In history books, what is the tell tale sign when you go Socialist/Communist?


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
For anyone who is ever attended school, what was that sign? Prices rising, and shortages! What is happening here now? Give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count.

Prices are spiraling out of control, they can't get many people to actually work, you no longer can get goods you once did any where near as easily, all the while they try to convince you this is all temporary. Does it sound familiar to ANY of you who studied history?

Look at Cuba and what happened there. Look at each and every South American country that went Socialist, and see how it started there along with what their governments said at the start. History teaches all things, period! It is also where the old saying comes from about attempting the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different outcome.

For all of us, are we fools? Are there really more of these SOCIALISTS than we Americans?

Watch what is going on, what these Leftists are saying as they tell you that you expect to much for Christmas, lol; then look up history as best you can, and see if you want to go down THEIR road.

I urge you to ask yourself a few questions, while remembering, the country for the most part, has not been locked down in months:

1. How is it gasoline, and almost every form of energy has risen dramatically over 9 months?

2. How has meat risen dramatically? Do cows, chickens, and pigs get COVID? (if they do, let us know)

3. During the COVID lockdown, we seen shortages, then it broke loose. Now no lockdown, but shortages return. Forget the why! Look more into the policies that cause the why!

4. You are MANDATED (so far) to be vaxxed because you might do what? Then why are not the illegals being plopped down in your state allowed to be unvaxxed? You are the owners of the country, but you are 2nd class citizens to non citizens. Doesn't that make you at least question government policy?

How long will it be, before you actually say you have had enough? This has absolutely nothing to do with DJT, it has EVERYTHING to do with those controlling our government today, known as Leftists. Listen to Bernie. Listen to AOC; in fact listen to most Leftists since they are all in lockstep. They know EXACTLY what they are doing and think all of you are stupid, and won't figure it out before it is to late.

While many of them are to young to yet request it, your children and grandchildren are relying on you to somehow fix this. And if you want to know if you actually should try, just go back to history; history that teaches all things, and see how governments who have tried this path faired as far as for the comfort/safety of their people. It should scare you down to your soul! YOU, are being undermined from within, period, end of story. And this is being done by a bunch of people running on theoretics. When did Bernie ever work in the private sector? Aoc was a bartender? So we are now going to take advice on our kids and grandkids lives from a mixologist? How many of you would EVER do that in the real world, especially intelligent women?

Forget DJT! Just understand that DJT; the incompetent boob, got you a vaccine in 8 months, when it should have taken 5 years. Then look at the other side of the ledger. 9 months AFTER the Leftists took control of everything in government, you now have high prices, nobody wants to work, and you are being told to basically scrub Christmas..........and if you don't, you are to used to having access to goods.

If that doesn't sound like you are being primed to accept the Leftist version of Socialism, then you are dumb as a box of rocks!
Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.
For anyone who is ever attended school, what was that sign? Prices rising, and shortages! What is happening here now? Give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count.

Prices are spiraling out of control, they can't get many people to actually work, you no longer can get goods you once did any where near as easily, all the while they try to convince you this is all temporary. Does it sound familiar to ANY of you who studied history?

Look at Cuba and what happened there. Look at each and every South American country that went Socialist, and see how it started there along with what their governments said at the start. History teaches all things, period! It is also where the old saying comes from about attempting the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different outcome.

For all of us, are we fools? Are there really more of these SOCIALISTS than we Americans?

Watch what is going on, what these Leftists are saying as they tell you that you expect to much for Christmas, lol; then look up history as best you can, and see if you want to go down THEIR road.

I urge you to ask yourself a few questions, while remembering, the country for the most part, has not been locked down in months:

1. How is it gasoline, and almost every form of energy has risen dramatically over 9 months?

2. How has meat risen dramatically? Do cows, chickens, and pigs get COVID? (if they do, let us know)

3. During the COVID lockdown, we seen shortages, then it broke loose. Now no lockdown, but shortages return. Forget the why! Look more into the policies that cause the why!

