Illegal immigration separate familes


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Send them back to Mexico to unite them with families they left behind is the compassionate, humane and fair thing to do. Illegal aliens left children and spouses, parents, aunt and uncles and cousins and friends behind when the came here and have been separated for years. Some children born here have never seen their grand-parents and it would be a real culture shock to uproot them from their homes and bring them here to a country where they do not speak the language or know the culture.

Illegal immigration separate families and deportation unite them.
We cannot afford to bring elder parents here, put them on welfare and Medicaid and eventually long term institutionalized care.

Amnesty with chain migration of uneducated poor people will bankrupt his country and turn it into a welfare state and a police state. Poverty create crime. Illegal aliens are low income earners and pay very little in taxes if any to contribute to their retirement, economy, etc. illegal immigration is a liability and not an asset.

A path to citizenship with chain migration will destroy u.s. and Mexico. Put Americans first and enforce our immigration law and secure the border.

Those children of illegal aliens need to go back to Mexico, join the military and clean up their own country and make a better life for all of Mexico. What did great Mexicans do? They did not tuck tail and run for another country when the going got rough. They stayed and fought. Anchor babies are citizens of Mexico also. Do the right, legal and compassionate thing for Mexico and America and enforce our immigration laws and secure our border and unite families.

The punishment for illegal immigration is deportation and not amnesty.

If Obama cannot get the job done we need to put someone in office who can. Obama stand of illegal aliens legal immigration shows he is not the man for the job.Barack Obama on Immigration Obama’s plan for illegal immigration will destroy immigration. Just because 20 million people have entered this country illegal does not prove our immigration system it broken. It proves our government is broken. It allows over 500,000 to immigrate to this country legally each year and H-2A Visas allow unlimited worker for farmers.

14 million unemployed Americans and Obama want to import more through amnesty and chain migration? If we are not a welfare state now, we will be and a police state. The most violent and dangerous gangs have entered this country illegally. Poverty creates crime. We cannot fix gangs and the crime that come with them. We do not need more unskilled worker, but more doctors and nurses.

If we want to fix illegal immigration, Obama is not the man for the job.
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He say illegal should not get healthcare and he say they should be allowed to collect Society Security, welfare and Medicaid.

He say they should not be allow to work but want to issue them work permits.

He say he want to secure the border and crack down on business that hire illegal aliens and yet he want to make it easier for the to enter the country.

Barack Obama on Immigration

They don’t all come to work. 20 million in the country and 8 million in the workforce. What are the other 12 million doing? Some of producing anchor babies and collecting cash welfare grants, food stamps, Medicaid and public housing. Freebies. Some are killing 8 Americans and raping 8 children daily and dealing drugs and other gang related crimes. Hispanic and black crime on the rise because of the economy.
Black and Hispanic Crime on the Rise - POST SCRIPTS
Obama blamed the presidential government when he was in the senate but now he is the presidential government and he is not doing anything different.

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