I'm pretty sure no one will read this


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
It's not really anticipated, because, as we all know, those who know everything about everything there is to know about everything there is to know- don't want to know any more- they believe, apparently, that static knowledge doesn't need to evolve-

I'll start with this little snippet:

"A popular government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance and a people who mean to be their own government must arm themselves with the power which knowledge brings." -- James Madison

and move onto;

"The far-reaching consequences of the [Jewish] martyr complex go beyond any effect of the individual Jew ... and do not leave unmarked even the most sympathetically inclined Gentiles. Since the Jew is hypersensitive on the subject of his Judaism, Gentiles fear to offer constructive criticism lest they be accused of prejudices. Thus the Jew is denied the benefit of honest evaluation of the very real differences and prejudices existing ... I believe we Jews will never be normal individuals so long as we foster our martyr complex, so long as we remain evasive of self-appraisal and self-improvement, and so long as it is easier to blame the other fellow for our own faults."

Maurice M. Feurlich, Jewish author
-- in "Children of the Martyr Race," The Forum, NYC, September 1937; cited in Goldstein, D., p. 116

"All critics of Jews should not be tagged as anti-Semites. We are not a nation of Christs, Spinozas, and Einsteins; that the Nazis are brutes does not make us angels ... Criticism is not the same as hatred, and critics are not our enemies. The greatest friends of a people are not those who praise but those who honestly find fault. A people without criticism is either a dictatorship or a community so deeply embedded in smug self-satisfaction as to be on the road to decadence."

-- William Zuckerman, Jewish author [written before World War II,
in Goldstein, D., p. 119]

When Victims Rule



An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America
And Its Historical Origins


There are 30 entries at this blog- it references a 2000 page book-
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Intellectual dishonesty, coupled with intellectual laziness is appalling- maybe it's an age thing- IIRC I was around 57 or 58 when I decided my knowledge needed expanding- I never thought of it as static though. That's what I see with most political message board posters- they fail to recognize the value of knowledge and prefer their betters tell them what is right and what to believe- the betters being 30 second sound bites from alleged "experts and officials", because they're too fucking lazy to research, or even read something they don't know about, but feel they do, because, well, they feel they do-
Intellectual laziness is what you make your family suffer with- not me-

God is angry enough with the Jews, He doesn't need my help (or yours) to punish them ... is it fun to point and laugh about someone else getting a whipping ... pfffft ... I'm glad the Dutch aren't God's Chosen People ...
Oh look, another troll thread about "Da Joooooooooos!" Has it been ten minutes already?
So let me get this
the folks who obsess about da Jooooz, complain that criticism of Jews is not allowed,
and yet the "proof" for the conspiracy...are 3 quotes by Jews criticizing Jews.

That deffinately makes the point.
Because before these three and Louise Farakhan,
criticism of Jews has never been heard before in human history...

Now I also understand why the most famous Jewish book says only nice things about Jews.
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