Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

Private-sector employment increased by 205,000 from December to January, on a seasonally adjusted basis.

ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

ROSELAND, N.J. – February 3, 2016 – Private sector employment increased by 205,000 jobs from
December to January according to the January ADP National Employment Report®. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by ADP® in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

Total Employment

Change in Nonfarm Private Employment


Historical Trend

Change in Total Nonfarm Private Employment


Source: Automatic Data Processing, ADP®

Read more: ADP National Employment Report | January 2016

Wow, that is pretty fucking good for a socialist commie I must say myself. Obama is kicking Bushes ass as a capitalist!!!

Republicans will never wake up to the reality that Obama has shown you that our hybrid system beats the shit out of deregulations and austerity!
ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

Private-sector employment increased by 205,000 from December to January, on a seasonally adjusted basis.

ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

ROSELAND, N.J. – February 3, 2016 – Private sector employment increased by 205,000 jobs from
December to January according to the January ADP National Employment Report®. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by ADP® in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

Total Employment

Change in Nonfarm Private Employment


Historical Trend

Change in Total Nonfarm Private Employment


Source: Automatic Data Processing, ADP®

Read more: ADP National Employment Report | January 2016

Wow, that is pretty fucking good for a socialist commie I must say myself. Obama is kicking Bushes ass as a capitalist!!!

Republicans will never wake up to the reality that Obama has shown you that our hybrid system beats the shit out of deregulations and austerity!
The BLS Employment Situation comes out tomorrow, including the Benchmarking for the Current Employment Statistics. So all the official jobs numbers going back to April 2014 will be revised based on the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which looks at all business who pay unemployment insurance taxes.
ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

Private-sector employment increased by 205,000 from December to January, on a seasonally adjusted basis.

ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 205,000 Jobs in January

ROSELAND, N.J. – February 3, 2016 – Private sector employment increased by 205,000 jobs from
December to January according to the January ADP National Employment Report®. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by ADP® in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis.

Total Employment

Change in Nonfarm Private Employment


Historical Trend

Change in Total Nonfarm Private Employment


Source: Automatic Data Processing, ADP®

Read more: ADP National Employment Report | January 2016

Wow, that is pretty fucking good for a socialist commie I must say myself. Obama is kicking Bushes ass as a capitalist!!!

Republicans will never wake up to the reality that Obama has shown you that our hybrid system beats the shit out of deregulations and austerity!

yep, to a liberal .7% 4th quarter GDP growth, decreased income, and heading into a recession is good!!! The worst recovery since the Great Depression is good???

The deceleration in personal income primarily reflected the downturn in personal interest income and decelerations in wages and salaries and in farm proprietors’income.

Unemployment ticks up slightly...

US creates 215,000 jobs in March
Fri, 01 Apr 2016 13:01:39 GMT (1 day, 10 hours and 23 mins ago)
The US economy added 215,000 jobs in March, while the unemployment rate rises to 5% from 4.9%.

The US economy added 215,000 jobs in March, a little less than it did in February when 242,000 jobs were created. The unemployment rate has risen to 5% from 4.9%, which was an eight-year low. The Labor Department said more Americans were finding jobs, which suggested a sign of confidence in the US economy. The increase could allow a cautious Federal Reserve to raise interest rates gradually this year.

The US is continuing to create jobs, despite a global economic slowdown and cheap oil prices which have hit the energy sector. The gains were in the service sectors, especially retail, health and education and leisure and hospitality. There were also new jobs in government and construction. The unemployment figures for January and February have been revised slightly down to show 1,000 fewer jobs created than previously reported.

Weak growth

Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, said that while the numbers for jobs created last month looked good, a rate rise from the Federal Reserve would not be the right move. "Another good month of hiring in the US will encourage further chatter in some corners of the Fed moving closer to hiking interest rates again, but signs of weakening economic growth mean policymakers are likely to be cautious and hold off until the global economy is showing greater vigour and the US economy more sparkle," he said. "However, while the labour market data shout 'rate hike', signs of a worrying weakness in the pace of economic growth at home and abroad caution against the Fed rushing into any further tightening of policy."


Curtis Long, chief economist at the National Association of Federal Credit Unions in Washington, said that while the employment numbers were "solid", not all areas of the economy were performing well. "We are seeing some weakness in some industries like the oil sector. Manufacturing is having another bad month," he said. "Everything is not clicking on all cylinders. Growth is strong enough to support the labour market. We are drawing nearer to full employment. We could see some slowing in the second half."

