Imagine.Host Asks Nancy Pelosi.You Say Trump Was Impeached,Then Why Is He Still In Office ?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Well, to begin with you like so many --including Nancy-- seem not to understand what impeachment really is....something about the word 'impeachment' deludes a lot of folks into thinking that somehow implies guilt.....all impeachment means is to be charged.....and here in America one is considered innocent until found guilty....thus the role of the Senate...who decides if Trump is actually guilty or not of what he has been charged with.
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Seek help soon, You must have some friends that can help you.
This is absolutely a 1 out of 10 post. For those wondering, 1 is low. 1 is the lowest.

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And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Well, to begin with you like so many --including Nancy-- seem not to understand what impeachment really is....something about the word 'impeachment' deludes a lot of folks into thinking that somehow implies guilt.....all impeachment means is to be charged.....and here in America one is considered innocent until found guilty....thus the role of the Senate...who decides if Trump is actually guilty or not of what he has been charged with.

I think perhaps an even more accurate synonym for impeachment might be censured, chastised, disciplined, or castigated. It is like when you were a boy and got scolded by your mother. It is up to the Senate to then decide whether that is an adequate reprimand or whether the deed in question is so severe that complete removal from office is demanded.

Of course, in this case, I think it will be looked at the merits of whether the charges actually fit the actions. Removal from office basically says that your actions were so far off the pall that both the Congress and the nation has totally lost all trust and faith in you to lead the country. In effect, betrayed.

I don't know about anyone else but I don't feel that Trump has "betrayed" me. I'd like a deeper more direct explanation from the involved parties first just exactly WHAT was going on in Ukraine between their people, Burisma, Hunter and Biden that Trump felt it so important to expose before his name went on any ballots.

And because his name COULD go on the ballot for president, if there has been any betrayal, I feel it has been by both the House and the media for either covering up or not giving a damn to get the FULL story all the way around.
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Seek help soon, You must have some friends that can help you.
This is absolutely a 1 out of 10 post. For those wondering, 1 is low. 1 is the lowest.

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I can guarantee you, this little freakazoid has never had a friend in his life.
Seek help soon, You must have some friends that can help you.
This is absolutely a 1 out of 10 post. For those wondering, 1 is low. 1 is the lowest.

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Nanzi would tell the world "Yes, he's been impeached.... I have the pen to prove it."

Well actually she would say "Yeshh heed peachseed theres I pens proofier....<fart>"
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

He was Impeached by the House and there is no debate about it...

The question is will he be Convicted and Removed by the Senate and the answer is a resounding NO!

So if the Host asked that asinine question maybe they should know the order when removing the President and it is the House first must pass the Articles of Impeachment and then the Senate must hold a trial to see if Trump is guilty of the crimes the House has accused him of.

Clinton was Impeached but never removed, so yes Trump has been Impeached but will stay in power...
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Seek help soon, You must have some friends that can help you.
This is absolutely a 1 out of 10 post. For those wondering, 1 is low. 1 is the lowest.

Is this clear?

Zero is lower, so could it be a Zero instead?
OK, the fact of the matter is that the president can be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.

I think many people erroneously conflate the term "misdemeanor" as it is used in today's parlance with the term "misdemeanor" as it was used in the late 18th century, when the US Constitution was written.

Today it is a class of statutory crime, but back then it could mean any faux pas.

So I do not buy the canard that a US president must actually commit a crime to be removed from office by congress. They could remove him from office for anything, wearing a long tie or having a strong willed empowered daughter, or whatever. It doesn't matter.

But since this impeachment is nothing but a partisan dog and pony show, that is not what is going to happen. The Democrats simply do not have enough votes to remove Trump from office.

Sure the Democrats may get a few Republican votes from Senators who are still butthurting via Trump since the 2016 primary race, such as Mittens and Little Marco, but not nearly enough to get the required super-majority.

