Ilya Ehrenberg texts. What's about justice for Germans?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Following demands of this Jewish 'Writer' Red Army committed numerous crimes against native Germans, for example in Neustettin.Sure Nazis were bad guys, but why demand to kill toddlers, kids, women and almost any German?What is about justice for Germans?

Krasnaya Zvezda (No173 [5236]) 24 July 1942

ā€œThe Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ā€¦ If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another ā€” there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German ā€” that is your grandmotherā€™s request. Kill the German ā€” that is your childā€™s prayer. Kill the German ā€” that is your motherlandā€™s loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill.ā€

Another text from 1944/45

ā€œKill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army.ā€

I can not find source, but it is widely cited in books and web. Who can helpme find out where is was first published?

Propaganda becames real

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a young captain in the Red Army when it entered East Prussia in January 1945. He wrote later in his Gulag Archipelago: ā€œAll of us knew very well that if the girls were German they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction.ā€
In 1945 Germany faced a monster that was born from a clash of titans: two totalitarian regimes of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. Both of them were ready to exterminate other side. Finally Soviets won and expressed all collected hate and got revenge and booty for all pains.

Ilya Ehrenberg texts |

REVENGE AT NEUSTETTIN (February 16-18, 1945)

On the 16th of February, soldiers of the First White Russian Army occupied the town of Neustettin just inside the German border with Poland. In the town was the ā€˜Wilmseeā€™ camp of the German R.A.D. (Reich Womenā€™s Labour Service). In the huts were some 500 uniformed girls of the RAD. They were taken to the foreign workers barracks at the local iron foundry. All were considered by the Russians to be members of an illegal army. In an office set up by the Russian commissar groups of girls were brought in and ordered to undress. Two men (believed to be Poles) then entered the room and grabbing one of the girls bent her backwards over the edge of a table and then proceeded to cut off her breasts before the eyes of the others. Her screams were accompanied by cheers and howls of approval from the Russians. The same fate awaited all the others each procedure becoming ever more cruel. More girls were brought in continually and out in the courtyard hundreds were clubbed to death, only the prettiest being led to the commissars office for torture, mutilation and death. A few days later when a German reserve tank unit from Cottbus temporarily recaptured the town they were utterly devastated by what they saw. Survivors told of what they had seen. Mothers had to witness their ten and twelve year old daughters being raped by up to twenty soldiers, the daughters in turn witnessing their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. In most houses in the town nearly every room contained naked and dead women with the Swastika symbol crudely carved on their abdomens. No mercy was shown to the women and girls. It is estimated that about 2,000 girls that had been in the RAD and BDM (League of German Girls) camps in and around the town were raped and murdered in the first few days of the Soviet occupation

Just inside the east Prussian border with Soviet occupied Lithuania, the town of Nemmersdorf was the first to fall (temporarily) into the hands of the victorious Soviet Army. Overrun by General Gatlitskyā€™s 11th Guards Army, his soldiers, crazy with bloodlust, set about raping, looting and killing with such ferocity that eventually discipline had to be restored to force the soldiers back to fighting the war. From buildings, Russian signs were hung which read ā€˜Soldiers! Majdanek does not forgive. Take revenge without mercy!ā€™. When the Soviet 4th Army took over the town five days later, hardly a single inhabitant remained alive. Women were found nailed to barn doors after being stripped naked and gang raped, their bodies then used for bayonet practice. Many women, and girls as young as eight years old, were raped so often and brutally that they died from this abuse alone. Children were shot indiscriminately and all those trying to flee were crushed to death under the treads of the Soviet tanks. Forty French prisoners-of-war were shot on the spot as spies after welcoming the Red Army as liberators. Seventy one women and one man were found in houses, all dead. All the women, including girls aged from eight to twelve, had been raped. In other East Prussian villages within the triangle Gumbinnen-Goldap-Ebenrode, the same scenes were witnessed, old men and boys being castrated and their eyes gouged out before being killed or burned alive. In nearby Metgethen, a suburb of Kƶnigsberg, recaptured by the German 5th Panzer Division, around 60 women were found in a demented state in a large villa. They had been raped on average 60 to 70 times a day. In nearly every home, the bodies of women and children were found raped and murdered. The bodies of two young women were found, their legs had been tied one limb each between two trucks, and then torn apart when the trucks were driven away in opposite directions. At Metgethen railway station, a refugee train from Konigsberg, consisting of seven passenger coaches, was found and in each compartment seven to nine bestially mutilated bodies were discovered. To the Russians, refugee trains were ideal sources of women and booty. In the town of Niesse in Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped and debauched daily by the Russians. In the town of Demmin in Mecklenburg, German troops destroyed the bridge over the river Peene to slow down the advance of the Red Army. Nevertheless, the town was handed over to the Soviets without much of resistance and soon after around 800 of its citizens committed suicide by drowning in the Peene or by taking poison in fear of rape or murder by the Soviet troops.

