Intel Official Tells Catherine Herridge GRU/Taliban Bounty Allegations Were Not in President Trump’s Daily Brief


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Developing: Senior Intel Official Tells Catherine Herridge GRU/Taliban Bounty Allegations Were Not in President Trump’s Daily Brief

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The New York Times on Friday published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”
President Trump early Sunday morning dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.
“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.
Later Sunday afternoon, CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge reported that according to a senior intel official, the GRU/Taliban bounty allegations were not in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), backing the President’s claims.
“The official confirmed the NSC has been doing “due diligence,” and going back through their files since the story broke Friday, and they have not found the “intelligence assessment” described in media reporting.” Herridge said.
The Democrat-media complex is going crazy over this New York Times report using anonymous sources.
Pelosi on Sunday claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin must have something on President Trump.
Traitor and backstabber John Bolton fired off a tweet Sunday demanding an investigation in response to the fake news NYT report.

considering that Catherine Herridge is one of just a handful of actual journalists who still takes her profession seriously, I’ll put my money on what you say and give odds as well.....
Meanwhile appears not to have recieved Catherine Herridge's report, because it wasn't posted anywhere.
How anyone can rely on the veracity of the New York Times, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC or CBS is beyond the pale.
If these "anonymous sources" don't have the guts to stand behind their statements, rags like the NY Slimes and the rest of the MSM should not be allowed to issue reports based on them. That's when freedom of the press becomes no more than propaganda.
Even if this story hadn't already been debunked, why is this something that would negatively affect Trump? The Russians and Taliban are our enemy, and enemies (especially terrorists) do stuff like this all the time. Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan, so if this story was true, I imagine the President would push even harder to leave that cesspool. So, are the Democrats running on EXPANDING our presence in Afghanistan? Do they really think that's a winning issue?
In the end the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats will do anything and everything to smear President Trump and continue a false narrative to push another false impeachment and attempt to put doubt in DJT's ability as president.
Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan, so if this story was true, I imagine the President would push even harder to leave that cesspool.
Also, anyone who ever thought the russian were our friends - obama and hillary for instance - is out of their minds.

and that goes for the china apologists too

china and russia are out enemies

we just dont happen to be in a shooting war with either of them at the moment

nor do I want trump to start a shooting war just to appease leftwing wackos
Developing: Senior Intel Official Tells Catherine Herridge GRU/Taliban Bounty Allegations Were Not in President Trump’s Daily Brief

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The New York Times on Friday published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”
President Trump early Sunday morning dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.
“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.
Later Sunday afternoon, CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge reported that according to a senior intel official, the GRU/Taliban bounty allegations were not in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), backing the President’s claims.
“The official confirmed the NSC has been doing “due diligence,” and going back through their files since the story broke Friday, and they have not found the “intelligence assessment” described in media reporting.” Herridge said.
The Democrat-media complex is going crazy over this New York Times report using anonymous sources.
Pelosi on Sunday claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin must have something on President Trump.
Traitor and backstabber John Bolton fired off a tweet Sunday demanding an investigation in response to the fake news NYT report.

considering that Catherine Herridge is one of just a handful of actual journalists who still takes her profession seriously, I’ll put my money on what you say and give odds as well.....
Meanwhile appears not to have recieved Catherine Herridge's report, because it wasn't posted anywhere.
How anyone can rely on the veracity of the New York Times, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC or CBS is beyond the pale.
If these "anonymous sources" don't have the guts to stand behind their statements, rags like the NY Slimes and the rest of the MSM should not be allowed to issue reports based on them. That's when freedom of the press becomes no more than propaganda.
Even if this story hadn't already been debunked, why is this something that would negatively affect Trump? The Russians and Taliban are our enemy, and enemies (especially terrorists) do stuff like this all the time. Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan, so if this story was true, I imagine the President would push even harder to leave that cesspool. So, are the Democrats running on EXPANDING our presence in Afghanistan? Do they really think that's a winning issue?
In the end the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats will do anything and everything to smear President Trump and continue a false narrative to push another false impeachment and attempt to put doubt in DJT's ability as president.
"Surprised, I'm not," said Master Yoda
Developing: Senior Intel Official Tells Catherine Herridge GRU/Taliban Bounty Allegations Were Not in President Trump’s Daily Brief

