InTrade now prices likelihood of Obama’s re-election at less than 50/50

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
You want a real poll just look at where people are putting their money.

Every day, thousands more Americans are giving up on Barack Obama’s presidency. We see this anecdotally as well as in poll data. This, I think, is the real reason why Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation is so out of tune. It is not just that the economy is lousy; it is the fact that millions of Americans are looking askance at the president, weighing whether they should continue supporting his administration, or throw in the towel. For many, Obama’s disengagement will help answer the question.

Those who put their money where their mouths are have recognized Obama’s receding fortunes: InTrade now prices the likelihood of Obama’s re-election at less than 50/50.


Barack Obama, One-Termer | Power Line
Obama job approval 43.5% average poll numbers RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Congress job approval 16.0% average poll numbers RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

President Obama vs. Republican Candidate Obama up 0.5% RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - President Obama vs. Republican Candidate

President Obama vs. Republican Candidates Obama is 3.1% up on Romney and more than 10% on every other candidate, including Perry. RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

What is disturbing is not that Obama is doing poorly (that should be expected) but that his opponents are doing worse.
I would long Obama at this point. You have him competing against . . . a relatively untouched field of Presidential candidates. A frontrunner hasn't morphed into view. There's no doubt I'd vote for a generic Republican against Obama. But some of these other candidates? I don't know.
The Ear Man is gone in 2013, no ifs. The only issue is if the GOP can turn up someone who is not a RINO.

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