If you like your flag you can keep it. Just pay the fine.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
My tolerance for bed wetters is getting very thin.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPmSgMTXiqo&feature=youtu.be]Town of Campbell WI Police Write Citations For Displaying US Flag - YouTube[/ame]
Free speech is no longer an actual right anymore. Some of the laws this asinine nation has passed make me sick.

What is freedom of speech supposed to mean when you can’t even carry a sign on your person.
If someone had gotten a ticket for an American flag this would be worth discussing.
"You work for us...."
No. They don't. The police work for the corporation doing business as the city/state, (i.e. Corporation DBA the City of New Orleans). A corporation is a business - it is not a true government. It's "laws" are based in statutes which are not based in law but have the power and effect of law.

"....protect and to serve...."
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no obligation to protect or serve the people/"citizens". Their only duty is to their employer, the corporation.

"...since you're doing your job"
A police officers job is to generate income for the corporation that employs him/her.

"...a hundred, ninety-two dollars and ninety cents..."
Again, a police officers job is to generate income for the corporation that employs him/her. They do this mostly by ticketing or arresting people for victimless crimes such as holding a sign or flag or having a burned out tag or tail light.

Unfortunately, most cops are not aware that they are revenue agents and actually believe they are doing something meaningful for society at large. And those who do know are not willing to give up their well paying macho man jobs to work at McDonald's - one of the few other places most are qualified to work at.

Don't argue with cops – educate cops!
Yelling at, insulting or arguing with cops serves one purpose - to widen the already great divide that exists between the people and cops. It is much wiser (and much more productive) to know what you are talking about and share that with the cop you are facing. Always remember: When you tick a cop off, he has the gun and he might pull you over on a dark and lonely street some night and just might remember who you are.
I would deal with these tickets by demanding a trial by jury, as is a "right" under Wisconsin Legislative statute 972.02:
"972.02  Jury trial; waiver.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, criminal cases shall be tried by a jury selected as prescribed in s. 805.08, unless the defendant waives a jury in writing or by statement in open court or under s. 967.08 (2) (b), on the record, with the approval of the court and the consent of the state.
(2) At any time before the verdict in a felony case, the parties may stipulate in writing or by statement in open court, on the record, with the approval of the court, that the jury shall consist of any number less than 12. If the case is a misdemeanor case, the jury shall consist of 6 persons. "

Demand a trial by jury on tickets and watch how quickly your ticket gets reduced or forgotten about entirely.
If someone had gotten a ticket for an American flag this would be worth discussing.

Perhaps you should watch again then because that is exactly what happened to some of these people. Not all of them were holding signs (the other thing that got them tickets). It does not Matter though because it is equally outrageous that they are getting tickets for holding signs also. I would swear that people have no concept what free speech actually means or looks like. It is pathetic.

The SCOTUS has determined that limiting corporate donations to campaign ads is a violation of free speech but holding a sign is not protected. That is absolutely insane.

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