Financial markets have almost priced out the likelihood of a rate rise at the Fed's June policy meeting. A survey from CME FedWatch suggests a 47% chance of an increase in November, with 57% suggesting it would happen in December.

US creates 215,000 jobs in March - BBC News

See also:

U.S. Lost 29,000 Manufacturing Jobs in March—But Gained in Retail, Food Services and Drinking Places
April 1, 2016 | The United States lost 29,000 manufacturing jobs in March while gaining jobs in retail trade, food services and drinking establishments, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
During the month, jobs in the retail industry in the United States outnumbered jobs in manufacturing by 3,651,100. In February, according to seasonally adjusted data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the manufacturing sector was 12,320,000. In March, that dropped to 12,291,000. “Employment in manufacturing declined by 29,000 in March,” said the BLS’ monthly release on the national employment situation. “Most of the job losses occurred in durable goods industries (-24,000), including machinery (-7,000), primary metals (-3,000) and semiconductors and electronic components (-3,000).”


Meanwhile, according to the BLS’s seasonally adjusted numbers, employment in retail trade climbed from 15,894,400 in February to 15,942,100 in March—an increase of 47,700. Employment in food services and drinking places climbed from 11,282,800 in February to 11,307,600 in March—and increase of 24,800. The number of manufacturing jobs in the United States, according to the BLS’s seasonally adjusted historical numbers, peaked in June 1979 at 19,553,000. Since then, manufacturing jobs in the United States have dropped by 7,262,000 (to the 12,291,000 reported for this March).

In June 1979, when manufacturing jobs were at their peak of 19,553,000, there were 10,165,100 jobs in retail trade in the United States. At that point, manufacturing jobs outnumbered retail jobs in America by 9,387,900.

The 15,942,100 retail jobs in the United States this March outnumbered the 12,291,000 manufacturing jobs by 3,651,100. According to the BLS’s seasonally adjusted numbers, employment in the retail trade industry in the United States first overtook employment in manufacturing in December 2002. In November 2002, there were 14,992,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States and 14,970,400 jobs in retail. In December 2002, the manufacturing jobs dropped to 14,912,000 and the retail jobs increased to 14,979,800.

U.S. Lost 29,000 Manufacturing Jobs in March—But Gained in Retail, Food Services and Drinking Places


Labor Force Participation Improves; 93,482,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
April 1, 2016 | The number of Americans not in the labor force last month totaled 93,482,000, 206,000 fewer than the 93,688,000 not in the labor force in February -- and the labor force participation rate also improved, with 63.0 percent of the civilian noninstitutional population either holding a job or actively seeking one.
In the previous 12 months, the highest labor participation rate was 62.9 percent in February 2016; the lowest was 62.4 percent in September 2015, and that 62.4 percent was the lowest in 38 years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the economy added 215,000 jobs in March (compared with 242,000 in February), and the unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a point to 5.0 percent. (It stuck at 4.9 percent in January and February.)

In March, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 252,768,000. Of those, 159,286,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one. The 159,286,000 who participated in the labor force equaled 63.0 percent of the 252,768,000 civilian noninstitutional population.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.5 percent), adult women (4.5 percent), teenagers (15.6 percent), Whites (4.3 percent), Blacks (8.8 percent), Asians (3.8 percent), and Hispanics (5.4 percent) showed little or no change in February. On the negative side, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls declined by 3 cents in Feburary to $25.35, following an increase of 12 cents in January.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.5 percent), adult women (4.6 percent), teenagers (15.9 percent), Whites (4.3 percent), Blacks (9.0 percent), Asians (4.0 percent), and Hispanics (5.6 percent) showed little or no change in March. The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was essentially unchanged at 2.2 million in March and has shown little movement since June. In March, these individuals accounted for 27.6 percent of the unemployed.

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A lot more focus should be placed on the quality of the jobs being created rather than on the quantity. The implications of creating mostly poor quality jobs is massive. To be a real asset to society and the economy jobs need to be well paying and sustainable.

The toll and long-term negative affect on society of not producing quality jobs is corrosive. When people have little in the way of savings or can't make a living the burden of caring for them will be transferred to society. The article below reflects on how this will slowly wear society down through attrition.

Advancing Time: Job Creation Is Complex And Quality Matters
A lot more focus should be placed on the quality of the jobs being created rather than on the quantity. The implications of creating mostly poor quality jobs is massive. To be a real asset to society and the economy jobs need to be well paying and sustainable.

