In 2008, Gavin Newsom Pledged to End Homelessness in San Francisco in 10 Years

Just like the meat puppet faggot messiah was going to cut the debt in half, then doubled it.

You can pretty much expect anything a democrook promises to result in the opposite outcome.

It really is too bad Trump allowed the media to create the hysterical response to the COVID Dempanic. He should have fired that fuckin quack "Dr" Fraudchi and been the leader of the free world. Instead he gave congress signed blank checks and let the world wet the bed over a fuckin cold.
Like I said.....The dems have no bullpen for 2024 if Tater does not run.
I'm wondering how anyone who pulls the stings in the DNC Mafia justiies running the 🥔 again. It shout be 🦇 💩 crazy to even consider it. I think most people would rather have a 🦂 in their pants than suffer through another 4 years of this shit. Even a good portion of the fucking imbeciles who stuffed stacks of ballots in unmonitored boxes are probably regretting it...
Clearly, his efforts were a resounding success.....

They accomplished their real goal, propping up government employees in whatever "Homelessness Departments" that are part of City and State governments.

Things like this are measured by money spent, not by actual results, which is why progressive politicians love them.

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