Iran 'dangerous' for world peace by targeting Israel, Bush says, warning 2-state solution 'very difficult’


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Huh, what do you know. He had eight years in office, all of it well ingrained in the M.E. How did he leave it?

Now, the Never Trumper and his Neo-Con brass band are concerned about Iran. Sorry bud, you're no longer in office and the guy who won gets to decide policy. Maybe your policies had something to do with Irans expansion and might? Especially now that they are very close with China.

Bushes China-First "globalism" plan, whether intentional or not, didn't go so well. He should support REAL conservatives who put their nation first like so many other Americans have. China has admitted to taking advantage of the U.S while Bush was in the M.E, it was a boon to their efforts to be the worlds greatest Super Power.

What a back to back America had with GBW and Obama. Power before country. Your border wasn't secured, no peace deals in the M.E, and, your industries, jobs, technology and wealth was shipped to China.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News about his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," Bush highlighted the story of Mariam Memarsadeghi — an Iranian immigrant who, during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, came to the United States and has dedicated her career to the pursuit of democracy in Iran.

When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look."

Bush’s comments come as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues – the worst violence since 2014.
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?

Whatever happened in his administration, he owns it. Now he's trying to hock a book on Fox News, after four years of fighting hard to get rid of Trump.

I hope all those he tries to plant into the GOP are exposed and weeded out. There are quite a few RINOs who NOW understand why Trumps policies were so important to their political careers. They hurt their brand badly with their resistance to the will of the voters in 2016.
Huh, what do you know. He had eight years in office, all of it well ingrained in the M.E. How did he leave it?

Now, the Never Trumper and his Neo-Con brass band are concerned about Iran. Sorry bud, you're no longer in office and the guy who won gets to decide policy. Maybe your policies had something to do with Irans expansion and might? Especially now that they are very close with China.

Bushes China-First "globalism" plan, whether intentional or not, didn't go so well. He should support REAL conservatives who put their nation first like so many other Americans have. China has admitted to taking advantage of the U.S while Bush was in the M.E, it was a boon to their efforts to be the worlds greatest Super Power.

What a back to back America had with GBW and Obama. Power before country. Your border wasn't secured, no peace deals in the M.E, and, your industries, jobs, technology and wealth was shipped to China.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News about his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," Bush highlighted the story of Mariam Memarsadeghi — an Iranian immigrant who, during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, came to the United States and has dedicated her career to the pursuit of democracy in Iran.

When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look."

Bush’s comments come as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues – the worst violence since 2014.
Does not sound like he said anything disturbing that we didn't already know. It would not have hurt my feelings if he had continued the no fly policy and left that A-hole Saddam to deal with Iran, as there was certainly no love lost there. I am glad the article said Fox asked him. I thought he might be volunteering on the subject. Other than being asked, he's done enough over there. If you don't want an answer, don't ask.
Huh, what do you know. He had eight years in office, all of it well ingrained in the M.E. How did he leave it?

Now, the Never Trumper and his Neo-Con brass band are concerned about Iran. Sorry bud, you're no longer in office and the guy who won gets to decide policy. Maybe your policies had something to do with Irans expansion and might? Especially now that they are very close with China.

Bushes China-First "globalism" plan, whether intentional or not, didn't go so well. He should support REAL conservatives who put their nation first like so many other Americans have. China has admitted to taking advantage of the U.S while Bush was in the M.E, it was a boon to their efforts to be the worlds greatest Super Power.

What a back to back America had with GBW and Obama. Power before country. Your border wasn't secured, no peace deals in the M.E, and, your industries, jobs, technology and wealth was shipped to China.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News about his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," Bush highlighted the story of Mariam Memarsadeghi — an Iranian immigrant who, during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, came to the United States and has dedicated her career to the pursuit of democracy in Iran.

When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look."

Bush’s comments come as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues – the worst violence since 2014.
Does not sound like he said anything disturbing that we didn't already know. It would not have hurt my feelings if he had continued the no fly policy and left that A-hole Saddam to deal with Iran, as there was certainly no love lost there. I am glad the article said Fox asked him. I thought he might be volunteering on the subject. Other than being asked, he's done enough over there. If you don't want an answer, don't ask.

He's been in the news lately because he disagrees with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He knows quite well questions about the M.E are going to be asked. None of this is new or unexpected for him. It wouldn't even surprise me if he requested questions are asked.

