Interesting theory that of the Venetians - Vandals and Longobards of Protoslav lineage


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
These etymological comparisons could reveal a set of proto-slave populations gathered from the same origin.










Translated from Polish, however reliable the universal translator is:

"The names used for the Western Slavs have their starting point in the land of Wen (e) den in Mecklenburg = Wiegligard, and the following moments can be found in the historical development of these names: \ ĕ the oldest name is the Nordic vinpr "die W enden (from zamorza)», which represents the Polish stem, or * Ven-t-es formation; perhaps the same suffix shows and medieval German Wend-f without -e- between n-d \ 2. then the formations with the suffixes -et-, -ot-, -at- germ appeared. Venedi, German Wened-, Wenad- Anglo Weon-ôd- from the preceding * Ven-et-, * Ven-ot-, * Ven-at- while interesting, that the Anglo-Saxon formation * Ven-at- ^ Weon-ôd- ha his training counterpart with the theme of üanna in Poland: Wan-at-, Wanaty (1596 on Vanacziech, K ozierowski, Poznań II.358), the same (ibid. 745) notes the collateral formation Wenacz, anVanacz (1529) with the suffix -ak-io- and the form of the element * Věn: * Vōn-, 3. The German names in the Middle Ages, used for the sechiti sechici, are: Winili, Winnili, Winola, Winnuli.
IN SO. IX. 377-81 I have given the explanation of these names as Lechic tribal names, consisting of the element Ven -j- (suffixes): -fl-, -ol- (-iii). I would add here that in Slavic tribal name day, the suffixes with z - / - meet, see e.g. Góra-l, or Gór-al: mountain, Mosk-al, etc. Nothing hinders the possibility that these names (Winili, Winoli, Winnuli) are Slavic, formed from the same root as Ven-et-i etc. "

It should not be forgotten that the Lombards were originally called Winnili, as Paolo Diacono states in his history of the Lombards.

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The German names in the Middle Ages, used for the sechiti sechici, are: Winili, Winnili, Winola, Winnuli.

I correct myself:

"nazwy niemieckie w średniowieczu stosowane do Slowian lechickich, brzmia: Winili, Winnili, Winoli, Winnuli" = German names in the Middle Ages used for the Lechite Slavs, are: Winili, Winnili (Longobards - I add), Winoli, Winnuli.
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Some ethnonims and toponims in the modern languages:
Finnish: — «Venäläinen» (Russian), «Veneman», «Venäjä» (Russia); Estonian — «Venelane» (Russian), «Venemaa» (Russia), «Vene» (Rus); Karelian — «Veneä» (Russia).
On the other hand, may be, root "Ven" just came from Latin "Venio" - "to come". "Venit populus" - "Incomers".
Some ethnonims and toponims in the modern languages:
Finnish: — «Venäläinen» (Russian), «Veneman», «Venäjä» (Russia); Estonian — «Venelane» (Russian), «Venemaa» (Russia), «Vene» (Rus); Karelian — «Veneä» (Russia).
On the other hand, may be, root "Ven" just came from Latin "Venio" - "to come". "Venit populus" - "Incomers".

The problem is that the ancient Romans never colonized the territory that is part of today's Russia, but not even the countries of the former Soviet Union. It was the evangelists who went to those lands. The comparative method, in this case, suggests a certain closeness between all these ancient tribes (peoples), having the same root. If on the one hand the attempt to derive modern terminologies from ancient Latin, it could also be plausible, but the discourse changes when referring to ancient terms, roots that have a pre-Latin-Roman origin.
Again on Slavia Occidentalis, the toponym of Scandinavia is derived from ancient Slavic, or Baltic, etymes through the comparative method:







It would be the expansion of the Lechina empire. Polish nationalist propaganda is to be taken with tongs, like all other propaganda of this type: in fact, a process of colonization / migration of Europe occurred almost certainly by populations of Proto Slavic - Slavic lineage, rather than by Nordic peoples from both Scandinavia and Germany, as Norse mythology would like to make us understand about the origin of the barbarian populations, notably pan Scandinavian and pan Germanic for my taste.
These etymological comparisons could reveal a set of proto-slave populations gathered from the same origin.










Translated from Polish, however reliable the universal translator is:

"The names used for the Western Slavs have their starting point in the land of Wen (e) den in Mecklenburg = Wiegligard, and the following moments can be found in the historical development of these names: \ ĕ the oldest name is the Nordic vinpr "die W enden (from zamorza)», which represents the Polish stem, or * Ven-t-es formation; perhaps the same suffix shows and medieval German Wend-f without -e- between n-d \ 2. then the formations with the suffixes -et-, -ot-, -at- germ appeared. Venedi, German Wened-, Wenad- Anglo Weon-ôd- from the preceding * Ven-et-, * Ven-ot-, * Ven-at- while interesting, that the Anglo-Saxon formation * Ven-at- ^ Weon-ôd- ha his training counterpart with the theme of üanna in Poland: Wan-at-, Wanaty (1596 on Vanacziech, K ozierowski, Poznań II.358), the same (ibid. 745) notes the collateral formation Wenacz, anVanacz (1529) with the suffix -ak-io- and the form of the element * Věn: * Vōn-, 3. The German names in the Middle Ages, used for the sechiti sechici, are: Winili, Winnili, Winola, Winnuli.
IN SO. IX. 377-81 I have given the explanation of these names as Lechic tribal names, consisting of the element Ven -j- (suffixes): -fl-, -ol- (-iii). I would add here that in Slavic tribal name day, the suffixes with z - / - meet, see e.g. Góra-l, or Gór-al: mountain, Mosk-al, etc. Nothing hinders the possibility that these names (Winili, Winoli, Winnuli) are Slavic, formed from the same root as Ven-et-i etc. "

It should not be forgotten that the Lombards were originally called Winnili, as Paolo Diacono states in his history of the Lombards.

