Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib Respond to PA Ban on LGBTQ Activities


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
...The post by Al-Qaws lists five ways to "support Palestinian queers." It includes a call to "realize that colonialism, patriarchy and homophobia are all connected forms of oppression" and to "steer clear of pinkwashing" as a necessary part of reporting on the issue.

"Pinkwashing" is a term used to denote a country using gay rights as an attempt to promote itself.

As part of the call to recognize the forms of oppression, the group writes that "singling out incidents of homophobia in Palestinian society ignores the complexities of Israel's colonization and military occupation being a contributing factor to Palestinian LGBTQ oppression."
Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib respond to Palestinian Authority's LGBTQ ban

No. This is not somehow Israel's fault.
I don't think the Ultra Orthodox like it very well.

The ultra-Orthodox make up a growing percentage of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, a sign of the rapidly expanding population of strictly religious Jews as Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its founding on May 14.

With more than 56,000 residents, Beitar Illit is one of the most populated settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation for more than half a century.

Most residents are ultra-Orthodox and strictly observe Jewish law in all aspects of daily life.

Men dress in black suits while women wear long dresses and cover their heads. There are no movie theatres, and traffic comes to a halt for 24 hours from Friday evening to mark Shabbat, the weekly day of rest.
Ultra-Orthodox population grows in Israeli settlements
I don't think the Ultra Orthodox like it very well.

The ultra-Orthodox make up a growing percentage of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, a sign of the rapidly expanding population of strictly religious Jews as Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its founding on May 14.

With more than 56,000 residents, Beitar Illit is one of the most populated settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation for more than half a century.

Most residents are ultra-Orthodox and strictly observe Jewish law in all aspects of daily life.

Men dress in black suits while women wear long dresses and cover their heads. There are no movie theatres, and traffic comes to a halt for 24 hours from Friday evening to mark Shabbat, the weekly day of rest.
Ultra-Orthodox population grows in Israeli settlements

Address the topic.
I don't think the Ultra Orthodox like it very well.

The ultra-Orthodox make up a growing percentage of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, a sign of the rapidly expanding population of strictly religious Jews as Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its founding on May 14.

With more than 56,000 residents, Beitar Illit is one of the most populated settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation for more than half a century.

Most residents are ultra-Orthodox and strictly observe Jewish law in all aspects of daily life.

Men dress in black suits while women wear long dresses and cover their heads. There are no movie theatres, and traffic comes to a halt for 24 hours from Friday evening to mark Shabbat, the weekly day of rest.
Ultra-Orthodox population grows in Israeli settlements

Address the topic.

I did. What is this about Israel or Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib ?
Lol blame Muslim discrimination against gays on Israel. What a crock

Where do the Ultra Orthodox live, in the West Bank:
The Haredim: Opponents of the LGBT Advancements in Israel
Reasoning Behind the Haredi Belief System and Consequences
One group in strong opposition to the LGBT movement is the ultra-orthodox sector, the haredim, who comprise almost 20% of Israeli society (Roginsky lecture, 10 Jan 2017) and whose numbers are growing rapidly. The haredim disapprove of same-sex marriage because it is a clear biblical prohibition. In the Bible, homosexual intercourse is described as to’evah, and the Talmud views the word as a composite of to’eh atah bah, or “you have gone astray.”[17] No homosexual marriages can be conducted in Israeli courts, and the haredim view such relationships as an abomination. Haredi have consistently had representation in the Knesset and also consistently vote against pro-LGBT laws.
Third Place — A Critical Examination of Israeli LGBT Advancements: Genuine Progress or Attempts at Elevated Global Status? | The Yale Review of International Studies
I don't think the Ultra Orthodox like it very well.

The ultra-Orthodox make up a growing percentage of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, a sign of the rapidly expanding population of strictly religious Jews as Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its founding on May 14.

With more than 56,000 residents, Beitar Illit is one of the most populated settlements in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation for more than half a century.

Most residents are ultra-Orthodox and strictly observe Jewish law in all aspects of daily life.

Men dress in black suits while women wear long dresses and cover their heads. There are no movie theatres, and traffic comes to a halt for 24 hours from Friday evening to mark Shabbat, the weekly day of rest.
Ultra-Orthodox population grows in Israeli settlements

Address the topic.

I did. What is this about Israel or Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib ?

