in her latest column, Ann Coulter eviscerates Joy Reid on race


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i don't agree with Joy Reid but i enjoy her show

"Your brief daytime show on MSNBC made ratings history, garnering only 38,000 viewers in the demo its first day on air — the lowest for the entire network! That inched up to 56,000 viewers two days later, the second lowest for the network.

Ronan Farrow’s show debuted the same week. But while he was quickly cashiered for poor ratings — you were promoted, even though he is white and you are black. Dodged a bullet there!

Finally, notwithstanding the White Power Structure, you have a job that reportedly pays $1.5 million a year, which is more than 99.9% of Americans make — even several white ones! All in all, that doesn’t sound so bad."
These networks aren't fussed over the usual profit motives. They are fully subsidized propaganda outlets. Reid is one of the most ignorant and vicious racists in America. There aren't many people I've known of in my life that made me want to spit in their face but she made the list.

ETA: Come to think of it, Coulter would be a runner-up.
i don't agree with Joy Reid but i enjoy her show

"Your brief daytime show on MSNBC made ratings history, garnering only 38,000 viewers in the demo its first day on air — the lowest for the entire network! That inched up to 56,000 viewers two days later, the second lowest for the network.

Ronan Farrow’s show debuted the same week. But while he was quickly cashiered for poor ratings — you were promoted, even though he is white and you are black. Dodged a bullet there!

Finally, notwithstanding the White Power Structure, you have a job that reportedly pays $1.5 million a year, which is more than 99.9% of Americans make — even several white ones! All in all, that doesn’t sound so bad."

Isn't it a shame that America has moved from clowns like this


to clowns like this?

Coulter is the only clown.

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