Image Album: Capitalism & DreamWorks (Angel-TV?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-and-media vignette inspired by Bulworth and CB4, and I posted it in the General Discussion section instead of Writing section since it's overtly pro-TrumpUSA, but what do you think?


Images of film-studio logos such as DreamWorks are appealing to Americans and people around the world, and fans might even make mosaics or collections of albums of images from cinema, especially if they're big-time fans of the entertainment industry. There's an intrinsic bond between consumerism and creativity, but mostly it feels like junk food. So who can offer the right antidote to such brain pollution?


A psychopath was surfing the Internet and found images of celebrity couples and kept the images in a file on his laptop. This psychopath, Thomas Hewitt, intended to stalk one particular celebrity couple, claiming to be a Leatherface copycat. Leatherface, as we know, is the iconic fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise in America. Hewitt (aka 'Leatherface') decided to stalk one particular couple and blogged on the Internet, declaring his intention to make a celebrity couple even more 'sentimentalized.'


Well, an Internet-blogging/surfing self-proclaimed vigilante named Ajay Satan also read this blog and realized that this Hewitt/Leatherface character would truly stalk the celebrity couple he mentioned in his eerie blog. Ajay decided to dress up as a 'beach-ninja' and track Hewitt/Leatherface in America. Ajay called himself Man-Ninja and posted on the Internet, "Hewitt won't stalk this celebrity couple, since he's actually a secret admirer." Ajay (aka, 'Man-Ninja') tracked Hewitt/Leatherface to a beach in southern California where he swiftly sedated him with tranquilizer-darts and turned him over to the police. In an interview, Ajay told reporters, "That 'Leatherface copycat' was nothing more than a modern 'media illiterate'." This was true media drama in modern America.


Ajay became an overnight celebrity and drew the attention of a beautiful supermodel who married him. One year later, Hewitt escaped from prison and swore revenge. He killed Ajay's wife (Edie) and told the press that he'd decapitate Ajay. Ajay (aka, 'Man-Ninja') miraculously managed to shoot Hewitt/Leatherface in the chest with a silencer-pistol and turned his body over to the police. Ajay told the press, "What I did, I did not for celebrity or journalism but for Edie!" Now, DreamWorks wanted to make a movie about Ajay's heroism, and Jerry Springer wanted a new network on TV featuring deeds of vigilantes. This would be called 'Angel-TV.'


The DreamWorks film directed by Steven Spielberg was a big hit and it starred Leo DiCaprio as Ajay Satan. The film brought new interest in Jerry Springer's proposed Angel-TV vigilante-program. Suddenly, media audiences were thrilled by nifty new stories about everyday passion towards civics and pedestrian justice. Ajay only regretted Edie was not alive to celebrate this American splendor with him(!).


Ajay retired to Japan where he began making Japanese water-color and oil paintings about natural landscapes and bridges and summer homes and boats. He purchased a DVD collection of Bob Ross painting-instructionals on and spent the remainder of his life mourning the loss of Edie. Hewitt/Leatherface meanwhile was given the death-penalty.


If you look at zany films from around the world featuring bizarre heroes and characters or even American comic book adapted films featuring very colorful 'superheroes' you get the sense that modern media audiences crave outrageous tales to satisfy their fascination with modern traffic 'drama.' This ain't the Age of Reason --- this is the Age of Consent. So will Ajay be considered a modern Zorro or a modern thrill-seeker?


The other day, I purchased a mechanical toy robot-dog from an online retailer in Japan for my niece. The robo-dog, which I named Benji will bark and sniff and walk around and tend to the needs of its owner, since it can sense movements around it. I think of Benji and I think of DreamWorks and I wonder if new age media 'labyrinths' cater to fun daydreams of brain-molesting junk-food. I'd like to think optimistically and believe that Ajay Satan, Angel-TV, and Benji the robo-dog are signs that civilization is evolving towards...vanity-free folklore.


TRUMP: I love this guy Ajay Satan.
CARTER: Yes, he's a real media character!
TRUMP: Where did the days of Dick Tracy go?
CARTER: Well, Americans still read comic books.
TRUMP: Yeah, but now it's all dollars and popcorn, Carter.
CARTER: I believe DreamWorks invests in culturally-enriching cinema.
TRUMP: I'm a fan of Spielberg.
CARTER: Did you see Catch Me If You Can, Mr. President?
TRUMP: Maybe media-fans today appreciate good storytelling.
CARTER: There're plenty of tabloids and gossip out there.
TRUMP: I liked the Spielberg film you mentioned, starring Leo DiCaprio.
CARTER: Leo was terrific...
TRUMP: There's a lot of dollars in image-marketing in America.
CARTER: Maybe Dick Tracy will make a real comeback.
TRUMP: If not, we'll always have DreamWorks and Woody Allen.
CARTER: Hail to the media!



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