Hes done this before to get out his opinion and that of the old Neo-Con guardians. He's gone on talk shows and been asked "what do you think about the GOP today?" He willingly stated the following:
"I would describe it as isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent nativist," the former president said. "That's not exactly my vision, but you know what, I'm just an old guy they put out to pasture."

He loves power and influence. The further away from it he becomes and the further his former followers move away from him the more he feels the need to get some ink.

I remember the night he made his speech regarding 9/11. I felt that this guy was going to avenge the attack and of course I fully supported the U.S.

The benefit of hindsight is to understand now what I didn't understand then. The efforts in Iraq never made sense to me, especially when there was plenty of information in the news about the location of these terrorists (mostly in Pakistan) and we all knew that anti-West radicalism was being taught in certain Arab nation "allies".
Last edited:
Bush needs to STFU and go back to painting his pictures and pretending to be Texan. Asking him about anything gets little more than the rote responses he was trained to give 20 years ago.
Bush totally screwed up, lied to use about Iraqi WMD even when the CIA told him it was untrue.

His massive war borrowing caused a huge world wide recession.
He almost cause all our car makers and most banks to go bankrupt.
Bush doesn't give a damn about Iran. It's all democrat party propaganda designed to take away focus of Biden's deteriorating foreign policy and the crisis in Israel.
Huh, what do you know. He had eight years in office, all of it well ingrained in the M.E. How did he leave it?

Now, the Never Trumper and his Neo-Con brass band are concerned about Iran. Sorry bud, you're no longer in office and the guy who won gets to decide policy. Maybe your policies had something to do with Irans expansion and might? Especially now that they are very close with China.

Bushes China-First "globalism" plan, whether intentional or not, didn't go so well. He should support REAL conservatives who put their nation first like so many other Americans have. China has admitted to taking advantage of the U.S while Bush was in the M.E, it was a boon to their efforts to be the worlds greatest Super Power.

What a back to back America had with GBW and Obama. Power before country. Your border wasn't secured, no peace deals in the M.E, and, your industries, jobs, technology and wealth was shipped to China.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News about his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," Bush highlighted the story of Mariam Memarsadeghi — an Iranian immigrant who, during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, came to the United States and has dedicated her career to the pursuit of democracy in Iran.

When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look."

Bush’s comments come as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues – the worst violence since 2014.

Bush is/was so worefully ignorant about the ME.. If not for his invasion of Iraq, Iran would not be ascendant.

A two state solution in Israel passed over a decade ago. Israel has built so many Jewish only settlements in the West Bank that there is no room for a contiguous Palestinian state.

Our allies are all looking to mend fences with Iran.
Huh, what do you know. He had eight years in office, all of it well ingrained in the M.E. How did he leave it?

Now, the Never Trumper and his Neo-Con brass band are concerned about Iran. Sorry bud, you're no longer in office and the guy who won gets to decide policy. Maybe your policies had something to do with Irans expansion and might? Especially now that they are very close with China.

Bushes China-First "globalism" plan, whether intentional or not, didn't go so well. He should support REAL conservatives who put their nation first like so many other Americans have. China has admitted to taking advantage of the U.S while Bush was in the M.E, it was a boon to their efforts to be the worlds greatest Super Power.

What a back to back America had with GBW and Obama. Power before country. Your border wasn't secured, no peace deals in the M.E, and, your industries, jobs, technology and wealth was shipped to China.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President George W. Bush told Fox News on Wednesday that Iran is "dangerous" for stability in the Middle East and the world, while warning that a two-state solution amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be "very difficult at this stage."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News about his new book, "Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants," Bush highlighted the story of Mariam Memarsadeghi — an Iranian immigrant who, during the Iranian Revolution of 1979, came to the United States and has dedicated her career to the pursuit of democracy in Iran.

When asked about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian violence, Bush told Fox News that what "you're seeing playing out is Iranian influence targeted toward Israel."

"I think the best approach with regard to Iran is to understand that their influence is dangerous for world peace, that they are very much involved with extremist movements in Lebanon and Syria and Yemen, and they are aiming to spread their influence," Bush told Fox News, when asked about how the U.S. should engage with Tehran.

"Any deal that is done has got to not only focus on its nuclear capabilities, but also its influence in the Middle East," Bush continued. "And you know, any deal, you’ve got to keep in mind the dangers of an aggressive Iran to our allies, and to stability, so it has to be a comprehensive look."

