Independent prosecutor?


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
When will President Trump appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate Hillary, Lynch, Comey and Obama for the cover up of the email scandal?
So, we see even more proud Stalinists demanding that fake crimes be pinned on their political opponents, so they can be sent to the gulag.

Not every Trump-fan is a red-to-the-bone Stalinist, but most of them are. From the grave, Stalin smiles and nods in approval at their actions
When will President Trump appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate Hillary, Lynch, Comey and Obama for the cover up of the email scandal?

He wont. they never do.
He should. The whole culture of the Democratic Party is so corrupt that it cries out for a special prosecutor to clean it up.

All of the politicians in Washington need to go. I'll really intrested to see where Trump go's with that term limit thing he was talking about. Right now I think I will stay home from work so I can watch the view. I really want to see those old hens heads explode.
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It's a populist movement . Look at how much traction Bernie got .
It's a populist movement . Look at how much traction Bernie got .
It's a populist movement . Look at how much traction Bernie got .

Seemed more like a bowel movement to me. It's not over for trump by a long shot. he made a shirt ton of promises and he has between now and January to get working on them while dealing with the fact that he don't have enough buds in Washington to help and being less liked or trusted then Hillary. I'm curious to see if the Americans who voted for him will also hold him accounttable if he should "comprise" on any of those many campaign promises he made.

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