I'm sorry, i don't think Kayla Mueller is dead


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
The ONLY piece of propaganda Islamic extremists can use against the U.S. and allies is to say that our bombs kill random innocent people, which they say all the time.
What are the odds the American hostage gets killed in a bombing?
Slim to none, even with their so called "human shield" story.
This is an obvious propaganda attempt.
Obama and the Federal government decided to take the slap in the face and allow the terrorists to say allied bombs killed the American hostage rather than expose the public to the horror that these terrorists decided to keep this girl.
Stop and think for a minute how the American public would react to this possibility.
A lot of people would switch from not liking Muslims, to pure hatred, even against Muslims who were not involved in anything.
Many people would demand something be done about.
If you notice, Obama has just ramped up efforts against the terrorists, a day or two later.
I'll tell what's happening right now.
The American government is faking a death photo of her.
Sometime from 2 months to 2 years, some nobody, on behalf of the government, is going to "leak" the death photo of her, so the American public never asks questions about the subject again.
If she ever re-surfaces, they'll say the extremists had better faking technology than they thought.
The ONLY piece of propaganda Islamic extremists can use against the U.S. and allies is to say that our bombs kill random innocent people, which they say all the time.
What are the odds the American hostage gets killed in a bombing?
Slim to none, even with their so called "human shield" story.
This is an obvious propaganda attempt.
Obama and the Federal government decided to take the slap in the face and allow the terrorists to say allied bombs killed the American hostage rather than expose the public to the horror that these terrorists decided to keep this girl.
Stop and think for a minute how the American public would react to this possibility.
A lot of people would switch from not liking Muslims, to pure hatred, even against Muslims who were not involved in anything.
Many people would demand something be done about.
If you notice, Obama has just ramped up efforts against the terrorists, a day or two later.
I'll tell what's happening right now.
The American government is faking a death photo of her.
Sometime from 2 months to 2 years, some nobody, on behalf of the government, is going to "leak" the death photo of her, so the American public never asks questions about the subject again.
If she ever re-surfaces, they'll say the extremists had better faking technology than they thought.

I suppose anything is possible, the cult of the devil are highly skilled in the art of deception.
The story we will not hear is she most likely was sold in to marriage/slavery and raped and beaten on a daily basis. The treatment of women by those gutter licking cowards is reason enough to send the troops Can you think of a better reason? Although Isis may have hung themselves by burning that Jordanian pilot alive as many even radicals have turned on them. I for one am sick of the world sitting back like cowards saying "yes they are evil but we don't want to sacrifice any of our troops to eradicate them." The world is not a nice place so let's stop acting like it is.
The story we will not hear is she most likely was sold in to marriage/slavery and raped and beaten on a daily basis. The treatment of women by those gutter licking cowards is reason enough to send the troops Can you think of a better reason? Although Isis may have hung themselves by burning that Jordanian pilot alive as many even radicals have turned on them. I for one am sick of the world sitting back like cowards saying "yes they are evil but we don't want to sacrifice any of our troops to eradicate them." The world is not a nice place so let's stop acting like it is.
If Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan et al do not see fit to turn their armored divisions on ISIS, why should we give a shit?
Because we are America.
I'm sorry, we do not need to go in there again.

We have armed the countries I mentioned, and it should be their blood and guts spilled, as it will be their heads severed if ISIL/ISIS/AQ or whatever, is not stopped.
Granny says hunt him down an' kill the bastid...

Convert or die: ISIS chief's former slave says he beat her, raped U.S. hostage
Wed September 9, 2015 | Yazidi teenager Zeinat was captured by ISIS at the foot of Iraq's Mount Sinjar and forced into slavery in Syria; She says she was handpicked by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and made to work for his family and friends; In captivity, she says, she met and became friends with U.S. hostage Kayla Mueller, who confided that she had been raped
When ISIS came for Zeinat and her family, they ran, terrified, for the safety of the mountains. They had heard the horror stories and knew only too well what might happen to them if they stayed in their home. But they were too late; stranded at the foot of Iraq's Mount Sinjar by the huge crowds of refugees struggling uphill, they were easy pickings when fighters arrived. Separated first from her father, and then from her sisters, she was forced -- like thousands of Yazidi women -- into slavery, treated as the property of the so-called "Islamic State." Zeinat, though, wasn't working for ordinary rank-and-file ISIS militants; instead she was handpicked to serve terror boss Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his family and friends.