Keeps the problem that Langobards and Vandals are Germanics.
The Italian of Winnilowie origin Paul Warnefried did nothing but fuel this allegorical myth, in placing the origin of his alien ancestors in the Scandinavian peninsula, strong of the fact that this myth (which Bernal would have called "ancient model") was not supported by its veracity , but also to quote Bernal "for a series of external causes", that is, the fact that with the collapse of the Roman Empire, as a result of the barbarian invasions, the Nordic myth of Scandinavia made its way, as opposed to the Greek Roman ones now fallen . Another factor is that concerning discrimination and rivalry between Slavic peoples with those of non-Slavic lineage, which persisted until the Nazi-Fascist era.

The fact is that the genealogy of the so-called "Nordic" populations of barbaric mythology is panscandinava, where, if not all, most of these populations are brought together, it is absurd. It would be like saying that the motherland of all the pre-Roman and Roman post-Roman peoples of the Italian penisla is Sicily or Sardinia, which is unthinkable that these islands, taken individually, could have generated such a large number of peoples. Evidently something does not return in the allegorical stories about Scandinavia.

That map you posted falls perfectly within a Panscandinavian and Pangermanic conception, all too allegorical and imaginative, as well as being a Scandinavian centric and German-centric.


This turns out to be much more likely than the others.
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This romantic vision of bringing together all the barbarian populations both to Germany and Scandinavia is no longer taken into consideration even here in Italy, apart from those who are partisan on a political and idological level and tend to marry certain theories that on a practical and rational level are to be discarded. It is a way like any other to androse teutonic colonialism not only on the Italian peninsula, but also in other areas of the same Europe.
The Italian of Winnilowie origin Paul Warnefried did nothing but fuel this allegorical myth, in placing the origin of his alien ancestors in the Scandinavian peninsula, strong of the fact that this myth (which Bernal would have called "ancient model") was not supported by its veracity , but also to quote Bernal "for a series of external causes", that is, the fact that with the collapse of the Roman Empire, as a result of the barbarian invasions, the Nordic myth of Scandinavia made its way, as opposed to the Greek Roman ones now fallen . Another factor is that concerning discrimination and rivalry between Slavic peoples with those of non-Slavic lineage, which persisted until the Nazi-Fascist era.

The fact is that the genealogy of the so-called "Nordic" populations of barbaric mythology is panscandinava, where, if not all, most of these populations are brought together, it is absurd. It would be like saying that the motherland of all the pre-Roman and Roman post-Roman peoples of the Italian penisla is Sicily or Sardinia, which is unthinkable that these islands, taken individually, could have generated such a large number of peoples. Evidently something does not return in the allegorical stories about Scandinavia.

That map you posted falls perfectly within a Panscandinavian and Pangermanic conception, all too allegorical and imaginative, as well as being a Scandinavian centric and German-centric.

View attachment 344111

This turns out to be much more likely than the others.

The Langobrads were Germanics. The Marcomans were Germanics too. The Vandals were Germanics. The Lugii wre Germanics. The Scyrii = Scirii were Germanics. The Harvati are a Denish sort of cheese. The Semnoni were Germanics. The Rugii were Germanics. The Varni = Warjan were Germanics. The Veneti live in Italy. The Gutines were Germanics. The Suevia = Suebia are Germanics. ...

So in the green area surrounded by a black "border" lived Germanics. That's all.
All and nothing. There is a romantic tendency to bring most of the barbarian tribes to Germany, but also to Scandinavia, but this is in fact not plausible, especially if a methodology that is as rational and objective as possible is applied.

Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of the last millennium, in the midst of historical reinterpretations on racial grounds, there were several scholars who hypothesized (wrongly), a Nordic (Teutonic) origin even of the ancient Romans, the ancient Greeks and the ancient Egyptians , as if the chronicles of Herodotus had been written with the ass at the mercy of amazing substances.

This obrory was written inside the manifest of the race, in the middle of the fascist era:

4. The population of present-day Italy is mostly of Aryan origin and its Aryan civilization. This population with Aryan civilization has inhabited our peninsula for several millennia; very little remains of the civilization of the Prearian people. The origin of the current Italians essentially starts from elements of those same races that constitute and constituted the perennially alive fabric of Europe.

5. The contribution of large masses of men in historical times is a legend. After the invasion of the Longobards, there were no other noteworthy movements of peoples in Italy capable of influencing the racial physiognomy of the nation. From this it follows that, while for other European countries the racial composition has varied considerably in modern times, for Italy, in its broad lines, the racial composition of today is the same as it was a thousand years ago: the forty-four million Today's Italians therefore make up the majority of families who have lived in Italy for at least a millennium.

Since once, in the wake of Germanocentrism, it was thought to be all Teutonic or Scandinavian, without taking into account the fact that both Germany and Scandinavia were Slavicized several times throughout their history.

The Goths were of Slavic lineage, as were the Lombards (Winnilowie), most of the Venetian tribes, the Vandals (Wandalowie) and Beyond.
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I want to clarify that I was born in the Lombardy region and still live there, so I am the last to be biased, and in my impartiality, I can at least claim to know the history of my region (and not only ).

The current President of the Veneto region carries a surname of ancient Slavic origin, did you know? as well as many other Venetians. I can say that since I study the etymology of both Italian surnames and toponymy.

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