Imagine This: Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton is a leading pick to serve as secretary of state in a Trump administration.

Donald Trump ran on a platform of non-intervention, but is leaning toward picking an extraordinarily hawkish secretary of state.

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

Bolton is the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, but served less than two years, as Democrats banded together to block his long-term appointment. His time was marked by a rapid uptick in anti-American sentiment among the global diplomatic community. Bolton remains one of the most disliked foreign policy operators on the world stage.

One source said that Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker still had an outside chance of winning the position, if he made a play for it and enough Republicans rallied to his side. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Rudy Giuliani is also under consideration for the post.

Bolton would be an aggressive selection for Trump, shattering his pledge to work peacefully with other countries. Bolton, who has called for the bombing of Iran, held high-level roles in three different Republican administrations between 1998 and 2006. He is now a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank whose vice president has described Trump as “an idiot.”

Bolton, though an assistant, declined to comment.

More: Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State

Wow, it just gets crazier and crazier.
Call John Bolton an "extreme militant" simply displays what an anti-American POS you are.
When did Bolton become an extremist? Asserting American interests is hardly extreme
At least Kerry works for peace. That is what is important...

I hope your party does select Bolton as I want the republican party to fuck things up so people can see this and vote democratic in 2020.

How is handing Iran,the biggest state sponsor of terrorism large sums of money and granting them permission to go nuclear working for peace?

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