Speaking exclusively to CNN, Zeinat (not her real name), 16, has told of how al-Baghdadi beat and mistreated her. She also says he raped American hostage Kayla Mueller, who was held captive by the group after being taken hostage in 2013. "He treated us so badly," she says, her beautiful, expressive blue eyes peering out fearfully from behind a rust-red tasseled headscarf as she relates her harrowing ordeal at the hands of one of the world's most wanted men. "He would always tell us: Forget your father and your brothers. We have killed them. And we have married off your mothers and sisters. Forget them."

Selected by the terrorist leader -- though she did not know who he was at the time -- at a slave market in "a white palace ... between the mountain and the sea," Zeinat and eight other girls were taken to his home in Raqqa, Syria, the de facto capital of ISIS' territory. As soon as she arrived, she says, she was made to watch a video showing ISIS fighters beheading a Westerner and threatened with the same fate unless she agreed to abandon her Yazidi faith. "There was a journalist, an American journalist, and there was a man dressed all in black," she remembers. "He killed the journalist. He beheaded him." Zeinat's description matches widely circulated ISIS videos of the killings of James Foley, Steven Sotloff and other Western hostages.

Deadly ultimatum

See also:

Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped Kayla Mueller'
15 August 2015 - An American aid worker who was killed while being held hostage by Islamic State (IS) militants, was sexually abused by the group's leader, US officials told ABC news.
Kayla Mueller, 26, was repeatedly raped by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Her family were informed of the abuse in June. "They told us that he married her, and we all understand what that means," her father Carl told the Associated Press. Ms Mueller was abducted while working in Aleppo, Syria, in August 2013. IS said she was killed in a Jordanian air strike in February, but the US blames the group for her death. Baghdadi personally took the humanitarian aid worker to the home of another senior IS member - Abu Sayyaf - who was in charge of IS oil and gas until his death in a US special forces operation in May, ABC news reports, citing US officials.

US special forces raid

The channel said Baghdadi regularly visited the compound where she was being held and repeatedly assaulted her. "Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying," her mother Marsha told AP. Officials said they had obtained information about the abuse from at least two teenage Yazidi girls who were held hostage as sex slaves and found inside the Sayyaf compound at the time of the US attack. Ms Mueller was reportedly held for some time by Sayyaf and his wife, Umm Sayyaf, who was also captured by US special forces in May. At the time, the Pentagon said Umm Sayyaf was suspected of being an IS member and of being complicit in the enslavement of a young Yazidi woman who was rescued in the raid. Hundreds of young women and girls - many of them Yazidis captured in northern Iraq - are believed to be held as sex slaves by IS militants in areas under their control. The Yazidi girls provided intelligence used by the US to interrogate Sayyaf's wife, who "spilled everything" about several IS leaders and their whereabouts, a counterterrorism official told ABC.

Who was Kayla Mueller?


Kayla Mueller grew up in Prescott, Arizona, with her parents and older brother. They described her as a woman who devoted her life to helping others. After graduating, she lived and worked with humanitarian aid groups in northern India, Israel and the Palestinian territories. In 2012 she decided travel to Turkey-Syria border to work for the Danish Refugee Council and Support to Life. She visited refugee camps and played and painted with Syrian children. On 4 August 2013, while leaving a hospital run by MSF (Doctors without Borders), she was kidnapped by militants from Islamic State. In February 2015 they claimed she had been killed by Jordanian air strike, but the US maintain she died at the hands of the group.

Kayla Mueller profile

Mrs Mueller told AP that her daughter had acted as a "mother figure" to the other detainees. "Kayla tried to protect these young girls," she added. Umm Sayyaf was handed over to the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq last week to face trial. The information that has come to light appears to contradict speculation that Ms Mueller was treated well in captivity, as a letter written in 2014 and smuggled out to her family implied. In it, she said she had been treated with "utmost respect + kindness".

Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped Kayla Mueller' - BBC News

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