Blaming Israel for the ban from the PA.
Lol blame Muslim discrimination against gays on Israel. What a crock

Where do the Ultra Orthodox live, in the West Bank:
The Haredim: Opponents of the LGBT Advancements in Israel
Reasoning Behind the Haredi Belief System and Consequences
One group in strong opposition to the LGBT movement is the ultra-orthodox sector, the haredim, who comprise almost 20% of Israeli society (Roginsky lecture, 10 Jan 2017) and whose numbers are growing rapidly. The haredim disapprove of same-sex marriage because it is a clear biblical prohibition. In the Bible, homosexual intercourse is described as to’evah, and the Talmud views the word as a composite of to’eh atah bah, or “you have gone astray.”[17] No homosexual marriages can be conducted in Israeli courts, and the haredim view such relationships as an abomination. Haredi have consistently had representation in the Knesset and also consistently vote against pro-LGBT laws.
Third Place — A Critical Examination of Israeli LGBT Advancements: Genuine Progress or Attempts at Elevated Global Status? | The Yale Review of International Studies
Muslims throw gays off rooftops. Stop sounding so damn ignorant.
All abrahamic faith's condemn homosexuality.
Lol blame Muslim discrimination against gays on Israel. What a crock

Where do the Ultra Orthodox live, in the West Bank:
The Haredim: Opponents of the LGBT Advancements in Israel
Reasoning Behind the Haredi Belief System and Consequences
One group in strong opposition to the LGBT movement is the ultra-orthodox sector, the haredim, who comprise almost 20% of Israeli society (Roginsky lecture, 10 Jan 2017) and whose numbers are growing rapidly. The haredim disapprove of same-sex marriage because it is a clear biblical prohibition. In the Bible, homosexual intercourse is described as to’evah, and the Talmud views the word as a composite of to’eh atah bah, or “you have gone astray.”[17] No homosexual marriages can be conducted in Israeli courts, and the haredim view such relationships as an abomination. Haredi have consistently had representation in the Knesset and also consistently vote against pro-LGBT laws.
Third Place — A Critical Examination of Israeli LGBT Advancements: Genuine Progress or Attempts at Elevated Global Status? | The Yale Review of International Studies
Muslims throw gays off rooftops. Stop sounding so damn ignorant.
All abrahamic faith's condemn homosexuality.

This is the Tel-Aviv Pride Parade, is one of the world’s most lauded LGBT events – and it is quite a scene to behold. Tel-Aviv itself is frequently ranked one of the most gay-friendly destinations in the world, and Israel is often considered the most liberal country in the Middle East, especially in regard to LGBT matters. Despite this, some critics claim that Israeli society is not as progressive as the government attempts to portray. As of today, Israel still does not recognize gay marriage, and a significant proportion of the population views the LGBT community as a disgrace.
I'm sure there are no gays in Israel, but they just visit there.
"There is no world where I can sit down at the dining room table and explain to my children that I just endorsed Donald Trump for president," Horn said. "It is contrary to everything that I have ever taught them about what it means to be a good, decent, principled member of society."

In her letter to Kabel and Homan, Horn said she disagreed with the endorsement because of Trump's "regular verbal assaults against women, immigrants, elected members of Congress, party members who do not agree with him on policy or principle and his willingness to stoke racial anger and unrest in order to advance his own political ambitions all subvert the founding principles of our great nation."

Board member resigns from Republican LGBT group over Trump endorsement

Republicans have always declared moral superiority over gay people. Well they’ve lost that now. They are the party of hate. And the one group of people they hate above all others? Gay people.
Lol blame Muslim discrimination against gays on Israel. What a crock

Where do the Ultra Orthodox live, in the West Bank:
The Haredim: Opponents of the LGBT Advancements in Israel
Reasoning Behind the Haredi Belief System and Consequences
One group in strong opposition to the LGBT movement is the ultra-orthodox sector, the haredim, who comprise almost 20% of Israeli society (Roginsky lecture, 10 Jan 2017) and whose numbers are growing rapidly. The haredim disapprove of same-sex marriage because it is a clear biblical prohibition. In the Bible, homosexual intercourse is described as to’evah, and the Talmud views the word as a composite of to’eh atah bah, or “you have gone astray.”[17] No homosexual marriages can be conducted in Israeli courts, and the haredim view such relationships as an abomination. Haredi have consistently had representation in the Knesset and also consistently vote against pro-LGBT laws.
Third Place — A Critical Examination of Israeli LGBT Advancements: Genuine Progress or Attempts at Elevated Global Status? | The Yale Review of International Studies
Muslims throw gays off rooftops. Stop sounding so damn ignorant.
All abrahamic faith's condemn homosexuality.

This is the Tel-Aviv Pride Parade, is one of the world’s most lauded LGBT events – and it is quite a scene to behold. Tel-Aviv itself is frequently ranked one of the most gay-friendly destinations in the world, and Israel is often considered the most liberal country in the Middle East, especially in regard to LGBT matters. Despite this, some critics claim that Israeli society is not as progressive as the government attempts to portray. As of today, Israel still does not recognize gay marriage, and a significant proportion of the population views the LGBT community as a disgrace.
I'm sure there are no gays in Israel, but they just visit there.

And yet, you managed to somehow avoid the PA ban and blame it on Israel anyway.
"There is no world where I can sit down at the dining room table and explain to my children that I just endorsed Donald Trump for president," Horn said. "It is contrary to everything that I have ever taught them about what it means to be a good, decent, principled member of society."

