Illegal Alien With ‘Dangerous Form’ of TB Escapes Authorities, On Loose in California


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Liberals like to pretend that all the illegals are innocent children. Some are murderous gang members, drug dealers, rapists, pedophiles and just plain sleazy. And the left likes to pretend that all of them come from countries with better healthcare than America and that they are all immunized better than we are. Sadly, that isn't true. There is a resistant strain of TB in Mexico and they are bringing it here. We will have to deal with that. The liberal media refuses to cover anything negative because Obama doesn't want them to. He orchestrated this latest surge of illegal immigration and they don't dare cross him by telling the truth.

Rosas Cruz needs a nine-month regime of medicine, which Alvaro said the patient is not even close to completing.

In court papers filed in support of the warrant, public health officials say Rosas Cruz resisted treatment from the start. He also uses crack cocaine and methamphetamine.
California’s new laws prohibiting the detainment of illegal aliens who haven’t been convicted of so-called “serious crimes” have ensured that Cruz has been able to evade both ICE detainers and deportation, while remaining as a serious health risk in the United States.

Top Right News contacted Gov. Jerry Brown’s office, asking why Cruz was not detained given his immigration status and health condition, but did not respond by press time.
The Obama Administration has come under harsh attack for its failure to properly screen illegal aliens for contagious diseases during the current mass border crossing, as TRN has reported in numerous articles. One border agent said they are seeing diseases “that we haven’t seen in decades.”[/QUOTE]

Illegal Alien With ‘Dangerous Form’ of TB Escapes Authorities, On Loose in California
Illegal Alien With 'Dangerous Form' of TB Escapes Authorities, On Loose in California | Top Right News
hospital with pot holing rats, 43million on food stamps,babies roast in cars, mutant crack addicts infecting California ............where are those nice religious nutters to lay blame on the gays when you need them.
hospital with pot holing rats, 43million on food stamps,babies roast in cars, mutant crack addicts infecting California ............where are those nice religious nutters to lay blame on the gays when you need them.

yeah...seems like the ever - inflammatory Top Right News is at their making up news best lately.
Did anyone ever stop to consider what the Border Patrol is doing? Did anyone stop to check the procedures they use?

Sorry................but one of the first tests when they are taken into custody is for tuberculosis.

And no...............I don't think that someone decided to escape, nor do I think if they tried, they would have made it.

Sorry.....................but it just sounds like a lot more fear mongering from the right. Wanna talk about how Ebola is going to infect this country? Ebola hasn't been seen outside of African (and these kids come from South American) places since it was discovered.

I mean crap...............even doctors (who are trying to spread the fear) have had to admit that there aren't that many diseases that could come from these kids.

We've got more cases of a disease in those people who wish to not inoculate their children because of their religious views.

I challenge ANYONE on these boards to prove where these refugee children pose a serious health threat, and you've got to do it with real news stories and not some blog bullshit.
They are not currently screening the illegals. Too many of them. This type of TB has been in Mexico and apparently there is no effort by the Mexican government or our government to try and get a handle on it.

When will the left admit that we are not talking about children here? Gangs and terrorists are coming in. That's a fact. Just because the lapdog media is forbidden to report it doesn't mean the problem isn't bad.
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They are not currently screening the illegals. Too many of them. This type of TB has been in Mexico and apparently there is no effort by the Mexican government or our government to try and get a handle on it.
Thats because in a good Catholic country like Mexico its cheaper and more PC than abortions or birth control.:badgrin:
Did anyone ever stop to consider what the Border Patrol is doing? Did anyone stop to check the procedures they use?

Sorry................but one of the first tests when they are taken into custody is for tuberculosis.

And no...............I don't think that someone decided to escape, nor do I think if they tried, they would have made it.

Sorry.....................but it just sounds like a lot more fear mongering from the right. Wanna talk about how Ebola is going to infect this country? Ebola hasn't been seen outside of African (and these kids come from South American) places since it was discovered.

I mean crap...............even doctors (who are trying to spread the fear) have had to admit that there aren't that many diseases that could come from these kids.

We've got more cases of a disease in those people who wish to not inoculate their children because of their religious views.

I challenge ANYONE on these boards to prove where these refugee children pose a serious health threat, and you've got to do it with real news stories and not some blog bullshit.
They are not currently screening the illegals. Too many of them. This type of TB has been in Mexico and apparently there is no effort by the Mexican government or our government to try and get a handle on it.

When will the left admit that we are not talking about children here? Gangs and terrorists are coming in. That's a fact. Just because the lapdog media is forbidden to report it doesn't mean the problem isn't bad.

Interesting...............we can currently screen every one we put into prison or jail, yet we can't screen the kids coming over the border because there are too many of them.

Sorry, but there are more people being put in jail every day than what there is coming across the border.

"This type of TB has been in Mexico and there is no effort to get a handle on it" (paraphrasing, you can read the whole quote above). Got any links to prove your bullshit claims?

Oh yeah.....................when was the last gang member or terrorist caught in the flood of these kids, and if there was one caught, can you name the gang or the terrorist group they belong to?

Quit the fear mongering Clementine...................not only is it getting old when the GOP does it, it's getting old when shills such as yourself do it.

Sorry..............but I don't live in a country of fear. I hope that the country that I defended for over 21 years (as a member of the U.S. Navy), has more sack than that. If we let the pussies scare us into becoming a nation of intolerance, then I guess that the 21 years of my live that I spent defending it was all for naught.

I mean.....................other countries take in a hell of a lot more refugees. Most of what we're being asked to help are those from countries that don't border ours (and Jr. signed that into law in 2008).

Why do you blame Obama for something that Jr. implemented?
Did anyone ever stop to consider what the Border Patrol is doing? Did anyone stop to check the procedures they use?

Sorry................but one of the first tests when they are taken into custody is for tuberculosis.

And no...............I don't think that someone decided to escape, nor do I think if they tried, they would have made it.

Sorry.....................but it just sounds like a lot more fear mongering from the right. Wanna talk about how Ebola is going to infect this country? Ebola hasn't been seen outside of African (and these kids come from South American) places since it was discovered.

I mean crap...............even doctors (who are trying to spread the fear) have had to admit that there aren't that many diseases that could come from these kids.

We've got more cases of a disease in those people who wish to not inoculate their children because of their religious views.

I challenge ANYONE on these boards to prove where these refugee children pose a serious health threat, and you've got to do it with real news stories and not some blog bullshit.


They'd rather believe what some fear mongering right wing pseudo news site says.

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