Zone1 Imagine a world with no whites

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

I do not see a smooth and violence free transition to a society of color....but it may happen gradually. But the transition will happen.
lol. After all the whites are raptured? WTH? Where is it you think we are going and do we get to take all of our inventions and technology with us??

Be careful what you wish for. A whole world like Chicago might not be such a great reality...
We will be dead...but the races will intermingle. It is unavoidable.
This seems like a rather inflammatory thread, for Zone 1.

If a white nationalist came into this Zone, and started a thread making the claim, that one day, all people of color would have to go, and it was inevitable, I am pretty sure, that this thread would trashed.

Just saying.

You lookin' for a fight, is that your purpose here?

IMO? If the entire human race, does not learn to change its value systems, we will all perish together, long before any such mass mixing of the gene pool ever happens.

The global resources will run out. War, famine, and disease, and a mass civilization collapse will spell our collective doom, long before global cosmopolitan society can force an intermingling of families, and then, if any isolated pockets of humans remain, natural selection will select for the same genes that led to melanin selection in the first place.
This seems like a rather inflammatory thread, for Zone 1.

If a white nationalist came into this Zone, and started a thread making the claim, that one day, all people of color would have to go, and it was inevitable, I am pretty sure, that this thread would trashed.

Just saying.

You lookin' for a fight, is that your purpose here?

IMO? If the entire human race, does not learn to change its value systems, we will all perish together, long before any such mass mixing of the gene pool ever happens.

The global resources will run out. War, famine, and disease, and a mass civilization collapse will spell our collective doom, long before global cosmopolitan society can force an intermingling of families, and then, if any isolated pockets of humans remain, natural selection will select for the same genes that led to melanin selection in the first place.
It is a review of a book. Do you want to ban the book?

I do not see a smooth and violence free transition to a society of color....but it may happen gradually. But the transition will happen.

So.......diversity only can happen when all white people are dead?

Ummmmm, what is diverse about that?

Are you stupid?
I find it sadly humorous that the very people clamoring for 'diversity' want to see White people eradicated from the face of the Earth. If we take a look around the globe, the track record of minority lead countries is dismal. Call me Racist if you want I could care less, I just call it like it is.
Inflammatory is poster asking me if I "will to be the first to go." Typical MAGA Threat. allow violent threats?
The thread title is a violent threat.
It is a review of a book. Do you want to ban the book?
No, I certainly don't want to ban a book, just put it in the right sub-forum, not in a forum with special protections for your particular partisan axe to grind.

We have sub-forums for book, movie, and TEE VEE reviews, where opinions can be vigorously debated, and your type of crap, and his baggage, from being discriminated against, as a person from middle-eastern descent after 911, can be addressed.


". . . I’m less inclined to believe so. The framing for The Last White Man came to him in the months following September 11, in the wake of being racially profiled, during a moment of strident division. . "

This guy is perfect for you, he, like you, have a permanent chip on their shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I feel for his situation, but, that was the start of a war in America, this type of book review, probably not the best place for Zone 1.

Objectively not appropriate for Zone 1. IMO.
No, I certainly don't want to ban a book, just put it in the right sub-forum, not in a forum with special protections for your particular partisan axe to grind.

We have sub-forums for book, movie, and TEE VEE reviews, where opinions can be vigorously debated, and your type of crap, and his baggage, from being discriminated against, as a person from middle-eastern descent after 911, can be addressed.


". . . I’m less inclined to believe so. The framing for The Last White Man came to him in the months following September 11, in the wake of being racially profiled, during a moment of strident division. . "

This guy is perfect for you, he, like you, have a permanent chip on their shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I feel for his situation, but, that was the start of a war in America, this type of book review, probably not the best place for Zone 1.

Objectively not appropriate for Zone 1. IMO.
You really are stressing over something that will occur generations in the future. It is not worth the worry.
Inflammatory is poster asking me if I "will to be the first to go." Typical MAGA Threat. allow violent threats?

When you post a thread, with a title like, "Imagine a world with no whites." What the hell did you expect? Protection?

What if someone had posted a thread, with a title like, "Imagine a world with no blacks," "Imagine a world with no jews," "Imagine a world with no Hispanics," "Imagine a world with no Native Americans," "Imagine a world with no Arabs,"


IOW, you have posted a typical cultural Marxist/ woke thread.
Eventually, there won't be any black people, either. Just brown people.

So much for diversity.

Yup, no color but brown. And these idiots think that is diversity.
You really are stressing over something that will occur generations in the future. It is not worth the worry.
No, it will likely, never happen.

You have absolutely not a shred of proof that it would. Just your speculation.

And I have no concern over the fact that it would or not, I frankly don't care. My concern here, is in-group/out-group relations. Some folks take a certain amount of pride in their cultural heritage. . . you are purposely coming into Zone One to insult them. To make them feel like they necessarily assume they are better than others, just because they feel a certain way, because their ancestors have a certain culture heritage.

It is frankly, quite insulting.

How dare this author imply that somehow folks that have Irish, or Italian, or Eastern European ancestors, "benefit from a particular standing [and] would do anything to preserve it. The conscious seduction of power, of understanding the privileges from which one benefits and the life it affords, is, in part, about the necessity of control. I’d probably be upset and a little sad if I lost all of that, too."

Complete hogwash.

Before the turn of the 19th century, folks in America that were not of Anglo-Saxon ancestry, were not even considered white. Just more divide & rule Frankfort school garbage. Trying to change American culture for an authoritarian government control paradigm.

It was a ruling class club, and they didn't let folks in, that were not from certain areas of Europe, into that club.

If this author's delusions were to come to fruition? The ruling class would just change the definition of white again. In less than a century? HE would be white.


I mean, geese, look at that photo, I honestly, don't know what he is whining about. I GUARANTEE you, if in 1890, a Sicilian was not considered white?

By 2110, this guy WILL be white.


dumb, dumb thread. Totally does not understand the ruling global oligarchy.
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