In a house in another town, children were found sitting around a dinner table, plates of potato pancakes in front of them. All were dead, their tongues nailed to the table. Soviet officers reported back to Moscow that mass poisoning from captured alcohol, including dangerous chemicals found in laboratories, is damaging the fighting capacity of the Soviet Army. All too often, soldiers who had drunk too much and were unable to perform the sex act, used the bottle to mutilate their victims obscenely. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an ex-captain in the Soviet Army, recalls, ā€œAll of us knew very well that if girls were German they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinctionā€. (Details of these, and other atrocities, are contained in the Eastern Documentation Section of the German Federal Archives in Berlin)

The orgy of rape by Soviet troops was far greater than at first believed. Even Russian women and young girls, newly liberated from German concentration camps in Poland and in Germany, were brutally violated. The thousands of Russian women taken to Germany for forced labour also fell victims to the rapists. ā€˜I waited for the Red Army for days and nights. I waited for my liberation, but now our soldiers treat us far worse than the Germans didā€™ said one Maria Shapoval,ā€™They do terrible things to usā€™.

Russian/Soviet Gang Rape and Murder of Protestant Prussian Women, 1945 | Vatican Assassins
yes---the Russian army was brutal-------is that the point you are trying to make? How does that transform
in "the demands of a jewish writer"?
yes---the Russian army was brutal-------is that the point you are trying to make? How does that transform
in "the demands of a jewish writer"?

Not Russians only.
UK and USA were more brutal.
Did you heard something about Morgenthau Plan, Jewish Brigade which brutally murdered thousands of high ranking German officers without court and sentence
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Ohhh... poor, poor Nazis. How can anyone not feel sorry for them?
Well, you've convinced me ... where can I get my copy of 'Mein Kampf'?
One day Hitler decided to go to Jewish fortune teller to learn about his future.

The fortune teller told him, 'You will die on a Jewish holiday'. Hitler was curious, 'Which Jewish holiday will it be?', asked Der Fuhrer.

To which the fortune teller replied, 'It doesn't matter, any day you die will be a Jewish holiday'.
yes---the Russian army was brutal-------is that the point you are trying to make? How does that transform
in "the demands of a jewish writer"?

Not Russians only.
UK and USA were more brutal.
Did you heard something about Morgenthau Plan, Jewish Brigade which brutally murdered thousands of high ranking German officers without court and sentence

Seems odd to equate the Morgenthau Plan with mass murder,

a PLAN which was never implemented, by the way.

So on one side, the Soviets, you have mass murder, rape and genocide, and

on the other, the US, you have a plan that was about de industrialization, and was not even enacted,

And you say the Americans were MORE brutal?

That seems insane.
One day Hitler decided to go to Jewish fortune teller to learn about his future.

The fortune teller told him, 'You will die on a Jewish holiday'. Hitler was curious, 'Which Jewish holiday will it be?', asked Der Fuhrer.

To which the fortune teller replied, 'It doesn't matter, any day you die will be a Jewish holiday'.

As well-known Jews are dancing and singing when their enemies are dead.Like Haman and his ten sons who are condemned almost three thousands years. Stupid goyim must forgive their enemies, but revenge seeking Jews will condemn them up to fifty generations.
One of my kinsman helped free a concentration camp. They held the German guards for the Jews who were strong enough to stand up and wield a weapon. Tough that.

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