internet to become obamanet...slower, heavily taxed, political speech censored....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Lets sell the internet to the highest bidder instead works so poorly now.....I'm sure the government will make it sooooo much better.....again....the internet is fine....leave it alone.....
From the article.....

The administration’s plan to create a “free and open Internet” means, as usual, the opposite of what it says. As Gordon Crovitz explains in the Wall Street Journal, it is really a monumental, bare-faced power grab.

The permissionless Internet, which allows anyone to introduce a website, app or device without government review, ends this week. On Thursday the three Democrats among the five commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission will vote to regulate the Internet under rules written for monopoly utilities.

No one, including the bullied FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler, thought the agency would go this far. The big politicization came when President Obama in November demanded that the supposedly independent FCC apply the agency’s most extreme regulation to the Internet. A recent page-one Wall Street Journal story headlined “Net Neutrality: How White House Thwarted FCC Chief” documented “an unusual, secretive effort inside the White House . . . acting as a parallel version of the FCC itself.”…

The more than 300 pages of new regulations are secret, but Mr. Wheeler says they will subject the Internet to the key provisions of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, under which the FCC oversaw Ma Bell.

The specifics of the grab don’t matter as much as the direction in which things must inevitably move. Regulation is an absorbing state like the Hotel California. You can try to check out any time you like, but once inside you can never really leave. Three hundred pages of regulation will become 301 … 302 … A new administration might slow down the rate of growth, but it can never reverse it.

The very success of the Internet doomed its independence. Like any rich, glittering center of wealth that springs up in the desert sands, it would inevitably be coveted by nearby chieftains. And if there’s anything this administration — and to a lesser extent any administration — hankers after it is power. So a-raiding they will go. So here is prince Barack, at the tech city gates, demanding the keys. Not that he will know what to do with it after obtaining them. But possession of the bauble is in the first instance enough.

There is the notion, often reticiently expressed but frequently glimpsed in news stories, that the key to the future World Order is information. Lawfare, the use of sanctions — in fact every application of ”smart” policy — implicitly depends on information dominance. Information is the key to the Western elite’

Read more: Losing the Internet Belmont Club George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club
images George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club
Just remember the next president will be republican and I'm sure you will have no problem with him in charge of your internet? Obama is trying to become king and giving future presidents power they are not entitled to by the constitution. When you complain in the future I will remind you of your ignorance. George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :) George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club
Don't be such a conspiracy nut.

This is only designed so poor people can have faster, cheaper access to streaming porn videos.

Why should the rich have all the fun? George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :)
You know a lot about porn.

Answer me this: With so much free porn available via Bing, you-tube, etc, how does a "porn industry" even survive? George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :)
The internet still consists largely of port with 40 % of all downloaded files being porn files. George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :)
You know a lot about porn.

Answer me this: With so much free porn available via Bing, you-tube, etc, how does a "porn industry" even survive?

Bing and YouTube aren't making the porn, just making it available. The porn companies make it so they continue.
The people that can't get a single healthcare website up and running correctly think they can run the entire internet efficiently. That should work out well. On top of that they are using the same reasoning that give us Ma Bell before that went unregulated and give us smart phones. If that hadn't happened we would still have rotary phones in all our homes. And some idiots actually cheer this crap on.
The people that can't get a single healthcare website up and running correctly think they can run the entire internet efficiently. That should work out well. On top of that they are using the same reasoning that give us Ma Bell before that went unregulated and give us smart phones. If that hadn't happened we would still have rotary phones in all our homes. And some idiots actually cheer this crap on.

"On top of that they are using the same reasoning that give us Ma Bell before that went unregulated and give us smart phones. If that hadn't happened we would still have rotary phones in all our homes."

That's some funny "reasoning" you got there.

:uhoh3: George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :)
You know a lot about porn.

Answer me this: With so much free porn available via Bing, you-tube, etc, how does a "porn industry" even survive?

Bing and YouTube aren't making the porn, just making it available. The porn companies make it so they continue.
But where does the money come from if you can get it free? George Orwell fashion obama appears to be making a grab for limiting speech on the internet....since democrats can't stand dissent or the FCC is going to put out new rules which experts say will slow down our internet to the point it makes streaming difficult if not impossible, they are going to tax various types of website, and they are going after political websites in particular...of course this is all in the name of making the internet better.......

Contact your politicians....see if that does any good......

Losing the Internet Belmont Club

Good luck with that. Think there was a huge push to remove porn from the internet too years back. How'd that work? Removed it from usenet to be sure, but I'm fairly certain there's still porn online. :)
You know a lot about porn.

Answer me this: With so much free porn available via Bing, you-tube, etc, how does a "porn industry" even survive?

Bing and YouTube aren't making the porn, just making it available. The porn companies make it so they continue.
But where does the money come from if you can get it free?

Well, the porn business is selling its product globally. Due to official use and licensing type things if resellers wanna sell it they have to pay whoever made it. While piracy is a big part of the porn online, there's also lots of legal distribution where money's being made. Videos, cable tv on-demand, hotel room porn and the like are all legal avenues for distribution where the usual businesses laws and practiced are followed.

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