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The New York Times on Friday published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”
President Trump early Sunday morning dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.
“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.
Later Sunday afternoon, CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge reported that according to a senior intel official, the GRU/Taliban bounty allegations were not in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), backing the President’s claims.
“The official confirmed the NSC has been doing “due diligence,” and going back through their files since the story broke Friday, and they have not found the “intelligence assessment” described in media reporting.” Herridge said.
The Democrat-media complex is going crazy over this New York Times report using anonymous sources.
Pelosi on Sunday claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin must have something on President Trump.
Traitor and backstabber John Bolton fired off a tweet Sunday demanding an investigation in response to the fake news NYT report.

considering that Catherine Herridge is one of just a handful of actual journalists who still takes her profession seriously, I’ll put my money on what you say and give odds as well.....
Meanwhile appears not to have recieved Catherine Herridge's report, because it wasn't posted anywhere.
How anyone can rely on the veracity of the New York Times, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC or CBS is beyond the pale.
If these "anonymous sources" don't have the guts to stand behind their statements, rags like the NY Slimes and the rest of the MSM should not be allowed to issue reports based on them. That's when freedom of the press becomes no more than propaganda.
Even if this story hadn't already been debunked, why is this something that would negatively affect Trump? The Russians and Taliban are our enemy, and enemies (especially terrorists) do stuff like this all the time. Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan, so if this story was true, I imagine the President would push even harder to leave that cesspool. So, are the Democrats running on EXPANDING our presence in Afghanistan? Do they really think that's a winning issue?
In the end the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats will do anything and everything to smear President Trump and continue a false narrative to push another false impeachment and attempt to put doubt in DJT's ability as president.
Your thread not looking good
Developing: Senior Intel Official Tells Catherine Herridge GRU/Taliban Bounty Allegations Were Not in President Trump’s Daily Brief

28 Jun 2020 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The New York Times on Friday published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”
President Trump early Sunday morning dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.
“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.
Later Sunday afternoon, CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge reported that according to a senior intel official, the GRU/Taliban bounty allegations were not in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), backing the President’s claims.
“The official confirmed the NSC has been doing “due diligence,” and going back through their files since the story broke Friday, and they have not found the “intelligence assessment” described in media reporting.” Herridge said.
The Democrat-media complex is going crazy over this New York Times report using anonymous sources.
Pelosi on Sunday claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin must have something on President Trump.
Traitor and backstabber John Bolton fired off a tweet Sunday demanding an investigation in response to the fake news NYT report.

considering that Catherine Herridge is one of just a handful of actual journalists who still takes her profession seriously, I’ll put my money on what you say and give odds as well.....
Meanwhile appears not to have recieved Catherine Herridge's report, because it wasn't posted anywhere.
How anyone can rely on the veracity of the New York Times, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC or CBS is beyond the pale.
If these "anonymous sources" don't have the guts to stand behind their statements, rags like the NY Slimes and the rest of the MSM should not be allowed to issue reports based on them. That's when freedom of the press becomes no more than propaganda.
Even if this story hadn't already been debunked, why is this something that would negatively affect Trump? The Russians and Taliban are our enemy, and enemies (especially terrorists) do stuff like this all the time. Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan, so if this story was true, I imagine the President would push even harder to leave that cesspool. So, are the Democrats running on EXPANDING our presence in Afghanistan? Do they really think that's a winning issue?
In the end the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats will do anything and everything to smear President Trump and continue a false narrative to push another false impeachment and attempt to put doubt in DJT's ability as president.
Your thread not looking good
Good Lord, how many times are you gonna get burned by the Fake News NYTs and their unsourced stories.

Grow a brain cell, Fuckwit.
Funny how the Demonrats and the MSM were not upset when Obama sent 5 terrorists in return for the deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Six American soldiers died searching for that deserter. To the Demonrats and the MSM those 6 lives meant nothing. Yet here they are pushing this bullshit.

Do you think Trump knows now?

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