Impeach VP Harris For 'Inciting Insurrection'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Prior to the election, as foreign-funded, Democrat Party-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM violently rioted, looted, burned, destroyed, held cities hostage, assaulted, attempted to burn federal agents alive, and murdered, Harris declared it all 'SHOULD not stop', 'WE WILL not stop' after the election...

...and it is continuing, just as she called for.

Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damage has been done...more is being perpetrated...and neither the Biden administration nor Democrats will condemn these terrorists.

They are, after all, only doing what Harris' told them to do.

Based on the precedence being set by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, VP Harris needs to Impeachment as the violence she incited continues...

Prior to the election, as foreign-funded, Democrat Party-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM violently rioted, looted, burned, destroyed, held cities hostage, assaulted, attempted to burn federal agents alive, and murdered, Harris declared it all 'SHOULD not stop', 'WE WILL not stop' after the election...

...and it is continuing, just as she called for.

Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damage has been done...more is being perpetrated...and neither the Biden administration nor Democrats will condemn these terrorists.

They are, after all, only doing what Harris' told them to do.

Based on the precedence being set by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, VP Harris needs to Impeachment as the violence she incited continues...

The deep state has the current DC gang well covered! Nothing to see here folks just keep moving towards the Nixon impeachm er I mean the Trump impeachment.
the only AA we found in KH.jpg
Fact check: Kamala Harris said she supports protests, not ‘riots’, in Late Show clip

And yet the Democratic Party invariably calls leftist riots "protests".
Fact check: Kamala Harris said she supports protests, not ‘riots’, in Late Show clip
Ah, So THAT'S why her office was in the business of bailing out the BLM/ANTIFA arsonists so they could get back on the street as soon as possible.
and impeach her for being a dumbass racist = she fell for the Smollet hoax
Fact check: Kamala Harris said she supports protests, not ‘riots’, in Late Show clip
HARRIS & DEMOCRATS have made it clear they believe the terrorist violence being committed by Antifa and BLM are 'protests'.

They have facilitated the terrorist acts, like providing permanent barriers, food, and porta-potties to terrorists holding city blocks hostage and calling burning, looting, destruction, assaults, and murder part of 'the summer of love's.

Harris herself bailed criminals engaged in this violence out so they could return to the streets and do more damage. That is 'aiding and abetting', a crime.

She declared it 'should not stop. WE should not stop.'

You don't get to make up your own facts or re-write history.

We SHOULD Impeach Harris!
Harris's Articles of Impeachment should be presented tomorrow!
Prior to the election, as foreign-funded, Democrat Party-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM violently rioted, looted, burned, destroyed, held cities hostage, assaulted, attempted to burn federal agents alive, and murdered, Harris declared it all 'SHOULD not stop', 'WE WILL not stop' after the election...

...and it is continuing, just as she called for.

Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damage has been done...more is being perpetrated...and neither the Biden administration nor Democrats will condemn these terrorists.

They are, after all, only doing what Harris' told them to do.

Based on the precedence being set by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, VP Harris needs to Impeachment as the violence she incited continues...

Well seeing Democrats control the House I believe impeachment of Harris will happen right after Cortez is made Speaker of the House...

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