If's there's fraud in the electoral process of a Biden victory then Trump should not leave office.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?

Oh jeezus...Not more of this shit...

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Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?


No she did not. And Biden is running against tramp.
"Yet another Trump follower calls for a fascist coup following the Biden landslide win. FIlm at 11."

When Trump wins will you accept the results? No of course not....you didn't accept them four years ago and still have not....so shut the fuck up hypocrite....it's not the right out in the streets burning down minority businesses it's you. When the real right takes time off from work to handle your trash it won't take to long for you assume the fetal position like Captain Red.

When Trump wins will you accept the results?

Of course we would. Being Democrats, we're not fascist traitors.

You shouldn't project. You're assuming that because you're a treasonous party hack, the opposition must be the same. That's not the case. We are not like you.

you didn't accept them four years ago and still have not..

What a stupid, stupid lie on your part. You're not even pretending to be in touch with reality. You're just making up weird butthurt stories.

And why are you doing that? Because you're trying to justify supporting a fascist coup, using the big lie that Democrats did it too, so it's okay. What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?

..so shut the fuck up hypocrite....

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you a pissy little liar

Enjoy getting your butt kicked. None of your lies can prevent that now.
When Trump wins will you accept the results? No of course not.

Dems are already on record stating they will not accept a Trump victory under any circumstances. In 2016 they accused Trump of being unwilling to accept the election results, naturally as they believe they had the win in the bag. When Trump won it was the Dems who refused to accept the election results, shocker.
That no one would be a clear winner absolutely does not justify that the previous President would remain in office after the specific legal date.
Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?

cool. as trumptards are already convinced that a loss for their moron is proof of fraud, then their moron will never have to cede power. just like his best friend kim.
As long as the duopoly reigns, it doesn't make much difference which front-person occupies a chair. Nevertheless, there is a law about the person changing at a specific date.
If (as is likely) Mr. Biden eventually wins after all the court challenges, Mr. Trump will, of course, graciously congratulate the winner.

You can fool people, but you cannot fool FATE.

If the Dems win by fraudulent means, they will eventually pay the price -- in a way that is beyond our comprehension at this time.
Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?


No she did not. And Biden is running against tramp.
Yes she did and more
Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?

cool. as trumptards are already convinced that a loss for their moron is proof of fraud, then their moron will never have to cede power. just like his best friend kim.
Trump is right again. Hillary has already said that if they don't have enough votes they will simply manufacture the votes.

There's no secret about it. It's not Trump that is against the peaceful transfer of power....it's the Dems and they have been at it for nearly four years now .... NOT ACCEPTING A PEACEFUL TRANSFER ....... Protesting, rioting, shooting cops.....attacking innocent people. Who the fuxck are the Democrat's talking about when it comes to this shit? Are you kidding me.....they have already made it clear that they will not accept anything but Trump's defeat so when he wins, and trust me he will....Where will the rhetoric about peaceful transfer of power be then?

As a rule of thumb, whatever you see their yapping MONKEYS repeating and yelling about in the media and then repeated on this site by those MONKEYS, you can assume that is PRECISELY WHAT THEY ARE GUILTY OF.

They accuse accuse accuse all day and night and EVERYTHING they accuse others of, that is exactly what they are guilty of.


They are guilty of collusion with Russia and Ukraine

They all use more fossil fuels than anyone in history.

They all support countries that execute gays for being gay and hate countries that protect them with rights.

They all use minorities as political cannon fodder and that is all they are to them.

So, you can be sure when their brainwashed MONKEYS accuse Trump of voter fraud....take a guess what's happening.

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