Illinois City Cancels 4th of July Parade Due To COVID, But Launches Juneteenth And LGBT Pride Events

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The town of Evanston, Illinois, part of the Chicago metro area, has determined that there will be no physical July 4 celebration in 2021, however, a Juneteenth concert-style event and a LGBT pride “drive by parade” are offered by the city during the month of June.

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Predicted the left would use this to preempt the 4th of July. Keep that race war going, can’t have this Communist Revolution without it....Ask pres. KAMALTOE!
It's not about fairness.
It's about division.
Hey Illinois, Get out your flags and your sparklers and enjoy Independence Day.
And if you really want to tip over their barrel..
Enjoy both the LGBT and Juneteenth Celebrations.
REMEMBER these belong to everyone too.
They want to use them to divide us.
But we COULD use them to UNITE us.

Have to learn to play their game and throw it back in their face.
Unless you really are offended by LGBT and Juneteenth, then stay home and don't let them have the satisfaction of another riot where mostly innocent people have to bleed for their childish games.

Be wise.. and safe.
These assholes are proking some shit that ain't gonna work in their benefit.

The billionaire globalists won't be physically harmed regardless of course, but their bed wetting drones are too stupid to understand what they're facing. The best part is they believe it's gonna be "white men flying confederate flags" that come out to fight, but they're going to be cannibalized by starving ghetto rats when the "white men flying confederate flags" stop driving trucks full of food, fuel, and everything else into their cities because there won't be any money in it.

I love my Country.
I love all the diversity, the freedoms, the cultures..
That's what Makes America Great.

Some people would rather have you be offended at such ideas. Diversity is a bad word, freedom means slavery, and cultures belong only to the culture that it originated with. Anything outside this is pure racism.

You can be angry, and you can be offended. I don't know exactly why though?
I know why they want us to be angry and offended. But do we always have to do what they want?

The tables will surely turn against them in the end. And it already is, that's why they are panicking.

But we don't need to panic on the other side.
I never truly understood how one grasshopper could control a whole army of ants.

When ALL the people finally realize... there are no sides. There are only masters and slaves.

I love my Country.
I love all the diversity, the freedoms, the cultures..
That's what Makes America Great.

Some people would rather have you be offended at such ideas. Diversity is a bad word, freedom means slavery, and cultures belong only to the culture that it originated with. Anything outside this is pure racism.

You can be angry, and you can be offended. I don't know exactly why though?
I know why they want us to be angry and offended. But do we always have to do what they want?

The tables will surely turn against them in the end. And it already is, that's why they are panicking.

But we don't need to panic on the other side.
I never truly understood how one grasshopper could control a whole army of ants.

When ALL the people finally realize... there are no sides. There are only masters and slaves.

I love that cartoon.
The town of Evanston, Illinois, part of the Chicago metro area, has determined that there will be no physical July 4 celebration in 2021, however, a Juneteenth concert-style event and a LGBT pride “drive by parade” are offered by the city during the month of June.

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Predicted the left would use this to preempt the 4th of July. Keep that race war going, can’t have this Communist Revolution without it....Ask pres. KAMALTOE!
So whats the problem? Juneteenth celebrates a day when everyone was free which is more important than the 4th that celebrates freedom for whites from european white rule. Its way more important to celebrate Juneteenth than any of those other white only holidays.
Evanston's priorities are clear. May the covid plague sweep through their politicians like
a tornado through a tiny Alabama trailer park.
Fuck them, if my comments weren't clear enough.
The 4th of July is more about religious freedom and freedom from tyranny, than racial.
Lot of different ethnicities came over to escape prosecution from oppression.
By the King, by the Church..
We came here so ALL people could be free.
It may have had a really rocky start. But eventually the true intent of the letter became clear.
We hold these truths to be self-evident....
you know, the thing...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

God Bless America!
The town of Evanston, Illinois, part of the Chicago metro area, has determined that there will be no physical July 4 celebration in 2021, however, a Juneteenth concert-style event and a LGBT pride “drive by parade” are offered by the city during the month of June.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Predicted the left would use this to preempt the 4th of July. Keep that race war going, can’t have this Communist Revolution without it....Ask pres. KAMALTOE!
So whats the problem? Juneteenth celebrates a day when everyone was free which is more important than the 4th that celebrates freedom for whites from european white rule. Its way more important to celebrate Juneteenth than any of those other white only holidays. many WHITE MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to free all those BLACK PEOPLE?.....More precisely it should be called THANK YOU WHITE FOLKS for freeing us, while many of today's Muslim countries STILL HAVE BLACK SLAVES.....Your welcome!
How many MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to free other MEN who were being held captive?
Thank You America for putting an end to slavery for all Mankind.
Now let's get to work on the rest of the world...
shall we?

Virtue signal and accommodate the aberrants. Lock down those who pay the freight
The town of Evanston, Illinois, part of the Chicago metro area, has determined that there will be no physical July 4 celebration in 2021, however, a Juneteenth concert-style event and a LGBT pride “drive by parade” are offered by the city during the month of June.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Predicted the left would use this to preempt the 4th of July. Keep that race war going, can’t have this Communist Revolution without it....Ask pres. KAMALTOE!
So whats the problem? Juneteenth celebrates a day when everyone was free which is more important than the 4th that celebrates freedom for whites from european white rule. Its way more important to celebrate Juneteenth than any of those other white only holidays. many WHITE MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to free all those BLACK PEOPLE?.....More precisely it should be called THANK YOU WHITE FOLKS for freeing us, while many of today's Muslim countries STILL HAVE BLACK SLAVES.....Your welcome!
The only person I know that lost their lives for the freedom of Black people is John Brown. So fuck you and the rest of white people who only fought to keep the south from eventually enslaving whites later on. None of your other bullshit is relevant to US history.
How many MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to free other MEN who were being held captive?
Thank You America for putting an end to slavery for all Mankind.
Now let's get to work on the rest of the world...
shall we?

"Thank You America for putting an end to slavery for all Mankind."

America was late to the party by almost a century. The first country to outlaw slavery forever was a Black country. Education is important.
The town of Evanston, Illinois, part of the Chicago metro area, has determined that there will be no physical July 4 celebration in 2021, however, a Juneteenth concert-style event and a LGBT pride “drive by parade” are offered by the city during the month of June.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Predicted the left would use this to preempt the 4th of July. Keep that race war going, can’t have this Communist Revolution without it....Ask pres. KAMALTOE!
So whats the problem? Juneteenth celebrates a day when everyone was free which is more important than the 4th that celebrates freedom for whites from european white rule. Its way more important to celebrate Juneteenth than any of those other white only holidays. many WHITE MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to free all those BLACK PEOPLE?.....More precisely it should be called THANK YOU WHITE FOLKS for freeing us, while many of today's Muslim countries STILL HAVE BLACK SLAVES.....Your welcome!
The only person I know that lost their lives for the freedom of Black people is John Brown. So fuck you and the rest of white people who only fought to keep the south from eventually enslaving whites later on. None of your other bullshit is relevant to US history.
Just goes to show you how ignorant you arrogant negroes truly are!

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