Indoctrination on Campus


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

October 16, 2012 By Steven Plaut

There is a species of radical Leftist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical left-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Left, because only these represent correct thinking.

For such people, the highest form of academic inquiry is to engage in one-sided advocacy. They believe that faculty members at universities should be hired mainly, if not exclusively, on the basis of their devotion to radical leftist ideology. They believe that classrooms should be arenas in which students are immersed into leftist NewThink. They believe that student grades should reflect the extent to which the student toes the ideological line of the radical Left. They believe academic conferences and research forums should be restricted to those who advocate the Left’s political agenda, while non-leftist dissident thought should be suppressed and barred. Most importantly of all, they believe that those who dare to criticize the radical tenured Left should be silenced and demonized.

The totalitarian Left believes that taxpayers are morally obligated to fund the teaching of extremist ideology in the classroom, including by people advocating the demise of those same taxpayers and of their country. It is the job of citizens to sit back passively and pay for the far Left to operate propaganda centers, while the radicals collect their cushy salaries as payment for advocating their anti-Israel agenda. It is the job of universities to criticize (actually to demonize) the state of Israel, the tenured Left insists, just as long as no one is permitted to criticize those critics of Israel.

Nowhere is this ideological extremism so clearly on display as in the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University (BGU), a pseudo-academic propaganda and indoctrination center disguised as an academic department. It is not the only such department in Israel nor at BGU, but it may well be the worst.

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

October 16, 2012 By Steven Plaut

There is a species of radical Leftist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical left-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Left, because only these represent correct thinking.

For such people, the highest form of academic inquiry is to engage in one-sided advocacy. They believe that faculty members at universities should be hired mainly, if not exclusively, on the basis of their devotion to radical leftist ideology. They believe that classrooms should be arenas in which students are immersed into leftist NewThink. They believe that student grades should reflect the extent to which the student toes the ideological line of the radical Left. They believe academic conferences and research forums should be restricted to those who advocate the Left’s political agenda, while non-leftist dissident thought should be suppressed and barred. Most importantly of all, they believe that those who dare to criticize the radical tenured Left should be silenced and demonized.

The totalitarian Left believes that taxpayers are morally obligated to fund the teaching of extremist ideology in the classroom, including by people advocating the demise of those same taxpayers and of their country. It is the job of citizens to sit back passively and pay for the far Left to operate propaganda centers, while the radicals collect their cushy salaries as payment for advocating their anti-Israel agenda. It is the job of universities to criticize (actually to demonize) the state of Israel, the tenured Left insists, just as long as no one is permitted to criticize those critics of Israel.

Nowhere is this ideological extremism so clearly on display as in the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University (BGU), a pseudo-academic propaganda and indoctrination center disguised as an academic department. It is not the only such department in Israel nor at BGU, but it may well be the worst.

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus
Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

October 16, 2012 By Steven Plaut

There is a species of radical Leftist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical left-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Left, because only these represent correct thinking.

For such people, the highest form of academic inquiry is to engage in one-sided advocacy. They believe that faculty members at universities should be hired mainly, if not exclusively, on the basis of their devotion to radical leftist ideology. They believe that classrooms should be arenas in which students are immersed into leftist NewThink. They believe that student grades should reflect the extent to which the student toes the ideological line of the radical Left. They believe academic conferences and research forums should be restricted to those who advocate the Left’s political agenda, while non-leftist dissident thought should be suppressed and barred. Most importantly of all, they believe that those who dare to criticize the radical tenured Left should be silenced and demonized.

The totalitarian Left believes that taxpayers are morally obligated to fund the teaching of extremist ideology in the classroom, including by people advocating the demise of those same taxpayers and of their country. It is the job of citizens to sit back passively and pay for the far Left to operate propaganda centers, while the radicals collect their cushy salaries as payment for advocating their anti-Israel agenda. It is the job of universities to criticize (actually to demonize) the state of Israel, the tenured Left insists, just as long as no one is permitted to criticize those critics of Israel.

Nowhere is this ideological extremism so clearly on display as in the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University (BGU), a pseudo-academic propaganda and indoctrination center disguised as an academic department. It is not the only such department in Israel nor at BGU, but it may well be the worst.

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus
With all due respect A_J, we've all known this for quite some time. The vast majority of college campuses across America are nothing but leftist cess pools.
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Professor Frank Kauffman…”An independent report on the School of Social Work at Missouri State University says officials there bullied students by creating "an atmosphere where the Code of Ethics is used in order to coerce students into certain belief systems," documenting allegations made by a Christian student who was penalized under the system.”