The toll and long-term negative affect on society of not producing quality jobs is corrosive. When people have little in the way of savings or can't make a living the burden of caring for them will be transferred to society. The article below reflects on how this will slowly wear society down through attrition.

Advancing Time: Job Creation Is Complex And Quality Matters
Nice post. It is, in fact, the problem of our day.
Politicians paid by the corporate entities really could care less. Much more interested in short term profits, gross sales, and market penetration. And for the politicians, of course, the only concern is contributions to them, and their power and income growth. If their constituent employees see no earnings level increases, it is of no concern. Long term, it will, as it always has, make a difference.Big time.
Too few people look at the rather boring history of dying economies. But in all cases that I have read about, all have come to the point of income inequality as wages for their "middle class" have caused their economies to fail. Largely because the working class is a large part of the population making up demand for the very corporations who are enjoying higher profits by paying as little as possible. If we all spent a little time reading the hard research done on the subject, the rational public would be extremely concerned.
However, those looking at the short term and applauding corporate short term wins at the expense of workers are simply showing their ignorance. Or, more oddly, how to shoot themselves in the foot.
First quarter 2016 GDP report due this Thursday April 28
I have been watching FBN this morning and they are saying they expect another bad report.No growth....

If this report is that...I wonder how many of our resident Obama fluffers on this site will minimize
this and say that the Obama economy is robust and thriving.
First quarter 2016 GDP report due this Thursday April 28
I have been watching FBN this morning and they are saying they expect another bad report.No growth....

If this report is that...I wonder how many of our resident Obama fluffers on this site will minimize
this and say that the Obama economy is robust and thriving.
And if it's not bad, then right wingers will be claiming it's a lie and the numbers are manipulated.
First quarter 2016 GDP report due this Thursday April 28
I have been watching FBN this morning and they are saying they expect another bad report.No growth....

If this report is that...I wonder how many of our resident Obama fluffers on this site will minimize
this and say that the Obama economy is robust and thriving.
And if it's not bad, then right wingers will be claiming it's a lie and the numbers are manipulated.

It is sad that the whole issue of unemployment is so often looked at as a political football. During the current democratic presidency, we all have gotten to watch the right cheer for failure of unemployment decreases, and push for lower pay for workers. Perfect. How to see our economy turn to a failure in one easy step. And the right, of course, would call such failure success as long as the very wealthy get more wealthy.
Canada sounds better every day!
Thanks again, pinqy, for your well thought out posts. I do indeed appreciate them.
all have come to the point of income inequality as wages for their "middle class" have caused their economies to fail.

so you now oppose the liberal taxes, unions, and deficits that drove 10 million jobs off shore?? And you want to send 20 million liberal illegals home to create 20 million new jobs here for real Americans with upward pressure on wages. And, you want to end the liberal war on families, schools, and religion that has rendered many Americans unfit to work!
all have come to the point of income inequality as wages for their "middle class" have caused their economies to fail.

so you now oppose the liberal taxes, unions, and deficits that drove 10 million jobs off shore?? And you want to send 20 million liberal illegals home to create 20 million new jobs here for real Americans with upward pressure on wages. And, you want to end the liberal war on families, schools, and religion that has rendered many Americans unfit to work!

Just wondering. Does anyone pay any attention at all to this clown's posts?? I truly believe that he simply wants to end a thread that he does not like, ie, that is not written by a nut case con tool like himself. Now, this clown is paid to post. He obviously has no job, because he posts all day most days. Sad sack.
all have come to the point of income inequality as wages for their "middle class" have caused their economies to fail.

so you now oppose the liberal taxes, unions, and deficits that drove 10 million jobs off shore?? And you want to send 20 million liberal illegals home to create 20 million new jobs here for real Americans with upward pressure on wages. And, you want to end the liberal war on families, schools, and religion that has rendered many Americans unfit to work!

Just wondering. Does anyone pay any attention at all to this clown's posts?? I truly believe that he simply wants to end a thread that he does not like, ie, that is not written by a nut case con tool like himself. Now, this clown is paid to post. He obviously has no job, because he posts all day most days. Sad sack.

so you now oppose the liberal taxes, unions, and deficits that drove 10 million jobs off shore?? And you want to send 20 million liberal illegals home to create 20 million new jobs here for real Americans with upward pressure on wages. And, you want to end the liberal war on families, schools, and religion that has rendered many Americans unfit to work!

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