If you were a Christie enthusiast, how does his Romney endorsement affect you?


Feb 14, 2011
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?
I agree with Christie, and I'm happy he has made now the time to endorse Romney, because our party should accept that Romney has earned the chance to represent the party, and is the most qualified to beat Obama.

I have issues with Romney, and (from my POV) he's not ideal to run the country, but I think both sides would share that sentiment...Its usually better to have both sides unhappy, than one side happy and the other not - I think that makes for a healthy democracy..
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I like Christie but I don't like his liberal view on illegal immigration. Romney is stronger on dealing with illegal immigration so this is a great endorsement!

Like a lot of conservatives, I will settle for either combination of a Romney/Cain ticket. My life has been on hold for three years now, just like all of us. Can you imagine the DOW the day after Romeny wins?
Like a lot of conservatives, I will settle for either combination of a Romney/Cain ticket. My life has been on hold for three years now, just like all of us. Can you imagine the DOW the day after Romeny wins?

cain isn't going to be on any ticket.

but do tell how your life has been "on hold"...

I disagree....I can see cain as the veep, especially now that Rubio said he's not interested.
Still holding to my Romney/Petraeus ticket
Romney for economy & domestic issues and Petraeus for the military/CIA to keep dealing w/terrorism
I could see also Petraeus at Defense and a DC experienced southerner as VP, like Mitch McConnell
Like a lot of conservatives, I will settle for either combination of a Romney/Cain ticket. My life has been on hold for three years now, just like all of us. Can you imagine the DOW the day after Romeny wins?

cain isn't going to be on any ticket.

but do tell how your life has been "on hold"...

I disagree....I can see cain as the veep, especially now that Rubio said he's not interested.
Right now, Cain is a hot commodity, if Romney Wins,and Cain was a very close second,and the GOP sees a landslide with Cain as VP,,wouldn't you think Romney would choose Cain? especially when polls show that Cain will take over 35% of the Black vote?
I already liked Romney and have donated to his campaign and will vote for him in the primary. So for me, Christie's endorsement is really just a cherry on top.
Still holding to my Romney/Petraeus ticket
Romney for economy & domestic issues and Petraeus for the military/CIA to keep dealing w/terrorism
I could see also Petraeus at Defense and a DC experienced southerner as VP, like Mitch McConnell

That could be.

Nobody should be surprised Christie endorsed Romney. He's a moderate who slammed the "crazies" in the party.
I like Christie but I don't like his liberal view on illegal immigration. Romney is stronger on dealing with illegal immigration so this is a great endorsement!


I love his endorsement because after thoroughly studying Mitt Romney including reading his book, " No Apology" for the second time and reading his job's plan and his health care plan the he passed in MA---BTW- there is no comparison to Obama care- after realizing that he took Ma from a 3 billion dollar deficit and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years without raising taxes, he has my support and my vote. Not only that his business experience is awesome, what he did with the Salt Lake City olympics will go down in history books he took a failing business plan and turned it into the most successful olympics ever, not to mention what he did with Bain capitol. He understands business, knows how to create jobs and grow this economy, he will repeal Obamacare ASAP, repeal Dodd/Frank pass a balanced budget amendement and he will deal effectively with China who has been eating our lunch, stealing our jobs and our product designs. That's a winning solution. Christy is one smart governor, he knows his stuff and he knows the right candidate who can pull all of this off or he would not have endorsed Romney.

Chris Christie Endorses Mitt Romney Before G.O.P. Presidential Debate - NYTimes.com
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

If Romeny wins the primary I will likely vote for him.
Christie... yech.

This has nothing to do with anything as far as the TP wingers are concerned, since they cannot make a mistake.
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

If Romeny wins the primary I will likely vote for him.
Christie... yech.

This has nothing to do with anything as far as the TP wingers are concerned, since they cannot make a mistake.

I think he will win the primary, while all of the other candidates have had wild swings in their poll numbers Romney has held steady with about 25% of the GOP vote. That tells me he has a very strong base support, now all he needs to do is build on that. With Christy, ( a very popular governor in a deep blue state) comes out and endorses him, many will follow suit.

All people need to do is read a little about Romney and they too will be impressed, he has an awesome resume.
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

If Romeny wins the primary I will likely vote for him.
Christie... yech.

This has nothing to do with anything as far as the TP wingers are concerned, since they cannot make a mistake.

I think he will win the primary, while all of the other candidates have had wild swings in their poll numbers Romney has held steady with about 25% of the GOP vote. That tells me he has a very strong base support, now all he needs to do is build on that. With Christy, ( a very popular governor in a deep blue state) comes out and endorses him, many will follow suit.

All people need to do is read a little about Romney and they too will be impressed, he has an awesome resume.

He is too reasonable and not radical enough for the TP types though.
However if he wins the primary they will suddenly be very supportive of him.
That will make me hold my nose to vote for him.
If you were a Chris Christie supporter, does his endorsement of Romney hold any sway with you?

Or did you already like Romney also?

The ONLY reason why anyone was looking at Christie at all is that he's not Romney.

The GOP rank and file desperately wants a "Not Romney", while the GOP establishment wants to shove the guy down their throats.

So I lost any interest in what Christie the Hutt had to say after he wasn't running. He's gone in 2013 anyway..
I like Christie, but his endorsement of Romney is a little disappointing, if not completely predictable. Both are New England Republicans, so it's really just birds of a feather. Having said that, it's gonna suck because Romney isn't going to win.
I still couldn't care less about who Christie endorses. It doesn't make Romney anymore interesting than he was before.

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