Interesting take from abroad


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The Congress Has No Clothes
The Capitol Occupation & Post-Trumpian Populism

Part of the difficulty in evaluating what happened is that it’s unclear who exactly was behind it. From all appearances, however, it wasn’t planned in advance. Unlike what his many detractors are saying, it’s not at all apparent that President Trump encouraged the crowd to occupy the Capitol; there is most definitely no hint of a call to violence in the speech that he gave beforehand. Also, the speed with which he condemned the occupation and agreed to concede the election the following day would seem to belie the theory that the event was part of an overall plan for a pro-Trump coup.


This isn’t about Trump anymore — it didn’t start with Trump and it certainly won’t end with him. As for myself, all I can say is that, for the first time in a while, on that day I actually felt proud to be an American.

From the comments:

Hi, John Morgan — Thank you so much for such an insightful piece! It is by far the best I’ve read so far on the Capitol Hill Protesters. You say you wrote this from abroad? Wow, I was there as a neutral observer within the MAGA crowds, and you have insightfully described from a distance most all of what I thought and felt as an eyewitness. Your analogy to the Boston Tea Party is especially apt, as is your quotation of Jefferson on the blood of patriots and tyrants. Most of all, I think your understanding of populism is profound! Can I be in touch with you? I am writing an essay for Naked Capitalism on this same topic. — John Siman — [email protected]


I have a very liberal, progressive friend who is mild mannered, polite, sociable and relatively normal most of the time. But mention Trump, and he becomes, irritated, aggressive, his blood pressure rises, his voice cracks, and he becomes animated and triggered, firing off volleys of insults and accusations, as if he has been personally assaulted by Trump. He becomes unreasonable and borderline manic.
We have all heard stories of Trump derangement syndrome, but to see a person “activated” by an ongoing media psyop is very disconcerting. Like lab rats in an experiment. That kind of control and manipulation is unhealthy – just look at the fear and panic all around you over a fairly aggressive flu virus.
Creating fear, panic, hate, anxiety and despair seems to be what the media and politicians do best. Periodic time outs (taking a break from all that) is highly recommended.

If any of you believe that circus in DC was real I have some ocean front property in Az for a really reasonable price for you.
Also, the speed with which he condemned the occupation and agreed to concede the election the following day would seem to belie the theory that the event was part of an overall plan for a pro-Trump coup.

Reports from the White House are that Trump watched the attack and seemed to enjoy it. He ignored pleas from staff to address the rioters and call them off. He reluctantly agreed to make a video where he insisted on calling the rioters special and told them he loves them

As usual, when his actions blew up in his face, he read a prepared statement condemning the attack.

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