Indisputable proof of left-wing LIES


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has weaved such a web of lies that they can't keep them straight anymore. For decades they were adamant that taxes had no negative impact on business. They were adamant that higher taxes did not impact purchasing decisions.

And yet lately they've been insisting that we need to tax soda to deter people from purchasing it. Wait....what? I thought taxes didn't stop people from spending money?!?

This indisputable proves that the left has been knowingly lying to the American people. This is a prime example of why the party cannot be trusted and why none of them are qualified to hold office. They lack the integrity required.

Seattle mayor plans to combat ‘white privilege’ with a tax on certain drinks
The left has weaved such a web of lies that they can't keep them straight anymore. For decades they were adamant that taxes had no negative impact on business. They were adamant that higher taxes did not impact purchasing decisions.

And yet lately they've been insisting that we need to tax soda to deter people from purchasing it. Wait....what? I thought taxes didn't stop people from spending money?!?

This indisputable proves that the left has been knowingly lying to the American people. This is a prime example of why the party cannot be trusted and why none of them are qualified to hold office. They lack the integrity required.

Seattle mayor plans to combat ‘white privilege’ with a tax on certain drinks

For decades I have observed that they always take the position which is the most convenient at the time. Consistency, principles or logic is something that doesn't enter into that equation.
Stuff like this illustrates the extraordinary ignorance of the left. Their greed blinds them to basic economics, basic business, and basic common sense.
After a lengthy inquiry, the committee found that the company had avoided tens of billions of dollars in taxes by shifting profits into Irish subsidiaries that the panel’s chairman called “ghost companies.”
If the U.S. had the lowest corporate tax rate in the world, guess where every company in the U.S. (and most around the globe) would stash their cash? If you’re not a progressive - you guessed it. In the U.S. Instead of “losing” billions in taxes (as progressives see it), we would be gaining trillions in taxes. Consider the following:
Apple has accumulated more than $128 billion in profits offshore, and probably much more, that is untaxed by the United States and hardly touched by any other country. Nearly all of that was made over the past decade.
If we had even a 10% tax rate, Apple would have gladly brought that money home and we would have generated $12.8 billion in additional tax revenues.

Instead of losing tens of billions in taxes from Apple (as they stashed their cash overseas to avoid the highest corporate tax rates in the world), we could have gained more than twelve billion just from them. Lower tax rates would result in exponentially higher tax revenues to the government. But the left is just too greedy (and stupid) to understand that.

After a Tax Crackdown, Apple Found a New Shelter for Its Profits
It’s a really bad time in history to be a progressive. Coming off the failed Barack Insane Obama experiment, and seeing the unbelievable success of conservative policy coast-to-coast, coupled with technology, makes it impossible for them to make a reasonable case for their failed ideology.

For instance - they have long peddled the false narrative that taxes have absolutely no negative impact on businesses at all. And yet, in their infinite stupidity, they will openly declare how they will implement a tax to curb a behavior they don’t like (such as the consumption of sodas or the purchase of firearms).

The effects of Seattle’s soda tax are finally being realized — and business leaders are furious
It isn’t such a shame that half of the left is so profoundly ignorant of basic economics and the other half is so unethical and devious that the egregiously lie about economics so that they can mooch off of society.
One would have expected gross revenue to plummet in February once the new tax rates were applied to withholdings for this year. My withholdings dropped already for the last two weeks in January but by February everyone should have seen the effects of the tax cut and revenue to the Treasury should have shrunk noticeably. After all, on some measure this was the largest tax cut in history. Yet compared with February 2017, gross revenue was nearly unchanged. It actually ticked up very slightly by $1.36 billion.
Conservatives have known this for decades and decades. It’s just basic math and it indisputably proves the Laffer Curve. Revenues to the government went up after the tax cuts (because more people were employed in a better economy thanks to the tax cuts, which provides the government with a significantly large pool of people to tax). Which in turn, proves that we unquestionably have a spending problem and not a revenue problem.

How about that? Revenue stays the same after massive tax cut
It isn’t such a shame that half of the left is so profoundly ignorant of basic economics and the other half is so unethical and devious that the egregiously lie about economics so that they can mooch off of society.
One would have expected gross revenue to plummet in February once the new tax rates were applied to withholdings for this year. My withholdings dropped already for the last two weeks in January but by February everyone should have seen the effects of the tax cut and revenue to the Treasury should have shrunk noticeably. After all, on some measure this was the largest tax cut in history. Yet compared with February 2017, gross revenue was nearly unchanged. It actually ticked up very slightly by $1.36 billion.
Conservatives have known this for decades and decades. It’s just basic math and it indisputably proves the Laffer Curve. Revenues to the government went up after the tax cuts (because more people were employed in a better economy thanks to the tax cuts, which provides the government with a significantly large pool of people to tax). Which in turn, proves that we unquestionably have a spending problem and not a revenue problem.

How about that? Revenue stays the same after massive tax cut

This means some people are getting richer... which is a problem to the envious lefty who is not willing to work.
Are inferior white wingers who think they are superior always delusional? Is it a symptom?
Please address the issue or refrain from commenting. Your statement here doesn’t even remotely attempt to the topic (and for good reason).
Huckabee raised taxes as governor,,, damn that progressive...and he did it on soda...stupid bitch...
The topic of this thread is not which politicians raised or lowered taxes or what type of politician does doing one or the other make them.

The issue is the outrageous left-wing lie that taxes do not impact purchasing behavior and thus do not negatively impact business.

Your made a deliberately disingenuous post here in an attempt to draw attention away from that reality (that all of you progressives have either been astoundingly ignorant or knowningly lying). If you can’t address the topic, please refrain from posting per USMB policy.
Yet another example of the left caught in their lies about taxes. If lower taxes doesn't create jobs and generate tax revenue for government, why did devout communist Bill de Blasio give Amazon an exclusive, sweetheart tax deal to bring Amazon to New York? Oops.
“Walmart does not belong in New York City,” de Blasio declares, while defending the city’s generous tax breaks for Amazon.
And yet the left-wing minions are still dumb enough to believe every false narrative their masters have told them about taxes.

NYC Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Amazon, but Bans Walmart

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