In her letter to Kabel and Homan, Horn said she disagreed with the endorsement because of Trump's "regular verbal assaults against women, immigrants, elected members of Congress, party members who do not agree with him on policy or principle and his willingness to stoke racial anger and unrest in order to advance his own political ambitions all subvert the founding principles of our great nation."

Board member resigns from Republican LGBT group over Trump endorsement

Republicans have always declared moral superiority over gay people. Well they’ve lost that now. They are the party of hate. And the one group of people they hate above all others? Gay people.

The topic is the PA ban and blaming it on Israel.
The boardmember from the log cabin that quit because of their endorsement of Donald Trump makes a good point. What will you tell your children? You’re endorsing a racist and a liar and an adulterer and a man who has unprotected sex with porn stars a man who hurt children and tortured people fleeing danger?
And his entire life has been scandal and theft and dishonesty and immorality. And now he’s the face of the Republican Party. They see him as a person to admire. They see him as a role model for their children.

And other criminal behavior and the illegalities that he’s committed will be exposed once he’s out of office because he won’t have Bill Barr there anymore to protect him.

Democrats will run on the legacy of Donald Trump for a generation. Republicans are saddled with the worst administration in history after Bush, the second worst administration in history.
The boardmember from the log cabin that quit because of their endorsement of Donald Trump makes a good point. What will you tell your children? You’re endorsing a racist and a liar and an adulterer and a man who has unprotected sex with porn stars a man who hurt children and tortured people fleeing danger?
And his entire life has been scandal and theft and dishonesty and immorality. And now he’s the face of the Republican Party. They see him as a person to admire. They see him as a role model for their children.

And other criminal behavior and the illegalities that he’s committed will be exposed once he’s out of office because he won’t have Bill Barr there anymore to protect him.

Democrats will run on the legacy of Donald Trump for a generation. Republicans are saddled with the worst administration in history after Bush, the second worst administration in history.

All of that to avoid the topic.
"There is no world where I can sit down at the dining room table and explain to my children that I just endorsed Donald Trump for president," Horn said. "It is contrary to everything that I have ever taught them about what it means to be a good, decent, principled member of society."

In her letter to Kabel and Homan, Horn said she disagreed with the endorsement because of Trump's "regular verbal assaults against women, immigrants, elected members of Congress, party members who do not agree with him on policy or principle and his willingness to stoke racial anger and unrest in order to advance his own political ambitions all subvert the founding principles of our great nation."

Board member resigns from Republican LGBT group over Trump endorsement

Republicans have always declared moral superiority over gay people. Well they’ve lost that now. They are the party of hate. And the one group of people they hate above all others? Gay people.

The topic is the PA ban and blaming it on Israel.
Gay people of the world over face the same threat from this administration. You have Mike Pence who passed draconian anti-gay laws while he was governor and you have Mike pompeo another evangelical who hates gay people.
The worst that happens to gay people anywhere in the world will happen to gay people here if this administration has their way. Even the death sentences in Africa began with influence from American evangelicals.
Lol blame Muslim discrimination against gays on Israel. What a crock

Where do the Ultra Orthodox live, in the West Bank:
The Haredim: Opponents of the LGBT Advancements in Israel
Reasoning Behind the Haredi Belief System and Consequences
One group in strong opposition to the LGBT movement is the ultra-orthodox sector, the haredim, who comprise almost 20% of Israeli society (Roginsky lecture, 10 Jan 2017) and whose numbers are growing rapidly. The haredim disapprove of same-sex marriage because it is a clear biblical prohibition. In the Bible, homosexual intercourse is described as to’evah, and the Talmud views the word as a composite of to’eh atah bah, or “you have gone astray.”[17] No homosexual marriages can be conducted in Israeli courts, and the haredim view such relationships as an abomination. Haredi have consistently had representation in the Knesset and also consistently vote against pro-LGBT laws.
Third Place — A Critical Examination of Israeli LGBT Advancements: Genuine Progress or Attempts at Elevated Global Status? | The Yale Review of International Studies
Muslims throw gays off rooftops. Stop sounding so damn ignorant.
All abrahamic faith's condemn homosexuality.

This is the Tel-Aviv Pride Parade, is one of the world’s most lauded LGBT events – and it is quite a scene to behold. Tel-Aviv itself is frequently ranked one of the most gay-friendly destinations in the world, and Israel is often considered the most liberal country in the Middle East, especially in regard to LGBT matters. Despite this, some critics claim that Israeli society is not as progressive as the government attempts to portray. As of today, Israel still does not recognize gay marriage, and a significant proportion of the population views the LGBT community as a disgrace.
I'm sure there are no gays in Israel, but they just visit there.

And yet, you managed to somehow avoid the PA ban and blame it on Israel anyway.

I didn't ignore anything, the orthodox jews live in the West Bank.

As of today, Israel still does not recognize gay marriage, and a significant proportion of the population views the LGBT community as a disgrace.
What a hilarious crock of shit! There is no safer place to be a homo in the Middle East than in Israel. Tel Aviv is one of the nicest cities I've ever visited and their night life is crazy.

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