4. You are MANDATED (so far) to be vaxxed because you might do what? Then why are not the illegals being plopped down in your state allowed to be unvaxxed? You are the owners of the country, but you are 2nd class citizens to non citizens. Doesn't that make you at least question government policy?

How long will it be, before you actually say you have had enough? This has absolutely nothing to do with DJT, it has EVERYTHING to do with those controlling our government today, known as Leftists. Listen to Bernie. Listen to AOC; in fact listen to most Leftists since they are all in lockstep. They know EXACTLY what they are doing and think all of you are stupid, and won't figure it out before it is to late.

While many of them are to young to yet request it, your children and grandchildren are relying on you to somehow fix this. And if you want to know if you actually should try, just go back to history; history that teaches all things, and see how governments who have tried this path faired as far as for the comfort/safety of their people. It should scare you down to your soul! YOU, are being undermined from within, period, end of story. And this is being done by a bunch of people running on theoretics. When did Bernie ever work in the private sector? Aoc was a bartender? So we are now going to take advice on our kids and grandkids lives from a mixologist? How many of you would EVER do that in the real world, especially intelligent women?

Forget DJT! Just understand that DJT; the incompetent boob, got you a vaccine in 8 months, when it should have taken 5 years. Then look at the other side of the ledger. 9 months AFTER the Leftists took control of everything in government, you now have high prices, nobody wants to work, and you are being told to basically scrub Christmas..........and if you don't, you are to used to having access to goods.

If that doesn't sound like you are being primed to accept the Leftist version of Socialism, then you are dumb as a box of rocks!

The countries that went to communism had no middle class or a middle class that was shrinking quickly.
Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.
Then you tell me where I am wrong Gipper. Maybe you are correct and it is a mix of Socialism and Fascism. But one thing is for sure, it is about Washington controlling everything, and no matter how you look at it, the same thing happened in Cuba the exact same way, with the same excuses along with wait till next year.

Call it anything you want, but these regimes who did this started out the exact, same, way!
Then you tell me where I am wrong Gipper. Maybe you are correct and it is a mix of Socialism and Fascism. But one thing is for sure, it is about Washington controlling everything, and no matter how you look at it, the same thing happened in Cuba the exact same way, with the same excuses along with wait till next year.

Call it anything you want, but these regimes who did this started out the exact, same, way!

Cuba had no middle class.. neither did Venezuela.
Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.

The creep of collectivism, a foundational tenet of communism, has infected every level of our government. Cultural Marxism and French philosophical Postmodernism have also permeated government education systems at all levels. Speaking specifically to Postmodernism as it pertains to communist revolutions, I am sure you are well aware of its influence on Pol Pot. Further, outright denial of reality in order to advance political agenda is a hallmark tenet of communist revolution. Among his first acts as POTUS Joe Biden signed into being recognition and protections for transgender Americans. The belief that gender is fluid is a flagrant, overt denial of reality, and is an attempt at mass gaslighting of the people.
The countries that went to communism had no middle class or a middle class that was shrinking quickly.
Sure thing. I wonder how many of those countries decided it was a better idea to pay through the roof for staples of society. And truth be told, how did what was once the middle class fair under their reign? Anyone remember Stalin? How about Castro? If it was any damn good, why are they all trying to flee and come here?

Maybe they haven't got the Leftist memo yet, that before long, we are gonna be them!
Sure thing. I wonder how many of those countries decided it was a better idea to pay through the roof for staples of society. And truth be told, how did what was once the middle class fair under their reign? Anyone remember Stalin? How about Castro? If it was any damn good, why are they all trying to flee and come here?

Maybe they haven't got the Leftist memo yet, that before long, we are gonna be them!

Communism is not a threat to the US.. You should go back to school.
Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.
Critical Race Theory is a DIRECT DERIVATIVE of Critical Theory, created by the Frankfurt School in Germany.

They were/are a bunch of commies. Yes, it is very much a movement in America and always has been. It just changes labels repeatedly. Perfect camo strategy.
Cuba had no middle class.. neither did Venezuela.

