Imam who said Islam critic deserved death penalty was hired by Justice Department to teach.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Imam Who Called For Ayaan Hirsi Ali s Death Teaches Muslims The Daily Caller

Imam Who Said Ayaan Hirsi Ali Deserved Death Penalty Was Hired By DOJ To Teach Muslim Classes To Federal Prisoners

An Egyptian-born imam who in 2007 said that Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali should receive the death penalty for her criticism of Islam is now a Department of Justice contractor hired to teach classes to Muslims who are in federal prison.

According to federal spending records, Fouad ElBayly, the imam at Islamic Center of Johnstown in Pennsylvania, was contracted by the DOJ’s Bureau of Prisons beginning last year to teach the classes to Muslim inmates at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution in Cumberland, Md.

The records show that ElBayly has two contracts worth $12,900 to teach the classes and to provide the inmates “leadership and guidance.” One of the contracts is dated Feb. 20, 2014, and the other is dated Dec. 8, 2014.

It was April 2007 when ElBayly, the imam at the Islamic Center of Johnston, protested Ali’s scheduled appearance at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown.

Ali, a former Dutch parliamentarian who fled Somalia with her family at a young age, has been vocal in her critique of Islam, claiming that women suffer greatly under the religion.

Those comments have angered many, including ElBayly, who called Ali’s statements “poisonous.”

“If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death,” the imam told a local newspaper ahead of her university visit.

ElBayly, along with Mahmood Qazi, the Islamic Center of Johnstown’s founder and past president, pressed university officials to block Ali from speaking.

“I don’t want her to poison anyone’s mind,” Qazi said. “She doesn’t believe in God. How can she talk about God?”

The men were unsuccessful, and ElBayly was heavily criticized for his comments, which gained national attention at the time. He apologized in a letter to the newspaper and seemingly resigned his post.

But that resignation was temporary, it turns out.

The federal Bureau of Prisons requires religious services contractors to provide credentials and other background information in their applications. One section asks applicants to list their associations with established religious organizations. According to recent news reports, ElBayly is once again the imam at the Islamic Center of Johnstown.

The application makes no mention of a required interview, though the document indicates that one is optional.

Besides the credentials, applicants have to provide two personal references and a letter of recommendation from their local religious organization.

Perhaps the highest hurdle for ElBayly to clear would be the program’s requirement to affirm, ”I do not endorse nor will I practice or use language in the institution that will support violence, terrorism, discrimination against other inmates.”

The Daily Caller sought to interview ElBayly, but he did not respond to an email request. A phone number listed for ElBayly was directed to a fax machine.

TheDC also wanted to find out more about how the DOJ’s Bureau of Prisons chooses who can teach religious classes to inmates, but the agency did not respond. The Cumberland facility also did not respond to specific questions about ElBayly’s classes.

Ali has faced more heady opponents than ElBayly and Qazi. Last year, students at Brandeis University successfully forced school administrators to rescind an invitation to have Ali speak at its commencement ceremony where she was to be given an honorary degree. That incident was part of an emerging pattern of supposedly tolerant and open-minded college activists organizing boycotts against speakers who criticize Islam.



Bravo obama!!! Bravo, you fucking disaster.
TheOwl makes an interesting case.

OK, he gave his opinion 8 years ago. We have had many so-called Christians on this Board calling abortion a murder and some implying death would be an appropriate punishment for doctors. Should such folks be banned from teaching in our public schools?
TheOwl makes an interesting case.

OK, he gave his opinion 8 years ago. We have had many so-called Christians on this Board calling abortion a murder and some implying death would be an appropriate punishment for doctors. Should such folks be banned from teaching in our public schools?

Show where that has ever happened.

theOwl gives you facts and you throw out bullshit, just like a typical liberal puke.
It has happened on the Board, as you well know, if you have been here any amount of times, so, so you are going to get "not just one more time" for your deluded obstructionism. If you continue, you will get as your answer "not just one more time."

The OP is interesting and should be considered, and it should apply to all who make such statements, Christians included.
It has happened on the Board, as you well know, if you have been here any amount of times, so, so you are going to get "not just one more time" for your deluded obstructionism. If you continue, you will get as your answer "not just one more time."

The OP is interesting and should be considered, and it should apply to all who make such statements, Christians included.

Then it should be easy for you to prove.
TheOwl makes an interesting case.

OK, he gave his opinion 8 years ago. We have had many so-called Christians on this Board calling abortion a murder and some implying death would be an appropriate punishment for doctors. Should such folks be banned from teaching in our public schools?
We're not talking about our fellow posters.

We're talking about a so-called Man of God, calling for the death of someone who criticizes his religion, being granted Federal government contracts to mentor convicted felons, incarcerated within the prison system.

A publicly-known figure, in the Real World, not the Theoretical and Anonymous.

Let's keep our eye on the ball, shall we?
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Not one of you get just once more, because you don't deserve it when it is common knowledge.

Such review of government positions for such people, Muslims, Christians, etc, should apply to all.
You don't get just once more.

Anyone who is hired for government service should have his or her background vetted. Some of our members on the Board probably would have similar issues to admit.
You don't get just once more.

Anyone who is hired for government service should have his or her background vetted. Some of our members on the Board probably would have similar issues to admit.
Like Obama was vetted?
Or Bush? I agree that the electorate is failing in this area. Bush worked with both sides as governor, and all of them came up with the defective school system state and districts wide that has so hampered Texas children.
You don't get just once more.

Anyone who is hired for government service should have his or her background vetted. Some of our members on the Board probably would have similar issues to admit.
Like Obama was vetted?
Just how stupid do you think the Republicans are? Don't answer that, it is too easy.
We Republicans have candidates like Bachmann and Santorum and Perry, for heavens' sake. We have to do better.
You don't get just once more.

Anyone who is hired for government service should have his or her background vetted. Some of our members on the Board probably would have similar issues to admit.
Like Obama was vetted?
Just how stupid do you think the Republicans are? Don't answer that, it is too easy.
We Republicans have candidates like Bachmann and Santorum and Perry, for heavens' sake. We have to do better.
The Democrats are not much better off. Mankind has changed, quickly.
You don't get just once more.

Anyone who is hired for government service should have his or her background vetted. Some of our members on the Board probably would have similar issues to admit.
Like Obama was vetted?
Or Bush? I agree that the electorate is failing in this area. Bush worked with both sides as governor, and all of them came up with the defective school system state and districts wide that has so hampered Texas children.

He was better than any Democrat we ever had.

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