Insurance companies not paying usual


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
insurance companies have weaseled out of paying for Katrina storm damage, and disasters on the east coast.
in some cases, houses that were a total loss were written up as "no structural damage"
one inspector said 175 of his reports were changed.
they believe FEMA has been fully aware of it.
they started a probe into the incidents
insurance companies have weaseled out of paying for Katrina storm damage, and disasters on the east coast.
in some cases, houses that were a total loss were written up as "no structural damage"
one inspector said 175 of his reports were changed.
they believe FEMA has been fully aware of it.
they started a probe into the incidents

Once again...JUMPING to conclusions and more disgusting GETTING YOUR stories screwed up!
It was on 60 minutes Sunday night. And it was exclusively Hurricane Sandy! NOTHING to do with Katrina.
Please just check for once before you do as most LIPs do jump to conclusions without all the FACTS!
60 Minutes Video - Sharyn Alfonsi investigates allegations that thousands of homeowners were denied their flood insurance claims after Hurricane Sandy because of fraudulent engineers reports -
It is so easy to check something out before entering false information!
Please I know as a LIP it is hard for you to do but just use the internet!
"NOTHING to do with Katrina"

not according to CBS news with Scott Pelly

so smoke on that
Well fuck if it's on CBS news with Scott Pelly we sure don't need any links or verification!

It's Scott fucking Kelly people!
insurance companies have weaseled out of paying for Katrina storm damage, and disasters on the east coast.
in some cases, houses that were a total loss were written up as "no structural damage"
one inspector said 175 of his reports were changed.
they believe FEMA has been fully aware of it.
they started a probe into the incidents

Once again...JUMPING to conclusions and more disgusting GETTING YOUR stories screwed up!
It was on 60 minutes Sunday night. And it was exclusively Hurricane Sandy! NOTHING to do with Katrina.
Please just check for once before you do as most LIPs do jump to conclusions without all the FACTS!
60 Minutes Video - Sharyn Alfonsi investigates allegations that thousands of homeowners were denied their flood insurance claims after Hurricane Sandy because of fraudulent engineers reports -
It is so easy to check something out before entering false information!
Please I know as a LIP it is hard for you to do but just use the internet!

60 Minutes! Oh boy...I'll take that to the bank.

Hey idiot, the insurance industry has both rotten corrupt political parties in their hip pocket. My brother owns a construction law firm in Atlanta. He was heavily involved in filing lawsuits for Hurricane Katrina victims, mainly commercial concerns. State Farm was turning down 97% of claims out of hand. They didn't give a fuck how legitimate the claims were, they just told their policy holders to get fucked. Those who spent considerable time and money pursuing their claims usually got some pittance of a settlement, buy unless you're willing to go through all the hoops and expense of dragging an insurance company in front of a jury (the antichrist of the insurance industry), you're going to get fucked, period. Don't bother calling your legislator unless you can grease their palms the way the insurance industry does. Have faith in your peers...a jury of your peers.
insurance companies have weaseled out of paying for Katrina storm damage, and disasters on the east coast.
in some cases, houses that were a total loss were written up as "no structural damage"
one inspector said 175 of his reports were changed.
they believe FEMA has been fully aware of it.
they started a probe into the incidents
I have a friend on dialysis and they canceled his insurance because of late payment. He was in the hospital in a coma at the time. Would not reinstate after he got better and contacted them. Lost everything and is now on public assistance.
I don't trust these shities at all...
I have a friend on dialysis and they canceled his insurance because of late payment. He was in the hospital in a coma at the time. Would not reinstate after he got better and contacted them. Lost everything and is now on public assistance.
I don't trust these shities at all...
And I don't believe you. He could have won a BIG lawsuit.
insurance companies have weaseled out of paying for Katrina storm damage, and disasters on the east coast.
in some cases, houses that were a total loss were written up as "no structural damage"
one inspector said 175 of his reports were changed.
they believe FEMA has been fully aware of it.
they started a probe into the incidents
I have a friend on dialysis and they canceled his insurance because of late payment. He was in the hospital in a coma at the time. Would not reinstate after he got better and contacted them. Lost everything and is now on public assistance.
I don't trust these shities at all...

I have to LAUGH every time I hear a story that starts out..."I have a friend"!
Geez if WE all had friends like you described there would BE NO insurance companies!

IF ALL 306 million Americans on insurance or that want insurance had exactly what you stated there would BE no one alive!

On average The American Medical Association reports that between 1.38% and 5.07% of claims are denied by insurers on first submission.

BUT OF COURSE there are over 306 million "I've gotta friend" stories right???
GEEZ grow up and quit acting like a little grade schooler!
"EVERYBODY is doing it Ma!!!"
Once again idiot assumptions of the EXCEPTIONS making it the RULE another characteristic of a LIP!
And I don't believe you. He could have won a BIG lawsuit.

Damn weasel, you an attorney now? WOW. Maybe you would take the guys case on and make millions for both of you. Will you do that? Or you just running your mouth about things you don't know?

Of course, you being an ultra rich lover, just can't imagine an insurance company with all those big salaries to pay to executives, would screw their policy holders out of money. No way. Our capitalist system is just to full of ethical, caring executives. Right? They are the "job creators". Except they wouldn't create the jobs they could have in the construction industry by paying the claims so people could rebuild. WTF is up with that weasel?
And I don't believe you. He could have won a BIG lawsuit.

Damn weasel, you an attorney now? WOW. Maybe you would take the guys case on and make millions for both of you. Will you do that? Or you just running your mouth about things you don't know?

Of course, you being an ultra rich lover, just can't imagine an insurance company with all those big salaries to pay to executives, would screw their policy holders out of money. No way. Our capitalist system is just to full of ethical, caring executives. Right? They are the "job creators". Except they wouldn't create the jobs they could have in the construction industry by paying the claims so people could rebuild. WTF is up with that weasel?

YES it is full of ethical caring executives BUT YOU wouldn't know because YOU ARE A LIP!
You are a lemming only capable of READING headlines and headlines as the old journalism adage.."IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS" goes
take the EXCEPTIONS and make it sound like it happens ALL the time!
I truly believe the BIGGEST DECEPTION going on in this country is when idiots like you take the RARE, the EXCEPTIONAL and jump to
the totally ignorant conclusion that is happens ALL THE TIME!
ARE YOU f...king that DUMB????
IF as you say these guys make all those big salaries you are just a little envious dick that because YOU aren't smart enough to figure things out on your own is to BLAME the big salaried capitalists!
WHAT a totally perfect example of an IDIOT LIP!

Once again your ignorance about how money works is so woeful.
THANK GOD you are NOT in one of those decision making positions that those high salaried executives are in that most likely make
decisions that AFFECT YOUR 401K! Or your pension. But being the dumb f...k you are you have NO IDEA of what I'm writing about!

Pity your ignorance but totally find you a repugnant representative of the LIP generation!

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