Incorrect. You embarrass yourself. The Caracas middle class, once the elite of that town, have been driven nearly to extinction by socio-communism. A prime goal of communists the world over is to destroy the bourgeoisie. Allow me to help you with such a big word as that. It is another name for the middle class.
The first thing you need is a depressed economy and people desperate for a unifying leader. This usually occurs after an economic depression.
Incorrect. You embarrass yourself. The Caracas middle class, once the elite of that town, have been driven nearly to extinction by socio-communism. A prime goal of communists the world over is to destroy the bourgeoisie. Allow me to help you with such a big word as that. It is another name for the middle class.

The middle class was shrinking for 2 decades before Chavez was elected.. Sad really.. Vz has had oil production for over 90 years.. but they also had US approved ex-military strongmen. The elite circle around to leadership prospered... sort of like in Iran under the Shah.
Incorrect. You embarrass yourself. The Caracas middle class, once the elite of that town, have been driven nearly to extinction by socio-communism. A prime goal of communists the world over is to destroy the bourgeoisie. Allow me to help you with such a big word as that. It is another name for the middle class.
What I find absolutely disgusting, which is something that continually goes unaddressed, is how Marx and all the commies who follow his bullshit NEVER address the elites or ruling class in their class warfare. Marxism/Communism/Socialism pits the proletariat (low class) against the bourgeoisie (middle class) and says NOTHING about the elites.


Because communism is a tool of the elites to control the masses, pitting the proletariat against the bourgeoisie to divide and control.
For anyone who is ever attended school, what was that sign? Prices rising, and shortages! What is happening here now? Give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count.

Prices are spiraling out of control, they can't get many people to actually work, you no longer can get goods you once did any where near as easily, all the while they try to convince you this is all temporary. Does it sound familiar to ANY of you who studied history?

Look at Cuba and what happened there. Look at each and every South American country that went Socialist, and see how it started there along with what their governments said at the start. History teaches all things, period! It is also where the old saying comes from about attempting the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different outcome.

For all of us, are we fools? Are there really more of these SOCIALISTS than we Americans?

Watch what is going on, what these Leftists are saying as they tell you that you expect to much for Christmas, lol; then look up history as best you can, and see if you want to go down THEIR road.

I urge you to ask yourself a few questions, while remembering, the country for the most part, has not been locked down in months:

1. How is it gasoline, and almost every form of energy has risen dramatically over 9 months?

2. How has meat risen dramatically? Do cows, chickens, and pigs get COVID? (if they do, let us know)

3. During the COVID lockdown, we seen shortages, then it broke loose. Now no lockdown, but shortages return. Forget the why! Look more into the policies that cause the why!

4. You are MANDATED (so far) to be vaxxed because you might do what? Then why are not the illegals being plopped down in your state allowed to be unvaxxed? You are the owners of the country, but you are 2nd class citizens to non citizens. Doesn't that make you at least question government policy?

How long will it be, before you actually say you have had enough? This has absolutely nothing to do with DJT, it has EVERYTHING to do with those controlling our government today, known as Leftists. Listen to Bernie. Listen to AOC; in fact listen to most Leftists since they are all in lockstep. They know EXACTLY what they are doing and think all of you are stupid, and won't figure it out before it is to late.

While many of them are to young to yet request it, your children and grandchildren are relying on you to somehow fix this. And if you want to know if you actually should try, just go back to history; history that teaches all things, and see how governments who have tried this path faired as far as for the comfort/safety of their people. It should scare you down to your soul! YOU, are being undermined from within, period, end of story. And this is being done by a bunch of people running on theoretics. When did Bernie ever work in the private sector? Aoc was a bartender? So we are now going to take advice on our kids and grandkids lives from a mixologist? How many of you would EVER do that in the real world, especially intelligent women?

Forget DJT! Just understand that DJT; the incompetent boob, got you a vaccine in 8 months, when it should have taken 5 years. Then look at the other side of the ledger. 9 months AFTER the Leftists took control of everything in government, you now have high prices, nobody wants to work, and you are being told to basically scrub Christmas..........and if you don't, you are to used to having access to goods.

