians know better. They parrot a BOOK written by Jews that Jews do not believe.

Parroting vs knowing

The Christian "knows" that PARROTING is vastly superior to KNOWING.

They KNOW if we exterminate all of Israel's neighbors, Jesus will float down from the clouds...
Not according to Putin.

Putin says 95% of terror is CIA/Mossad

But what does he know? He just controls the KGB.

BTW, hey VLAD, thanks for the PHOTOS of Col Tim Osman aka "Osama"

See the source image

See the source image
Not according to Putin.

Putin says 95% of terror is CIA/Mossad

But what does he know? He just controls the KGB.

BTW, hey VLAD, thanks for the PHOTOS of Col Tim Osman aka "Osama"

See the source image

See the source image

I would say Putin is wrong.
The terror is 100% Mossad and the US.

By the way, that is NOT Osama at all, in the least.
Osama was about a foot taller, thinner face, etc.

But that is Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Last edited:
Most of the aid to Hamas comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

When the US paid General Sisi to destroy the democratic government of Egypt, thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt were executed, and tens of thousand imprisoned.
There essentially are no free Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt any more.
The whole government of Egypt under Sisi is terrorist.
'Iran has taken further responsibility for the Gaza War via their state-run propaganda-like media Monday.

“Yes, we were the victors,” representative of Hamas in Tehran Khaled al-Qaddoumi said on Iran’s state-owned news network Press TV.

“Much of the credit for the potency of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza today belongs to Iran, which for some years now has been training Palestinian fighters in weapons and tactics, and has aided them in amassing a vast arsenal of missiles”

"The network continued, “A Hamas official has said the Palestinians won the latest war against Israel thanks to the support provided by Iran.”

Hamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian supportHamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian support
— Press TV (@PressTV) May 24, 2021

The Iranian network contradicted the appeasement narrative America’s political left has taken, defending Palestinian terrorists from Israel’s counteroffensive due to humanitarianism."

AOC and the Squad has been engaging in anti-Semitism and arguing that Hamas, who initiated the latest conflict and fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel, indiscriminately targeting civilians versus military targets, are the 'victims' while Israel who successfully defended itself were the 'villains' because they so successfully defended their nation and its people from the terrorists infesting Gaza.

"By posing the lawbreakers, Hamas and illegal aliens who are breaking nations’ laws, as victims, Ocasio-Cortez furthers a post-modern philosophical theory of “slave morality” which condemns success, individualism, wealth, and purpose as bad. Therefore, according to the theory, western institution are oppressive because they are successful, individualistic, wealthy, and purposeful."

In AOC's mind, Israel is the 'villain' because it is bigger, more powerful than Hamas, and successfully defended itself from the terrorist Hamas' attacks. Israel inflicted more damage on Hamas, who uses Palestinians in Gaza as Human Shields. (It is worth noting that Hamas' rocket attacks killed both Jews and Palestinian citizens of Israel.)

There is one significant rule of combat both AOC / The Squad and Hamas needs to learn: 'Don't WANT none? Don't START none!'

Hamas, however, has vowed to continue until they affect the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.

And as far as AOC, the Squad, and the Anti-Semite Democrats are concerned, they agree with Iran and Hamas..and with Hitler, for that matter, which is why they continue to lie / deny Iran has any part in Hamas' continued attack on Israel.

Your headlineis a stupid, juvenile lie. Democrats have known since the 1980s that Iran supports HAMAS.
'Iran has taken further responsibility for the Gaza War via their state-run propaganda-like media Monday.

“Yes, we were the victors,” representative of Hamas in Tehran Khaled al-Qaddoumi said on Iran’s state-owned news network Press TV.

“Much of the credit for the potency of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza today belongs to Iran, which for some years now has been training Palestinian fighters in weapons and tactics, and has aided them in amassing a vast arsenal of missiles”

"The network continued, “A Hamas official has said the Palestinians won the latest war against Israel thanks to the support provided by Iran.”

Hamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian supportHamas attributes victory against Israel to Iranian support
— Press TV (@PressTV) May 24, 2021

The Iranian network contradicted the appeasement narrative America’s political left has taken, defending Palestinian terrorists from Israel’s counteroffensive due to humanitarianism."

AOC and the Squad has been engaging in anti-Semitism and arguing that Hamas, who initiated the latest conflict and fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel, indiscriminately targeting civilians versus military targets, are the 'victims' while Israel who successfully defended itself were the 'villains' because they so successfully defended their nation and its people from the terrorists infesting Gaza.

"By posing the lawbreakers, Hamas and illegal aliens who are breaking nations’ laws, as victims, Ocasio-Cortez furthers a post-modern philosophical theory of “slave morality” which condemns success, individualism, wealth, and purpose as bad. Therefore, according to the theory, western institution are oppressive because they are successful, individualistic, wealthy, and purposeful."

In AOC's mind, Israel is the 'villain' because it is bigger, more powerful than Hamas, and successfully defended itself from the terrorist Hamas' attacks. Israel inflicted more damage on Hamas, who uses Palestinians in Gaza as Human Shields. (It is worth noting that Hamas' rocket attacks killed both Jews and Palestinian citizens of Israel.)

There is one significant rule of combat both AOC / The Squad and Hamas needs to learn: 'Don't WANT none? Don't START none!'

Hamas, however, has vowed to continue until they affect the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews.

And as far as AOC, the Squad, and the Anti-Semite Democrats are concerned, they agree with Iran and Hamas..and with Hitler, for that matter, which is why they continue to lie / deny Iran has any part in Hamas' continued attack on Israel.

Your headlineis a stupid, juvenile lie. Democrats have known since the 1980s that Iran supports HAMAS.

Considering the criminal brutality of Israel, every decent person is forced to support Hamas.
Hamas is entirely a defensive, local, organization that every one should support.
It is Israel that is the terrorists, like murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing them up in the King David Hotel bombing in 1946, the gunning down the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte in 1948, etc.
There has never been any terrorism in the world near to the degree, volume, and brutality of what Zionists in Israel have committed and are constantly committing.
Most of the aid to Hamas comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

When the US paid General Sisi to destroy the democratic government of Egypt, thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt were executed, and tens of thousand imprisoned.
There essentially are no free Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt any more.
The whole government of Egypt under Sisi is terrorist.
I didn't say the Egyptian Government was backing Hamas. I said the M.B was. They are still very strong in Sinai.
Sisi did a great job, but did not remove the cancer entirely
Mooslim terrorism funded by Barry Hussein and Pedo Joe.

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