Bush’s comments come as Israeli-Palestinian violence continues – the worst violence since 2014.

Bush is/was so worefully ignorant about the ME.. If not for his invasion of Iraq, Iran would not be ascendant.

A two state solution in Israel passed over a decade ago. Israel has built so many Jewish only settlements in the West Bank that there is no room for a contiguous Palestinian state.

Our allies are all looking to mend fences with Iran.
"a two state solution in Israel PASSED over a decade ago....." another surada khutbah
jumaat feces fling
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work

Saddam didn't have squat as far as biological weapons and we killed the very same people we condemned him for killing but it's obvious as to why you are not able to comprehend the lies.
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work

Saddam didn't have squat as far as biological weapons and we killed the very same people we condemned him for killing but it's obvious as to why you are not able to comprehend the lies.
he had plenty more than "squat" including Botulinin toxin and Anthrax spores. Your statement
that "WE" killed the hundreds of thousands of Kurds and SHIITES that were murdered by
SADAAM is a very sick LIE. Who is "we"? Is "we" the people who stockpiled and USED
nitrogen mustard gas?
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work

Saddam didn't have squat as far as biological weapons and we killed the very same people we condemned him for killing but it's obvious as to why you are not able to comprehend the lies.
he had plenty more than "squat" including Botulinin toxin and Anthrax spores. Your statement
that "WE" killed the hundreds of thousands of Kurds and SHIITES that were murdered by
SADAAM is a very sick LIE. Who is "we"?

Millions!!! I heard it was MILLIONS!!!!

Bush lied and 20 years later we are still paying for that lie.

Bush should be turned over to face trial on war crimes. It's the very least we would expect out of a leader that signed off on torture.
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work

Saddam didn't have squat as far as biological weapons and we killed the very same people we condemned him for killing but it's obvious as to why you are not able to comprehend the lies.
he had plenty more than "squat" including Botulinin toxin and Anthrax spores. Your statement
that "WE" killed the hundreds of thousands of Kurds and SHIITES that were murdered by
SADAAM is a very sick LIE. Who is "we"?

Millions!!! I heard it was MILLIONS!!!!

Bush lied and 20 years later we are still paying for that lie.
How many times does Bush get to lie us into wars?
what lie?

Welcome back to 2001.
what lie? At no time did Bush claim that Iraq did 9-11-01
and at no time did he claim that Iraq had nuclear bombs. The
lie is-----that he did. The fact that there were people who believed
that he made such claims-----is absolutely true-----lots of very stupid
people. WMD is not a synonym for NUCLEAR BOMB

Powell Blames Himself, Others For Specious Iraq WMD Claims to U.N. | Analysis | NTI

They all knew it was a lie.
what was a "LIE" -----Saddam murdered MASSIVELY and was well into ATTEMPTING
to develope biologicals for MASSIVE WARFARE ----to wit WMD. your link does not work

Saddam didn't have squat as far as biological weapons and we killed the very same people we condemned him for killing but it's obvious as to why you are not able to comprehend the lies.
he had plenty more than "squat" including Botulinin toxin and Anthrax spores. Your statement
that "WE" killed the hundreds of thousands of Kurds and SHIITES that were murdered by
SADAAM is a very sick LIE. Who is "we"?

Millions!!! I heard it was MILLIONS!!!!

Bush lied and 20 years later we are still paying for that lie.
hundreds of thousands
He's been in the news lately because he disagrees with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He knows quite well questions about the M.E are going to be asked. None of this is new or unexpected for him. It wouldn't even surprise me if he requested questions are asked.

Hes done this before to get out his opinion and that of the old Neo-Con guardians. He's gone on talk shows and been asked "what do you think about the GOP today?" He willingly stated the following:
"I would describe it as isolationist, protectionist, and to a certain extent nativist," the former president said. "That's not exactly my vision, but you know what, I'm just an old guy they put out to pasture."

He loves power and influence. The further away from it he becomes and the further his former followers move away from him the more he feels the need to get some ink.

I remember the night he made his speech regarding 9/11. I felt that this guy was going to avenge the attack and of course I fully supported the U.S.

The benefit of hindsight is to understand now what I didn't understand then. The efforts in Iraq never made sense to me, especially when there was plenty of information in the news about the location of these terrorists (mostly in Pakistan) and we all knew that anti-West radicalism was being taught in certain Arab nation "allies".

Nope.. The Saudis are very pro-American.

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