Illegal Alien Commits Murder After Release from NYPD Custody


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
So, once again, the Democrats are complicit in murder...

NEW YORK – Denery Steven Lemus-Najarro, 21, is in federal custody following his Aug. 18, arrest by the New York Police Department. The unlawfully present Guatemalan citizen was charged due to his involvement in a gang-related shooting in Queens, New York.

“It’s important that the citizens of New York City understand that the sanctuary city policies enacted by local politicians jeopardize public safety,” said Thomas R. Decker, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) New York field office director. “These policies embolden gang members, such as Lemus-Najarro, to brazenly commit crimes in this city without fear of repercussion. It’s unfortunate that the lives and safety of the citizens they have been elected to protect are second to those of the criminal aliens. ICE detainers are an important tool this agency uses to remove violent criminals from our communities.”

According to public court documents, Lemus-Najarro, is an alleged 18th Street gang member who has an outstanding removal order. Law enforcement officers identified Lemus-Najarro as the suspect in the Aug. 14 shooting in Queens. The incident left one man with a gunshot wound to the leg.

In January, NYPD arrested Lemus-Najarro on criminal possession of a firearm charges. Following the subject’s arrest, ERO officers lodged a detainer with NYPD. The detainer was not honored and Lemus-Najarro was released from custody and back into the community.

On Aug. 20, the FBI’s New York Metro Safe Streets Task Force arrested Lemus-Najarro on illegal alien in possession of a firearm or ammunition charges. He is currently detained in U.S. Marshals Service custody pending trial.
So, once again, the Democrats are complicit in murder...

NEW YORK – Denery Steven Lemus-Najarro, 21, is in federal custody following his Aug. 18, arrest by the New York Police Department. The unlawfully present Guatemalan citizen was charged due to his involvement in a gang-related shooting in Queens, New York.

“It’s important that the citizens of New York City understand that the sanctuary city policies enacted by local politicians jeopardize public safety,” said Thomas R. Decker, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) New York field office director. “These policies embolden gang members, such as Lemus-Najarro, to brazenly commit crimes in this city without fear of repercussion. It’s unfortunate that the lives and safety of the citizens they have been elected to protect are second to those of the criminal aliens. ICE detainers are an important tool this agency uses to remove violent criminals from our communities.”

According to public court documents, Lemus-Najarro, is an alleged 18th Street gang member who has an outstanding removal order. Law enforcement officers identified Lemus-Najarro as the suspect in the Aug. 14 shooting in Queens. The incident left one man with a gunshot wound to the leg.

In January, NYPD arrested Lemus-Najarro on criminal possession of a firearm charges. Following the subject’s arrest, ERO officers lodged a detainer with NYPD. The detainer was not honored and Lemus-Najarro was released from custody and back into the community.

On Aug. 20, the FBI’s New York Metro Safe Streets Task Force arrested Lemus-Najarro on illegal alien in possession of a firearm or ammunition charges. He is currently detained in U.S. Marshals Service custody pending trial.
And the sh*t happens AGAIN. Disgraceful.
I worked for 7 years as a bartender at a Mexican restaurant. The owner of that restaurant employed many illegals and I got to know some of them quite well. I have remained friends with a few of these co workers, many of them (regardless of their crime of illegally entering the USA) are decent, hardworking folks just trying to make a better life for themselves.

However that doesn't mean that many of the illegals employed there were up to no good, and did not care about committing crimes or getting caught..because they knew they could just flee back to Mexico at the drop of a hat. I saw this happen more than once.

I once saw an illegal get into a fight at an after hours party at the bar. Stabbed a guy a couple of times then took off. When the cops showed up to ask questions about where to find "Freddie" the knife wielding one actually knew his real name. Or would tell the cops what it was if they did.

Presumably "Freddie" had ran back to Mexico where he will not ever be held accountable for his crime.

Another example was the boyfriend of a server we had. Her name was Belen and her boyfriend (an illegal) was named "Julio". A week before her quinceanera Belen's daughter came to her with the tale of how "Julio" had been molesting her.

Well, when "Julio" found out that there were cops and some very angry hermanos looking for him.. Guess what he did? That's right! "Julio" just took off back to Mexico..where he is free to go on molesting young girls.

"Julio" and "Freddie" were just two examples of the many instances where I would see things of this nature play out like this, during my 7 years working around illegals at the restaurant. No one ever knew who these people actually were, so they were able to easily disappear to continue preying upon the citizens of our country.

These are the kinds of things that Democrats want to condone and continue to allow to happen when they advocate for open borders and abolishing ICE. The only thing that will stop these criminals/degenerates from coming here, and taking advantage of our generosity/hospitality is better border security. You aren't ever going to get that voting for Democrats.

We need to halt illegal immigration immediately, then start making sure the people entering our nation are the kind of folks that we want here, and deserve to be here.
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Democrats aid and abet foreign nation criminals.

The Democrat party is a terrorist organization and many of its members are terrorist. The guys burning cars and businesses are just as bad as the Democrats who aid and abet them.

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