So the whole impeachment thing is a non-starter.
nancy is making it sound as if he was impeached, and removed from office,,well,,we have 300 million people still wondering why he is still President and no sign of him going anywhere anytime soon
nancy is making it sound as if he was impeached, and removed from office,,well,,we have 300 million people still wondering why he is still President and no sign of him going anywhere anytime soon

Again you along with a lot of other folks seem not to get it..........Nancy is pretending like impeachment is such a big deal....maybe in some cases certainly not in this case

. She realizes he will not be removed from she is trying to make believe that being impeached is a huge,huge blot on Trump's administration....not at will actually boost him in the coming election....

Nancy knows this too....thus her charade aka performance in order to save face.

The partrsan democratic impeachment of Trump is essentially play acting....simply that and nothing more.

Yet it has damaged our National Security via creating a greater division amongst the people.
Trump is an impeached President

So is Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton

It will define his Presidency
nancy is making it sound as if he was impeached, and removed from office,,well,,we have 300 million people still wondering why he is still President and no sign of him going anywhere anytime soon

Again you along with a lot of other folks seem not to get it..........Nancy is pretending like impeachment is such a big deal....maybe in some cases certainly not in this case

. She realizes he will not be removed from she is trying to make believe that being impeached is a huge,huge blot on Trump's administration....not at will actually boost him in the coming election....

Nancy knows this too....thus her charade aka performance in order to save face.

The partrsan democratic impeachment of Trump is essentially play acting....simply that and nothing more.

Yet it has damaged our National Security via creating a greater division amongst the people.
Trump wasnt impeached,,,if anyone was,,,its was Nancy Pelosi
And who wouldn't love to see this one go on live TV,,,we have someone from NBC/ABC/CNN talking with Mizz Pelosi about this impeachment, then at some point, the host asks something along the lines of,,,,Miss Speaker, you have been gloating over these last few weeks that President Trump has been impeached,,and here we are, 6 or 7 weeks later, Trump is still in office and still doing his job as President.
So how can you claim that President Trump was impeached?

Duh...the same way Bill Clinton was impeached and stayed in office.

You are not very smart, are you?
nancy is making it sound as if he was impeached, and removed from office,,well,,we have 300 million people still wondering why he is still President and no sign of him going anywhere anytime soon

Again you along with a lot of other folks seem not to get it..........Nancy is pretending like impeachment is such a big deal....maybe in some cases certainly not in this case

. She realizes he will not be removed from she is trying to make believe that being impeached is a huge,huge blot on Trump's administration....not at will actually boost him in the coming election....

Nancy knows this too....thus her charade aka performance in order to save face.

The partrsan democratic impeachment of Trump is essentially play acting....simply that and nothing more.

Yet it has damaged our National Security via creating a greater division amongst the people.
Trump wasnt impeached,,,if anyone was,,,its was Nancy Pelosi

Trump was impeached. The trial will be held in the senate.

Not that it means anything.....other than how the democratic party puts their party before the security of America in they are willing to further divide the nation in a vain effort to promote the democratic party.
nancy is making it sound as if he was impeached, and removed from office,,well,,we have 300 million people still wondering why he is still President and no sign of him going anywhere anytime soon

Again you along with a lot of other folks seem not to get it..........Nancy is pretending like impeachment is such a big deal....maybe in some cases certainly not in this case

. She realizes he will not be removed from she is trying to make believe that being impeached is a huge,huge blot on Trump's administration....not at will actually boost him in the coming election....

Nancy knows this too....thus her charade aka performance in order to save face.

The partrsan democratic impeachment of Trump is essentially play acting....simply that and nothing more.

Yet it has damaged our National Security via creating a greater division amongst the people.
Trump wasnt impeached,,,if anyone was,,,its was Nancy Pelosi

Trump was impeached. The trial will be held in the senate.

Not that it means anything.....other than how the democratic party puts their party before the security of America in they are willing to further divide the nation in a vain effort to promote the democratic party.
We will let history decide if it was valid or not

I have a feeling that history will not look favorably on Trumps interaction with Zelensky

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