Illegal Aliens Can Sue?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Yes, they can.

As a practicing litigator for several years, I've had the chance to see countless cases in which the plaintiff (the one doing the suing) is an illegal alien.

Yes—illegal aliens can sue! This sometimes comes as a surprise to normal people. One court reporter, told about this during a deposition break several years ago, was so stunned her mouth hung open for several seconds before she could compose herself.

"But they're not even supposed to be here," she said, in her working-class New York accent.

True. But lawyers have tricks to explain this away.

I am not aware of any statistics kept on what percentage of lawsuits in America are brought by illegal aliens. (I also don't know how much it all costs, but the toll on taxpayers, consumers, insurance premium-payers, etc. must be astronomical.) So, you'll have to take my anecdotal word on what I've seen.

This is a scandal. Seems it would be pretty easy for a state legislature to stop this practice... but then, it would also be pretty to stop illegal immigration, period, and nobody's doing that.
I'd like to say im suprised but. well, we are where we are for a reason. Complete willful ignorance on the government's behalf.

Sorry, its NOT the governments fault. Its society's fault.

We must learn to take responsibility for our own missteps.

The courts have the ability to dismiss these law suits out of hand, and ARREST the plaintiff on the spot.

I would also suggest a counter suit of biblical proportions against the ATTORNEY that brought the law suit in the first place.

These nusance suits would go away forthwith.
Sorry, its NOT the governments fault. Its society's fault.

We must learn to take responsibility for our own missteps.

The courts have the ability to dismiss these law suits out of hand, and ARREST the plaintiff on the spot.

I would also suggest a counter suit of biblical proportions against the ATTORNEY that brought the law suit in the first place.

These nuisance suits would go away forthwith.

If that were the case, it would have been done already. The fact is that policitians put laws into place that allow these things to be possible. Otherwise lawyers wouldnt try it. If a lawyer felt that the risk was greater than the reward, then believe me they wouldnt be there. So the reward must either be really great or there really isnt any risk. I think its the later. Government inputs these laws without the consent or will of the people and we only have recourse every 2 to 4 to 6 years. But by then the damage is done.

I don't see how society can take the blame here when most of us don't want illegals but we don't have the authority to do anything about it except vote and pray the guy we put in has the will to do something about it and has the power to get it done.
If that were the case, it would have been done already. The fact is that policitians put laws into place that allow these things to be possible. Otherwise lawyers wouldnt try it. If a lawyer felt that the risk was greater than the reward, then believe me they wouldnt be there. So the reward must either be really great or there really isnt any risk. I think its the later. Government inputs these laws without the consent or will of the people and we only have recourse every 2 to 4 to 6 years. But by then the damage is done.

I don't see how society can take the blame here when most of us don't want illegals but we don't have the authority to do anything about it except vote and pray the guy we put in has the will to do something about it and has the power to get it done.

Agreed--the power of the vote has been eroded to the point where it may in fact be gone. The poll that purports to show Bushs' lack of support in Iraq is shoved in our faces daily yet the poll that purports to show how many Americans want illegals sent home without amnesty is nowhere to be seen. We need a lawyer for president like a hole in the head. Edwards ?:cuckoo:
I just did what the female New York lawyer did. Mouth dropped for a few seconds before I could really even compose myself. That's not to say I'm surprised. I'm not. However, I am grossly disappointed in this.
To grant illegals the privilege of suing in our courts is just outrageous!

Whatever happened to America as a law abiding nation? Too much looking the other way or dereliction of duty by those in authority when it comes to carrying out the laws on the books. Voters had better start holding our politicians feet to the fire on enforcing the laws--or instead of 12 million illegals in this country we will have five times that amount.
To grant illegals the privilege of suing in our courts is just outrageous!

Whatever happened to America as a law abiding nation? Too much looking the other way or dereliction of duty by those in authority when it comes to carrying out the laws on the books. Voters had better start holding our politicians feet to the fire on enforcing the laws--or instead of 12 million illegals in this country we will have five times that amount.
At least we're not as corrupt as Bangladesh or Chad.
If that were the case, it would have been done already. The fact is that policitians put laws into place that allow these things to be possible. Otherwise lawyers wouldnt try it. If a lawyer felt that the risk was greater than the reward, then believe me they wouldnt be there.

I totally agree insein, the difference being, the ABILITY to react is already there.

So the reward must either be really great or there really isn't any risk. I think its the later.

Well, of course there isn't any risk, at least not to THEIR thinking. But, the opportunity exists to punish them for their MISSTEPS. We don't need any more laws.

Government inputs these laws without the consent or will of the people and we only have recourse every 2 to 4 to 6 years. But by then the damage is done.

Don't you believe it. That's the party line, and it ain't true.

The court can cancel these suits without a moments notice, if they are of the mind. And, therein lies the problem.

RECOURSE is ours at ANYTIME, we just need the BALLS to take it.

Ya need to do just a little more research.

I don't see how society can take the blame here when most of us don't want illegals but we don't have the authority to do anything about it except vote and pray the guy we put in has the will to do something about it and has the power to get it done.[/QUOTE]

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