Intelligent Design?

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
Maybe, just maybe there may be a God, one who watches and interjects him/her self when s/he has a concern for what the human species is doing to damage the earth's plants and animals. The greed and unnecessary destruction by human beings may be punishing our species for polluting the environment and the sport of killing majestic animals for fun:


Maybe God has had enough, and the current crisis is a time to awaken and the human species must elect leaders who put the earth and all of its treasures first. Dirt bags like these two killers are the worst of humanity.
How is supporting the Mongolian economy a bad thing?

Why do you hate Mongolians?
The desperation of the cult of dementia is in full view. They see the election slipping away so throw stuff at Trump and see if any of it will stick for a few extra votes.

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