Frank G. Kauffman (Missouri State University)
As WND reported late last year, Missouri State social work professor Frank G. Kauffman was placed on leave as part of a settlement of a lawsuit brought on behalf of student Emily Brooker.
She refused his assignment to lobby for homosexual adoptions because it violated her religious beliefs, and then was brought up on ethics charges within the program's system. Her lawsuit, handled by The Alliance Defense Fund, was settled quickly by the school with the leave of absence as well as monetary damages and a removal from her record of the charges against her. ‘Toxic’ environment after Christian’s complaint
Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

October 16, 2012 By Steven Plaut

There is a species of radical Leftist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical left-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Left, because only these represent correct thinking.

For such people, the highest form of academic inquiry is to engage in one-sided advocacy. They believe that faculty members at universities should be hired mainly, if not exclusively, on the basis of their devotion to radical leftist ideology. They believe that classrooms should be arenas in which students are immersed into leftist NewThink. They believe that student grades should reflect the extent to which the student toes the ideological line of the radical Left. They believe academic conferences and research forums should be restricted to those who advocate the Left’s political agenda, while non-leftist dissident thought should be suppressed and barred. Most importantly of all, they believe that those who dare to criticize the radical tenured Left should be silenced and demonized.

The totalitarian Left believes that taxpayers are morally obligated to fund the teaching of extremist ideology in the classroom, including by people advocating the demise of those same taxpayers and of their country. It is the job of citizens to sit back passively and pay for the far Left to operate propaganda centers, while the radicals collect their cushy salaries as payment for advocating their anti-Israel agenda. It is the job of universities to criticize (actually to demonize) the state of Israel, the tenured Left insists, just as long as no one is permitted to criticize those critics of Israel.

Nowhere is this ideological extremism so clearly on display as in the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University (BGU), a pseudo-academic propaganda and indoctrination center disguised as an academic department. It is not the only such department in Israel nor at BGU, but it may well be the worst.

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus
With all due respect A_J, we've all known this for quite some time. The vast majority of college campuses across America are nothing but leftist cess pools.

I like to remind people plus get the liberal bull-feathers ruffled like PooPoo did...:D
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Apparently, some would have us think American students are zombie-like creatures that simply absorb without thinking whatever any professor dishes out.

When I was at university, I remember a history teacher (an elderly woman) who clearly told us we were the élite destined to rule the masses, as it always had been. Not very 'left' in any classic sense of the term, but certainly doctrinaire and ideological.

There are swings of the pendulum in every field. If to some people it seems to be 'left' presently (though this poster does not see it that way), remember that conservatism and even rightist principles have also been inculcated by institutions of learning in America. In fact, this present generation came from such an era.
You know, I went through undergrad and graduate school and I never once witnessed this alleged "liberal indoctrination." I am fully aware that academia is filled mostly with leftists and that there is certainly an element of professors who try to push their views on their students from time to time, but in my experience, it is nowhere near the level conservatives like to portray.
Apparently, some would have us think American students are zombie-like creatures that simply absorb without thinking whatever any professor dishes out.

When I was at university, I remember a history teacher (an elderly woman) who clearly told us we were the élite destined to rule the masses, as it always had been. Not very 'left' in any classic sense of the term, but certainly doctrinaire and ideological.

There are swings of the pendulum in every field. If to some people it seems to be 'left' presently (though this poster does not see it that way), remember that conservatism and even rightist principles have also been inculcated by institutions of learning in America. In fact, this present generation came from such an era.

From “The Death of Feminism,” by Dr. Phyllis Chesler

Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better. They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth.
You know, I went through undergrad and graduate school and I never once witnessed this alleged "liberal indoctrination." I am fully aware that academia is filled mostly with leftists and that there is certainly an element of professors who try to push their views on their students from time to time, but in my experience, it is nowhere near the level conservatives like to portray.

"it is nowhere near the level conservatives like to portray."

Perhaps your observations have been somewhat slipshod.

1. It is not an education when a mid-term exam contains a required essay on the topic “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado, in 2003.

2. "Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement....Beyond that, conservatives represent a distinct minority on college and university campuses. A 2007 report by sociologists Neil Gross and Solon Simmons found that 80 percent of psychology professors at elite and non-elite universities are Democrats. Other studies reveal that 5 percent to 7 percent of faculty openly identify as Republicans. By contrast, about 20 percent of the general population are liberal and 40 percent are conservative.Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they'd discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement - Washington Times

3. In 2004, Klein and Western published a study of the voter registration of the professors at U of C, Berkeley, and at Stanford, over 1000 professors, and concluded that the findings supported the ‘one party campus’ conjecture. At Berkeley, 9.9 to 1, and at Stanford, 7.6 to 1 of Democrats to Republicans.