If that doesn't sound like you are being primed to accept the Leftist version of Socialism, then you are dumb as a box of rocks!

Don't criticize the left for stealing an election, they're doing the best they can for their masters. Part of the problem was Trump wasn't sympathetic to the global establishment of communist aims, so they appointed people who are.

Leftists are a silly bunch anyway. On one hand they claim intelligence and student, on the other they demonstrate they were pushed through education without effort, or they simply know the history but are twisted souls, just like Obama.
For anyone who is ever attended school, what was that sign? Prices rising, and shortages! What is happening here now? Give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count.

Prices are spiraling out of control, they can't get many people to actually work, you no longer can get goods you once did any where near as easily, all the while they try to convince you this is all temporary. Does it sound familiar to ANY of you who studied history?

Look at Cuba and what happened there. Look at each and every South American country that went Socialist, and see how it started there along with what their governments said at the start. History teaches all things, period! It is also where the old saying comes from about attempting the same thing over, and over, while expecting a different outcome.

For all of us, are we fools? Are there really more of these SOCIALISTS than we Americans?

Watch what is going on, what these Leftists are saying as they tell you that you expect to much for Christmas, lol; then look up history as best you can, and see if you want to go down THEIR road.

I urge you to ask yourself a few questions, while remembering, the country for the most part, has not been locked down in months:

1. How is it gasoline, and almost every form of energy has risen dramatically over 9 months?

2. How has meat risen dramatically? Do cows, chickens, and pigs get COVID? (if they do, let us know)

3. During the COVID lockdown, we seen shortages, then it broke loose. Now no lockdown, but shortages return. Forget the why! Look more into the policies that cause the why!

4. You are MANDATED (so far) to be vaxxed because you might do what? Then why are not the illegals being plopped down in your state allowed to be unvaxxed? You are the owners of the country, but you are 2nd class citizens to non citizens. Doesn't that make you at least question government policy?

How long will it be, before you actually say you have had enough? This has absolutely nothing to do with DJT, it has EVERYTHING to do with those controlling our government today, known as Leftists. Listen to Bernie. Listen to AOC; in fact listen to most Leftists since they are all in lockstep. They know EXACTLY what they are doing and think all of you are stupid, and won't figure it out before it is to late.

While many of them are to young to yet request it, your children and grandchildren are relying on you to somehow fix this. And if you want to know if you actually should try, just go back to history; history that teaches all things, and see how governments who have tried this path faired as far as for the comfort/safety of their people. It should scare you down to your soul! YOU, are being undermined from within, period, end of story. And this is being done by a bunch of people running on theoretics. When did Bernie ever work in the private sector? Aoc was a bartender? So we are now going to take advice on our kids and grandkids lives from a mixologist? How many of you would EVER do that in the real world, especially intelligent women?

Forget DJT! Just understand that DJT; the incompetent boob, got you a vaccine in 8 months, when it should have taken 5 years. Then look at the other side of the ledger. 9 months AFTER the Leftists took control of everything in government, you now have high prices, nobody wants to work, and you are being told to basically scrub Christmas..........and if you don't, you are to used to having access to goods.

If that doesn't sound like you are being primed to accept the Leftist version of Socialism, then you are dumb as a box of rocks!
1 Take over the media. Check

2. Take over academia. Check

3. Take over the government. Check.

Incorrect. You embarrass yourself. The Caracas middle class, once the elite of that town, have been driven nearly to extinction by socio-communism. A prime goal of communists the world over is to destroy the bourgeoisie. Allow me to help you with such a big word as that. It is another name for the middle class.

Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.

No evidence anywhere? WTF? Read a book, and how about these?
Why do so many on the right think socialism or communism is a movement in America? There is no evidence of this anywhere. Certainly not amongst our political class. Maybe it’s a hold over from the Cold War. Or maybe they’re just dupes for right wing propaganda.

The reality is we’re headed for a Fascist tyranny.
They know better, but just trying to piss people off. Pissing people off is a joyful thing with them, immolating their leader. Probably the way they were raised.

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