4. Ideological diversity does not exist on most campuses.
In 2005 Klein and Stern surveyed 1,678 professors, and found that faculty is heavily skewed toward Democratic, and the most lopsided fields are Anthropology (30.2 to 1) and Sociology (28 to 1).

5. Most professors obsessively believe that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature than America. Barry and Judith Rubin explain, in their book “Hating America: A History,” that European intellectuals are bothered by Americans’ refusal to defer to a refined upper class and to recognize their own inferiority. They conclude that anti-Americanism is put forth by these intellectuals, who have influence in the realm of ideas: books, media and universities.
From “The Death of Feminism,” by Dr. Phyllis Chesler
Opposing censorship is pro-pornography?

Americans should be anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist.

It is not laudable, but not unusual that many are more faithful to what gets them ahead than to principles.

Finally, women ARE superior! (OK, that last bit is purely personal prejudice!)
Opposing censorship is pro-pornography?

Americans should be anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist.

It is not laudable, but not unusual that many are more faithful to what gets them ahead than to principles.

Finally, women ARE superior! (OK, that last bit is purely personal prejudice!)

1. I believe you should consider Dr. Chesler's statement as a whole.

2. "Finally, women ARE superior! (OK, that last bit is purely personal prejudice!)[/QUOTE]"

You need documentation?

"The Natural Superiority of Women" [Paperback]
Ashley Montagu
“Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal”
This question is definitely poorly put. It should be, "Explain how Bush is a war criminal." We cannot establish his 'why', but the facts of the situation can be stated.

Not being 'liberal' or 'left', this poster has no interest in defending them. This poster does have difficulty accepting the implicit definitions as presented.

Republicans and Democrats represent 'ideological diversity'? Is that a joke? There is no ideological difference between two competitors simply for power and the position of better serving their masters.

Look at the statement, "Most professors obsessively believe that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature than America." What does 'obsessively believe' mean? In any case, it is objectively true that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature. So what? That isn't even really an inherent superiority, just a fact.

But I still respect you, Chic (remember, that's pronounced "sheek", as in French 'chic').
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2. "Finally, women ARE superior! (OK, that last bit is purely personal prejudice!)[/QUOTE]"

You need documentation?"

The foundation of my position is empirical evidence.
“Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal”
This question is definitely poorly put. It should be, "Explain how Bush is a war criminal." We cannot establish his 'why', but the facts of the situation can be stated.

Not being 'liberal' or 'left', this poster has no interest in defending them. This poster does have difficulty accepting the implicit definitions as presented.

Republicans and Democrats represent 'ideological diversity'? Is that a joke? There is no ideological difference between two competitors simply for power and the position of better serving their masters.

Look at the statement, "Most professors obsessively believe that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature than America." What does 'obsessively believe' mean? In any case, it is objectively true that Europe is culturally more sophisticated and mature. So what? That isn't even really an inherent superiority, just a fact.

But I still respect you, Chic (remember, that's pronounced "sheek", as in French 'chic').

1. "Republicans and Democrats represent 'ideological diversity'? Is that a joke? There is no ideological difference between two competitors simply for power and the position of better serving their masters."

I believe I can hear the tap-dancing.

2. "But I still respect you, Chic"

Greeted with great appreciation
Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus

October 16, 2012 By Steven Plaut

There is a species of radical Leftist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical left-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Left, because only these represent correct thinking.

For such people, the highest form of academic inquiry is to engage in one-sided advocacy. They believe that faculty members at universities should be hired mainly, if not exclusively, on the basis of their devotion to radical leftist ideology. They believe that classrooms should be arenas in which students are immersed into leftist NewThink. They believe that student grades should reflect the extent to which the student toes the ideological line of the radical Left. They believe academic conferences and research forums should be restricted to those who advocate the Left’s political agenda, while non-leftist dissident thought should be suppressed and barred. Most importantly of all, they believe that those who dare to criticize the radical tenured Left should be silenced and demonized.

The totalitarian Left believes that taxpayers are morally obligated to fund the teaching of extremist ideology in the classroom, including by people advocating the demise of those same taxpayers and of their country. It is the job of citizens to sit back passively and pay for the far Left to operate propaganda centers, while the radicals collect their cushy salaries as payment for advocating their anti-Israel agenda. It is the job of universities to criticize (actually to demonize) the state of Israel, the tenured Left insists, just as long as no one is permitted to criticize those critics of Israel.

Nowhere is this ideological extremism so clearly on display as in the Department of Politics at Ben Gurion University (BGU), a pseudo-academic propaganda and indoctrination center disguised as an academic department. It is not the only such department in Israel nor at BGU, but it may well be the worst.

Fighting for Marxist Indoctrination on Campus
With all due respect A_J, we've all known this for quite some time. The vast majority of college campuses across America are nothing but leftist cess pools.

I like to remind people plus get the liberal bull-feathers ruffled like PooPoo did...:D

Why don't you take that gun you have in your avatar to that place and start shooting the hell out of them?
That's what you want, isn't it?
If not, why don't you take that gun and stick it straight up your ass?
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Hey, if all you cons want to stay out of college, fine. Don't go. We don't need the dead weight clogging up the classrooms. It's not like you'd pull enough of a GPA to be any competion for jobs.
There is a species of radical Far Right Extremist that believes that it is the main purpose of taxpayer-funded universities to engage in indoctrination of students into radical right-wing ideology. Such people believe that the only legitimate form of scholarly research and teaching is to force upon students the ideas and agendas of the radical Right, because only these represent correct thinking.

The above is as stupid as AJ's OP.

One of the purposes is to teach a student how to critically think. In that sense, the student must learn how to individually process and understand the world without relying solely on church, high school, and parents on how to live life.

Yes, college is subversive of the first eighteen years of a student's life, because the student is going to be on his own as an adult.
Apparently, some would have us think American students are zombie-like creatures that simply absorb without thinking whatever any professor dishes out.

When I was at university, I remember a history teacher (an elderly woman) who clearly told us we were the élite destined to rule the masses, as it always had been. Not very 'left' in any classic sense of the term, but certainly doctrinaire and ideological.

There are swings of the pendulum in every field. If to some people it seems to be 'left' presently (though this poster does not see it that way), remember that conservatism and even rightist principles have also been inculcated by institutions of learning in America. In fact, this present generation came from such an era.

I think it is funny that so many people think our children are mindless sheep. university kids arent stupid. it is almost a good idea to be put into a situation where you have to kowtow to crazy belief systems to get ahead. it prepares you for the real world.

once away from indoctrination, people tend to become more and more conservative as life teaches them what works and what doesnt.

if you arent a liberal at 20 then you're heartless.

if you arent a conservative at 50 then you're stupid.
IanC, quit plagiarizing the idea.

Conservative and liberal, Churchill
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If you're not Conservative when you're 35, you have no. ... Then you can see what he was speaking or writing about at the time. ... As thus printed, this famous saying is fantastic and stupid, so far as it refers to the two ... when you're 20 you have no heart, and if you don't vote Conservative when you're 50 you have no sense.
Liberal vs Conservative Views - Which Side are You On? › Culture & Society › Politics › Political IssuesCached - Similar
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Does it really matter whether you are a liberal or a conservative? ... So please be patient and check back often :) If you have any suggestions on how to improve this page please let me ... Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal ..... Then you could have people not scarificing their religion for your choice.
If you're not a liberal when you're 60, you have no heart - Baja
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Jul 4, 2012 – If you're not conservative when you're 40, you have no brain”. ... in my 20s, a conservative in my 30s, a moderate in my 40s & 50s, and now an ... People have done (and continue to do) some really stupid things in the name of religion. ... After South Africa came the Caribbean, and then Morocco, Egypt, San ...
Todd Akin's Dumb Comment vs. Obama's Support of Infanticide
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Aug 20, 2012 – I bet they'll spent a whole lot more time on this than either the FRC shooting or ... Conservatives who are intent upon criminalizing abortion are going to sentence ... That's over 50 million people that would have paid into both programs ..... And even if you're right about not advancing Obama's prospects [and ...
Some Comments on Todd Akin, Abortion, and Rape |
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Aug 21, 2012 – POWERFUL CONSERVATIVE VOICES | Wednesday, October 17, 2012 ... Suffice to say, we do know that there are false rape accusations, as the Duke ... Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones. ... who is willing to stand on principle, rather than on stupid ignorant excuses.
Apparently, some would have us think American students are zombie-like creatures that simply absorb without thinking whatever any professor dishes out.

When I was at university, I remember a history teacher (an elderly woman) who clearly told us we were the élite destined to rule the masses, as it always had been. Not very 'left' in any classic sense of the term, but certainly doctrinaire and ideological.

There are swings of the pendulum in every field. If to some people it seems to be 'left' presently (though this poster does not see it that way), remember that conservatism and even rightist principles have also been inculcated by institutions of learning in America. In fact, this present generation came from such an era.

I think it is funny that so many people think our children are mindless sheep. university kids arent stupid. it is almost a good idea to be put into a situation where you have to kowtow to crazy belief systems to get ahead. it prepares you for the real world.

once away from indoctrination, people tend to become more and more conservative as life teaches them what works and what doesnt.

if you arent a liberal at 20 then you're heartless.

if you arent a conservative at 50 then you're stupid.


Wait 'til 50?????

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